This file contains code for the actual game built using Pygame as well as the Tabular RL agent.
The original implementation can be found here. The code has been refactored for the purposes of this project. Separate classes have been used for the Snake Agent, Environment and Reward.
The game can be played through the following command:
My representation uses 7 bits of information to describe the current state of the snake:
- 4 bits of information to define the relative position of the fruit with respect to the head of the snake
- 3 bits of information for obstacles right in front of the head, to the immediate right and left of the head
An alternative state space representation could utilise 8 bits, treating the up, down, left and right directions separately.
The snake has 3 possible actions:
- Do nothing: The snake continues to move in the same direction
- Turn right: The snake turns right to change its direction
- Turn left: The snake turns left to change its direction
An alternative action space could consist of 4 actions - up, down, left, right.
I have used a fairly simple reward scheme that can be optimized to improve the performance of the agent:
- Reward of +5 if the snake moves closer to the fruit
- Reward of -5 if the snake moves away from the fruit
- Reward of +500 for eating the fruit
- Reward of -1000 for crashing
The starting learning rate and ε parameter for an ε-greedy policy are 0.5 and 0.01. Without decaying these hyperparameters, the training behaviour of the agent is extremely erratic. With annealing, the performance is more consistent. The agent has achieved a maximum score of 64.
The python file
accepts the following command-line arguments:
followed by the algorithm to train the agent. The options include Sarsa, Q-Learning, Expected-Sarsa, Dyna-Q, compare. Compare plots the relative performance of the algorithms--episodes
followed by the number of episodes to train the agent for
Example Usage:
python3 --algorithm q-learning --episodes 500
The training phase is run at a higher fps. Every 10 episodes, the game is slowed down to observe the progress of the agent. This is also used to plot the average reward obtained by the agent.