This project is an ongoing one to analyse the survey results gathered from the London East Asia Festival (LEAFF).
It seeks to gauge how successful the festival was to audience memebers who attended the festival and participated in filling out the survey.
Due to data sensitivity and confidentiality, we have masked the data from this repository.
There are two versions of the report:
- report.Rmd - the PDF version
- index.Rmd - the HTML version.
These two are slightly different with respect to the PDF version only having the following at the top:
tufte::tufte_handout: default
Whereas the HTML version has the following at the top:
tufte::tufte_html: default
citation_package: natbib
latex_engine: xelatex
link-citations: yes
It also has a very small adjustment in Figure 2 where we can use the %
symbol for the HTML version but not the PDF version. This is potentially due to TeX renderer that's used to generate the PDF version.