Cox Mixture with Heterogenous Effects (CMHE) is a fully parametric approach
-to counterfactual phenotypes of individuals that demonstrate heterogneous
-effects to an intervention in terms of Time-to-Event outcomes in the presence
-of Censoring.
In the context of Healthcare ML and Biostatistics, this is known as 'Survival
-Analysis'. The key idea behind Deep Survival Machines is to model the
-underlying event outcome distribution as a mixure of some fixed k
-parametric distributions. The parameters of these mixture distributions as
-well as the mixing weights are modelled using Neural Networks.
Cox Mixture with Heterogenous Effects (CMHE) is a flexible approach to
+recover counterfactual phenotypes of individuals that demonstrate heterogneous
+effects to an intervention in terms of censored Time-to-Event outcomes.
+CMHE is not restricted by the strong Cox Proportional Hazards assumption
+or any parametric assumption on the time to event distributions. CMHE achieves
+this by describing each individual as belonging to two different latent groups,
+ \mathcal{Z} that mediate the base survival rate and \phi the effect
+of the treatment. CMHE can also be employed to model individual level
+counterfactuals or for standard factual survival regression.
For full details on Cox Mixtures with Heterogenous Effects, please refer to
+our preprint:
>>> from auton_survival import CoxMixtureHeterogenousEffects
>>> from auton_survival import DeepCoxMixturesHeterogenousEffects
>>> from auton_survival import datasets
>>> # load the SYNTHETIC dataset.
>>> x, t, e, a = datasets.load_dataset('SYNTHETIC')
->>> # instantiate a DeepSurvivalMachines model.
->>> model = CoxMixtureHeterogenousEffects()
+>>> # instantiate a Cox Mixtures with Heterogenous Effects model.
+>>> model = DeepCoxMixturesHeterogenousEffects()
>>> # fit the model to the dataset.
>>>, t, e, a)
>>> # estimate the predicted risks at the time
>>> model.predict_risk(x, 10)
+>>> # estimate the treatment effect phenogroups
+>>> model.predict_latent_phi(x)
A Deep Cox Mixtures with Heterogenous Effects model.
This is the main interface to a Deep Cox Mixture with Heterogenous Effects.
+A model is instantiated with approporiate set of hyperparameters and
+fit on numpy arrays consisting of the features, event/censoring times
+and the event/censoring indicators.
For full details on Deep Cox Mixture, refer to the paper [1].
[1] Nagpal, C., Goswami M., Dufendach K., and Artur Dubrawski.
+"Counterfactual phenotyping for censored Time-to-Events" (2022).
k : int
The number of underlying base survival phenotypes.
g : int
The number of underlying treatment effect phenotypes.
layers : list
A list of integers consisting of the number of neurons in each
+hidden layer.
>>> from auton_survival import DeepCoxMixturesHeterogenousEffects
+>>> model = DeepCoxMixturesHeterogenousEffects(k=2, g=3)
+>>>, t, e, a)