diff --git a/auton_survival/models/cph/dcph_api.py b/auton_survival/models/cph/dcph_api.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c9b73..0000000
--- a/auton_survival/models/cph/dcph_api.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-import torch
-import numpy as np
-from .dcph_torch import DeepCoxPHTorch, DeepRecurrentCoxPHTorch
-from .dcph_utilities import train_dcph, predict_survival
-from dsm.utilities import _get_padded_features, _get_padded_targets
-class DeepCoxPH:
- """A Deep Cox Mixture model.
- This is the main interface to a Deep Cox Mixture model.
- A model is instantiated with approporiate set of hyperparameters and
- fit on numpy arrays consisting of the features, event/censoring times
- and the event/censoring indicators.
- For full details on Deep Cox Mixture, refer to the paper [1].
- References
- ----------
- [1] Deep Cox Mixtures
- for Survival Regression. Machine Learning in Health Conference (2021)
- Parameters
- ----------
- k: int
- The number of underlying Cox distributions.
- layers: list
- A list of integers consisting of the number of neurons in each
- hidden layer.
- Example
- -------
- >>> from dsm.contrib import DeepCoxMixtures
- >>> model = DeepCoxMixtures()
- >>> model.fit(x, t, e)
- """
- def __init__(self, layers=None):
- self.layers = layers
- self.fitted = False
- def __call__(self):
- if self.fitted:
- print("A fitted instance of the Deep Cox PH model")
- else:
- print("An unfitted instance of the Deep Cox PH model")
- print("Hidden Layers:", self.layers)
- def _preprocess_test_data(self, x):
- return torch.from_numpy(x).float()
- def _preprocess_training_data(self, x, t, e, vsize, val_data, random_state):
- idx = list(range(x.shape[0]))
- np.random.seed(random_state)
- np.random.shuffle(idx)
- x_train, t_train, e_train = x[idx], t[idx], e[idx]
- x_train = torch.from_numpy(x_train).float()
- t_train = torch.from_numpy(t_train).float()
- e_train = torch.from_numpy(e_train).float()
- if val_data is None:
- vsize = int(vsize*x_train.shape[0])
- x_val, t_val, e_val = x_train[-vsize:], t_train[-vsize:], e_train[-vsize:]
- x_train = x_train[:-vsize]
- t_train = t_train[:-vsize]
- e_train = e_train[:-vsize]
- else:
- x_val, t_val, e_val = val_data
- x_val = torch.from_numpy(x_val).float()
- t_val = torch.from_numpy(t_val).float()
- e_val = torch.from_numpy(e_val).float()
- return (x_train, t_train, e_train, x_val, t_val, e_val)
- def _gen_torch_model(self, inputdim, optimizer):
- """Helper function to return a torch model."""
- return DeepCoxPHTorch(inputdim, layers=self.layers,
- optimizer=optimizer)
- def fit(self, x, t, e, vsize=0.15, val_data=None,
- iters=1, learning_rate=1e-3, batch_size=100,
- optimizer="Adam", random_state=100):
- r"""This method is used to train an instance of the DSM model.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x: np.ndarray
- A numpy array of the input features, \( x \).
- t: np.ndarray
- A numpy array of the event/censoring times, \( t \).
- e: np.ndarray
- A numpy array of the event/censoring indicators, \( \delta \).
- \( \delta = 1 \) means the event took place.
- vsize: float
- Amount of data to set aside as the validation set.
- val_data: tuple
- A tuple of the validation dataset. If passed vsize is ignored.
- iters: int
- The maximum number of training iterations on the training dataset.
- learning_rate: float
- The learning rate for the `Adam` optimizer.
- batch_size: int
- learning is performed on mini-batches of input data. this parameter
- specifies the size of each mini-batch.
- optimizer: str
- The choice of the gradient based optimization method. One of
- 'Adam', 'RMSProp' or 'SGD'.
- random_state: float
- random seed that determines how the validation set is chosen.
- """
- processed_data = self._preprocess_training_data(x, t, e,
- vsize, val_data,
- random_state)
- x_train, t_train, e_train, x_val, t_val, e_val = processed_data
- #Todo: Change this somehow. The base design shouldn't depend on child
- inputdim = x_train.shape[-1]
- model = self._gen_torch_model(inputdim, optimizer)
- model, _ = train_dcph(model,
- (x_train, t_train, e_train),
- (x_val, t_val, e_val),
- epochs=iters,
- lr=learning_rate,
- bs=batch_size,
- return_losses=True)
- self.torch_model = (model[0].eval(), model[1])
- self.fitted = True
- return self
- def predict_risk(self, x, t=None):
- if self.fitted:
- return 1-self.predict_survival(x, t)
- else:
- raise Exception("The model has not been fitted yet. Please fit the " +
- "model using the `fit` method on some training data " +
- "before calling `predict_risk`.")
- def predict_survival(self, x, t=None):
- r"""Returns the estimated survival probability at time \( t \),
- \( \widehat{\mathbb{P}}(T > t|X) \) for some input data \( x \).
- Parameters
- ----------
- x: np.ndarray
- A numpy array of the input features, \( x \).
- t: list or float
- a list or float of the times at which survival probability is
- to be computed
- Returns:
- np.array: numpy array of the survival probabilites at each time in t.
- """
- if not self.fitted:
- raise Exception("The model has not been fitted yet. Please fit the " +
- "model using the `fit` method on some training data " +
- "before calling `predict_survival`.")
- x = self._preprocess_test_data(x)
- if t is not None:
- if not isinstance(t, list):
- t = [t]
- scores = predict_survival(self.torch_model, x, t)
- return scores
-class DeepRecurrentCoxPH(DeepCoxPH):
- r"""A deep recurrent Cox PH model.
- This model is based on the paper:
- Leveraging
- Deep Representations of Radiology Reports in Survival Analysis for
- Predicting Heart Failure Patient Mortality. NAACL (2021)
- Parameters
- ----------
- k: int
- The number of underlying Cox distributions.
- layers: list
- A list of integers consisting of the number of neurons in each
- hidden layer.
- Example
- -------
- >>> from dsm.contrib import DeepRecurrentCoxPH
- >>> model = DeepRecurrentCoxPH()
- >>> model.fit(x, t, e)
- """
- def __init__(self, layers=None, hidden=None, typ="LSTM"):
- super(DeepRecurrentCoxPH, self).__init__(layers=layers)
- self.typ = typ
- self.hidden = hidden
- def __call__(self):
- if self.fitted:
- print("A fitted instance of the Recurrent Deep Cox PH model")
- else:
- print("An unfitted instance of the Recurrent Deep Cox PH model")
- print("Hidden Layers:", self.layers)
- def _gen_torch_model(self, inputdim, optimizer):
- """Helper function to return a torch model."""
- return DeepRecurrentCoxPHTorch(inputdim, layers=self.layers,
- hidden=self.hidden,
- optimizer=optimizer, typ=self.typ)
- def _preprocess_test_data(self, x):
- return torch.from_numpy(_get_padded_features(x)).float()
- def _preprocess_training_data(self, x, t, e, vsize, val_data, random_state):
- """RNNs require different preprocessing for variable length sequences"""
- idx = list(range(x.shape[0]))
- np.random.seed(random_state)
- np.random.shuffle(idx)
- x = _get_padded_features(x)
- t = _get_padded_targets(t)
- e = _get_padded_targets(e)
- x_train, t_train, e_train = x[idx], t[idx], e[idx]
- x_train = torch.from_numpy(x_train).float()
- t_train = torch.from_numpy(t_train).float()
- e_train = torch.from_numpy(e_train).float()
- if val_data is None:
- vsize = int(vsize*x_train.shape[0])
- x_val, t_val, e_val = x_train[-vsize:], t_train[-vsize:], e_train[-vsize:]
- x_train = x_train[:-vsize]
- t_train = t_train[:-vsize]
- e_train = e_train[:-vsize]
- else:
- x_val, t_val, e_val = val_data
- x_val = _get_padded_features(x_val)
- t_val = _get_padded_features(t_val)
- e_val = _get_padded_features(e_val)
- x_val = torch.from_numpy(x_val).float()
- t_val = torch.from_numpy(t_val).float()
- e_val = torch.from_numpy(e_val).float()
- return (x_train, t_train, e_train, x_val, t_val, e_val)
diff --git a/auton_survival/models/dcm/__init__.py b/auton_survival/models/dcm/__init__.py
index ead95f3..db5637b 100644
--- a/auton_survival/models/dcm/__init__.py
+++ b/auton_survival/models/dcm/__init__.py
@@ -21,22 +21,14 @@
-`dsm` includes extended functionality for survival analysis as part
-of `dsm.contrib`.
-Contributed Modules
-This submodule incorporates contributed survival analysis methods.
Deep Cox Mixtures
The Cox Mixture involves the assumption that the survival function
of the individual to be a mixture of K Cox Models. Conditioned on each
-subgroup Z=k; the PH assumptions are assumed to hold and the baseline
+subgroup \( Z=k \); the PH assumptions are assumed to hold and the baseline
hazard rates is determined non-parametrically using an spline-interpolated
Breslow's estimator.
@@ -58,4 +50,199 @@
-from .dcm_api import DeepCoxMixtures
+import torch
+import numpy as np
+from .dcm_torch import DeepCoxMixturesTorch
+from .dcm_utilities import train_dcm, predict_survival, predict_latent_z
+class DeepCoxMixtures:
+ """A Deep Cox Mixture model.
+ This is the main interface to a Deep Cox Mixture model.
+ A model is instantiated with approporiate set of hyperparameters and
+ fit on numpy arrays consisting of the features, event/censoring times
+ and the event/censoring indicators.
+ For full details on Deep Cox Mixture, refer to the paper [1].
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Deep Cox Mixtures
+ for Survival Regression. Machine Learning in Health Conference (2021)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ k: int
+ The number of underlying Cox distributions.
+ layers: list
+ A list of integers consisting of the number of neurons in each
+ hidden layer.
+ Example
+ -------
+ >>> from dsm.contrib import DeepCoxMixtures
+ >>> model = DeepCoxMixtures()
+ >>> model.fit(x, t, e)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, k=3, layers=None, gamma=1,
+ smoothing_factor=1e-2, use_activation=False):
+ self.k = k
+ self.layers = layers
+ self.fitted = False
+ self.gamma = gamma
+ self.smoothing_factor = smoothing_factor
+ self.use_activation = use_activation
+ def __call__(self):
+ if self.fitted:
+ print("A fitted instance of the Deep Cox Mixtures model")
+ else:
+ print("An unfitted instance of the Deep Cox Mixtures model")
+ print("Number of underlying cox distributions (k):", self.k)
+ print("Hidden Layers:", self.layers)
+ def _preprocess_test_data(self, x):
+ return torch.from_numpy(x).float()
+ def _preprocess_training_data(self, x, t, e, vsize, val_data, random_state):
+ idx = list(range(x.shape[0]))
+ np.random.seed(random_state)
+ np.random.shuffle(idx)
+ x_train, t_train, e_train = x[idx], t[idx], e[idx]
+ x_train = torch.from_numpy(x_train).float()
+ t_train = torch.from_numpy(t_train).float()
+ e_train = torch.from_numpy(e_train).float()
+ if val_data is None:
+ vsize = int(vsize*x_train.shape[0])
+ x_val, t_val, e_val = x_train[-vsize:], t_train[-vsize:], e_train[-vsize:]
+ x_train = x_train[:-vsize]
+ t_train = t_train[:-vsize]
+ e_train = e_train[:-vsize]
+ else:
+ x_val, t_val, e_val = val_data
+ x_val = torch.from_numpy(x_val).float()
+ t_val = torch.from_numpy(t_val).float()
+ e_val = torch.from_numpy(e_val).float()
+ return (x_train, t_train, e_train, x_val, t_val, e_val)
+ def _gen_torch_model(self, inputdim, optimizer):
+ """Helper function to return a torch model."""
+ return DeepCoxMixturesTorch(inputdim,
+ k=self.k,
+ gamma=self.gamma,
+ use_activation=self.use_activation,
+ layers=self.layers,
+ optimizer=optimizer)
+ def fit(self, x, t, e, vsize=0.15, val_data=None,
+ iters=1, learning_rate=1e-3, batch_size=100,
+ optimizer="Adam", random_state=100):
+ r"""This method is used to train an instance of the DSM model.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ x: np.ndarray
+ A numpy array of the input features, \( x \).
+ t: np.ndarray
+ A numpy array of the event/censoring times, \( t \).
+ e: np.ndarray
+ A numpy array of the event/censoring indicators, \( \delta \).
+ \( \delta = 1 \) means the event took place.
+ vsize: float
+ Amount of data to set aside as the validation set.
+ val_data: tuple
+ A tuple of the validation dataset. If passed vsize is ignored.
+ iters: int
+ The maximum number of training iterations on the training dataset.
+ learning_rate: float
+ The learning rate for the `Adam` optimizer.
+ batch_size: int
+ learning is performed on mini-batches of input data. this parameter
+ specifies the size of each mini-batch.
+ optimizer: str
+ The choice of the gradient based optimization method. One of
+ 'Adam', 'RMSProp' or 'SGD'.
+ random_state: float
+ random seed that determines how the validation set is chosen.
+ """
+ processed_data = self._preprocess_training_data(x, t, e,
+ vsize, val_data,
+ random_state)
+ x_train, t_train, e_train, x_val, t_val, e_val = processed_data
+ #Todo: Change this somehow. The base design shouldn't depend on child
+ inputdim = x_train.shape[-1]
+ model = self._gen_torch_model(inputdim, optimizer)
+ model, _ = train_dcm(model,
+ (x_train, t_train, e_train),
+ (x_val, t_val, e_val),
+ epochs=iters,
+ lr=learning_rate,
+ bs=batch_size,
+ return_losses=True,
+ smoothing_factor=self.smoothing_factor,
+ use_posteriors=True)
+ self.torch_model = (model[0].eval(), model[1])
+ self.fitted = True
+ return self
+ def predict_survival(self, x, t):
+ r"""Returns the estimated survival probability at time \( t \),
+ \( \widehat{\mathbb{P}}(T > t|X) \) for some input data \( x \).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ x: np.ndarray
+ A numpy array of the input features, \( x \).
+ t: list or float
+ a list or float of the times at which survival probability is
+ to be computed
+ Returns:
+ np.array: numpy array of the survival probabilites at each time in t.
+ """
+ x = self._preprocess_test_data(x)
+ if not isinstance(t, list):
+ t = [t]
+ if self.fitted:
+ scores = predict_survival(self.torch_model, x, t)
+ return scores
+ else:
+ raise Exception("The model has not been fitted yet. Please fit the " +
+ "model using the `fit` method on some training data " +
+ "before calling `predict_survival`.")
+ def predict_latent_z(self, x):
+ x = self._preprocess_test_data(x)
+ if self.fitted:
+ scores = predict_latent_z(self.torch_model, x)
+ return scores
+ else:
+ raise Exception("The model has not been fitted yet. Please fit the " +
+ "model using the `fit` method on some training data " +
+ "before calling `predict_latent_z`.")
diff --git a/auton_survival/models/dcm/dcm_api.py b/auton_survival/models/dcm/dcm_api.py
index 23d5857..d66478f 100644
--- a/auton_survival/models/dcm/dcm_api.py
+++ b/auton_survival/models/dcm/dcm_api.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import torch
import numpy as np
-from dsm.contrib.dcm.dcm_torch import DeepCoxMixturesTorch
-from dsm.contrib.dcm.dcm_utilities import train_dcm, predict_survival, predict_latent_z
+from .dcm_torch import DeepCoxMixturesTorch
+from .dcm_utilities import train_dcm, predict_survival, predict_latent_z
class DeepCoxMixtures:
diff --git a/auton_survival/models/dcm/dcm_utilities.py b/auton_survival/models/dcm/dcm_utilities.py
index e68ae3d..68b8e9c 100644
--- a/auton_survival/models/dcm/dcm_utilities.py
+++ b/auton_survival/models/dcm/dcm_utilities.py
@@ -321,4 +321,4 @@ def predict_latent_z(model, x):
gate_probs = torch.exp(gates).detach().numpy()
- return gate_probs
\ No newline at end of file
+ return gate_probs