Need shortcodes? This unopinionated and extensible shortcode parser can process shortcodes anywhere in your content, from any CMS.
This is an example of using the shortcode parser in content. {{ type: "replace", content: "Hello, world!" }}
-> This is an example of using the shortcode parser in content. Hello, world!
This is another example using variables. {{ type: "replace", content: "Hello, \${b.nested.value}!" }}
-> This is another example uusing variables. Hello, variables!
import ShortcodeParser from '@austinjherman/ah-shortcodes';
// We can feed the parser an object of variables to
// use in our shortcodes.
const variables = {
a: "ice cream",
b: {
nested: {
value: "variables"
c: "wine"
// We can write a simple function to run over our content.
// This function will simply replace the shortcode with the
// content inside of it.
const replaceParser = (content, obj, originalMatch) => {
const objType = obj.type;
if(objType === 'replace') {
const updatedContent = obj.content;
content = content.replace(originalMatch, updatedContent);
return content;
// Write as many filter functions as you want.
const filterFunctions = [replaceParser];
// Instantiate the parser.
sp = new ShortcodeParser(variables, filterFunctions);
// Resolve your shortcodes.
sp.parse("Your content here!! {{ type: 'replace', content: 'example' }}");
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