Use this as a template to write a design document when adding new commands or major features to SAM CLI. It helps other developers understand the scope of the project, validate technical complexity and feasibility. It also serves as a public documentation of how the feature actually works.
1. Copy this template to another file in the designs
1. Fill out the sections in the template
1. Send a "Work In Progress" Pull Request with your design document. We can discuss the designs in more detail and
iterate on the requirements. Feel free to start implementing a prototype if you think it will help flush out design.
1. Once the PR is approved, create Github Issues for each task listed in the document and start implementing them.
Explain the changes to command line interface, including adding new commands, modifying arguments etc
Are there any breaking changes to CLI interface? Explain
Explain how this feature will be implemented. Highlight the components of your implementation, relationships between components, constraints, etc.
Explain the new configuration entries, if any, you want to add to .samrc
Tip: How does this change impact security? Answer the following questions to help answer this question better:
What new dependencies (libraries/cli) does this change require?
What other Docker container images are you using?
Are you creating a new HTTP endpoint? If so explain how it will be created & used
Are you connecting to a remote API? If so explain how is this connection secured
Are you reading/writing to a temporary folder? If so, what is this used for and when do you clean up?
How do you validate new .samrc configuration?
- [x] Send a Pull Request with this design document
- [ ] Build the command line interface
- [ ] Build the underlying library
- [ ] Unit tests
- [ ] Functional Tests
- [ ] Integration tests
- [ ] Run all tests on Windows
- [ ] Update documentation