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File metadata and controls

103 lines (74 loc) · 3.81 KB


DB Service is built using the Phoenix framework which is based on Elixir programming language. Before setting up this project, there are certain tools required to be installed on your machine.


Install the following packages using your favorite package manager. Links are provided for some

  • Install Elixir

    • Once installed, verify the installations using:

      elixir --version
      mix --version
  • Install Postgres

    • Run the following steps to install Postgres on a Mac device

      brew install postgresql
      brew services start postgresql
    • Once installed, verify the installations using postgres --version. You should be able to see:

      postgres (PostgreSQL) 14.9 (Homebrew)
    • For Postgres, this app defaults to postgres as both the username and password. This can be edited in config/dev.exs file.

    • Create a new database for the application called dbservice_dev. You can do this by running the command: createdb dbservice_dev

    • You can also use interactive postgres terminal psql. To open database, use: psql -d dbservice_dev

    • Log into the database created.

    • Open the Postgres CLI and check the enabled extensions:

      SELECT * FROM pg_extension;
    • If the uuid-ossp module isn't showing up, then run the following command. We require this extension in order to support the Postgres' uuid_generate_v4 function that auto-generate UUIDs.

      CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp";

Recommended Versions

For development, we recommend using the following versions:

  • Elixir: 1.14.2
  • Erlang/OTP: 25

Installation steps

Follow the steps below to set up the repo for development

  1. Clone the repository and change the working directory

    git clone
    cd db-service/
  2. Start the Phoenix server:

    1. Install dependencies with mix deps.get
    2. Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
    3. Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server
  3. Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

  4. You can see Swagger docs at http://localhost:4000/docs/swagger/index.html.

  5. Please verify that localhost is part of whitelisted domains. If not, you can create a file db-service/config/.env and add the following lines to it:


Adding data to local database

You can add data to local database by running sh ./ This will fetch data from production/staging database and sync with your local database. Please ask repository owners for the following credentials:


Editor Support

For enhanced development experience with Elixir, consider installing ElixirLS: Elixir support and debugger from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

ElixirLS support matrix

OTP Versions Elixir Versions Supports ElixirLS
any <= 1.12 No
22 1.12 Yes
23 1.12 - 1.14 Yes
24 1.12 - 1.16 Yes
25 1.13.4 - 1.16 Yes
26.0.0 - 26.0.1 any No
26.0.2 - 26.1.2 1.14.5 - 1.16 *nix only
>= 26.2.0 1.14.5 - 1.16 Yes
any 1.15.5 Yes