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97 lines (75 loc) · 3.55 KB

File metadata and controls

97 lines (75 loc) · 3.55 KB



As npm module

npm i @avcs/autosuggest --save

As bower component

bower install avcs-autosuggest --save

As standalone JavaScript plugin

<script type="text/javascript" src="@avcs/autosuggest/dist/AutoSuggest.js"></script>



// uncomment next line if using as npm module
// import AutoSuggest from '@avcs/autosuggest';
var instance = new AutoSuggest(options, ...inputFields);


caseSensitive: Boolean (default: false)
Setting it to true will show suggestions only if the case of search value matches the case of suggestion.

maxSuggestions: Number (default: 10)
Maximum number of suggestions to be shown in the dropdown, suggestions will be taken from the top of SuggestionList.

onChange: Function<element, Suggestion> (optional)

suggestions: Array<SuggestionList | Object<Options for SuggestionList>> (default: [])


addInputs: Function<...inputFields<DOMElement | Array<DOMELement> | Iterable<DOMElement>>
Enable the autosuggest on new input fields after the instantiation.

removeInputs: Function<...inputFields<DOMElement | Array<DOMELement> | Iterable<DOMElement>>
Disable the autosuggest on the input fields.

destroy: Function<>
Disable autosuggest on all input fields.



// uncomment next line if using as npm module
// import SuggestionList from '@avcs/autosuggest/es/SuggestionList';
var suggestionList = new SuggestionList(options);


trigger: String | undefined (default: undefined)
This SuggestionList will be activated on typing the trigger, all the text typed after trigger is used as keyword for matching suggestions. If trigger is undefined, space is considered as trigger.

caseSensitive: Boolean (default: false)
This will overwrite the caseSensitive option from AutoSuggest

values: Array<Suggestion> | Function<keyword: String, callback: Function<Array<Suggestion>>> required


Suggestion as Object

on: Array<String> | String
These are the values used for matching, if the search value matches any of these values, this Suggestion will be shown in suggestions.

show: String
This value will be shown in the dropdown. (supports HTML)

insertText: String
This value will be inserted into the place of trigger and keyword as is.

If there is no insertText, insertHtml will be used as a string in case of input and textarea elements.

insertHtml: String
This value will be inserted into the place of trigger and keyword as Html Element.

If there is no insertHtml, insertText will be used in case of contenteditable.

focusText: [StartIndex, EndIndex]
StartIndex and EndIndex of the content that should be in focus after inserting the text. As of now these indexes should be calculated as (0 - numberOfCharactersFromEnd)

focusHtml: [StartIndex, EndIndex]
StartIndex and EndIndex of the content that should be in focus after inserting the HTML. As of now these indexes should be calculated as (0 - numberOfCharactersFromEnd). This should not include the characters from HTML tags

value: string
This will be used in the place of missing on, show and insertText values

Suggestion as String

If Suggestion is passed as string it will be converted into following Suggestion object

    on: [suggestion],
    show: suggestion,
    insertText: suggestion