Caesar Cipher is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabetical order. Caesar cipher can be considered as a special case of monoalphabetic cipher. More information available here.
A monoalphabetic cipher is a substitution cipher in which the letters of the plaintext are mapped to ciphertext letters based on a single alphabetic key. It is done by replacing the letters in plaintext with the letters of ciphertext according to the key provided. More information available here
Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetric-key algorithm for the encryption of digital data. DES is a block cipher - an algorithm that takes a fixed-length string of plaintext bits and transforms it through a series of complicated operations into another ciphertext bitstring of the same length. Simplified DES (SDES) was designed for educational purposes only, to help students learn the structure of DES using smaller blocks and keys.
Properties :
- It is a Feistel block cipher
- Plaintext : 8 bit
- Key : 10 bit
- Ciphertext : 8 bit
More information here
The program which is a driving program (to take input from user, call required functions and output the results) can be run to test the working of SDES.
Also, the class SDES
can be used in your program as follows.
Encryption :
from SDES import SDES
plaintext = "Hello World"
key = 167
# Generate subkeys from the key
subkeys = SDES.generate_subkeys(key)
# Encrypt the plaintext using the subkeys
ciphertext = SDES.encrypt(plaintext, subkeys)
ciphertext = "".join(ciphertext)
print(ciphertext) # 1101001011000....110111101
Decryption :
from SDES import SDES
ciphertext = "1101001011000....110111101"
key = 167
# Generate subkeys from the key
subkeys = SDES.generate_subkeys(key)
# Reverse the subkeys for decryption
# Decrypt the ciphertext using the subkeys
plaintext = SDES.decrypt(ciphertext, subkeys)
plaintext = "".join(plaintext)
print(plaintext) # Hello World
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric key, block cipher algorithm used for encrypting digital data. Simplified AES (SAES) was designed for educational purposes only, to help students learn the structure of AES using smaller blocks and keys.
Properties :
- It is a non-feistel block cipher
- It is based on substitution-permutation network
- Plaintext : 16 bit
- Key : 16 bit
- Ciphertext : 16 bit
SAES structure :
Subkeys generation :
The program which is a driving program (to take input from user, call required functions and output the results) can be run to test the working of SAES.
Also, the class SAES
can be used in your program as follows.
Encryption :
from SAES import SAES
plaintext = "Hello World!"
key = 15476
# Generate subkeys from the key
subkeys = SAES.generate_subkeys(key)
# Encrypt the plaintext using the subkeys
ciphertext_blocks = SAES.encrypt(plaintext, subkeys)
# Get in hexadecimal format
ciphertext_hex = []
for i in ciphertext_blocks :
ciphertext_hex.append("{:04X}".format(int(i, 2)))
print(ciphertext_hex) # ['2670', '78F3', '37A9', '138C', '296F', '0A9C']
Decryption :
from SAES import SAES
ciphertext_hex = ['2670', '78F3', '37A9', '138C', '296F', '0A9C']
key = 15476
# Generate subkeys from the key
subkeys = SAES.generate_subkeys(key)
# Reverse the key pairwise
subkeys[0], subkeys[4] = subkeys[4], subkeys[0]
subkeys[1], subkeys[5] = subkeys[5], subkeys[1]
# Decrypt the ciphertext using the subkeys
plaintext_blocks = SAES.decrypt(ciphertext_hex, subkeys)
# Get the printable form of the decrypted plaintext
plaintext = []
for i in plaintext_blocks :
plaintext.append(chr(int(i[:8], 2)))
plaintext.append(chr(int(i[8:], 2)))
plaintext = "".join(plaintext)
print(plaintext) # Hello World!
RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is a public-key cryptosystem in which the encryption key is public and the decryption key is secret (private). An RSA user creates and publishes a public key based on two large prime numbers, along with an auxiliary value. The prime numbers are kept secret. Messages can be encrypted by anyone, via the public key, but can only be decoded by someone who knows the prime numbers. It is used for secure data transmission. More information available here
This repo demonstrates a simple implementation of RSA for educational purpose only.
The program which is a driving program (to take input from user, call required functions and output the results) can be run to test the working of RSA.
Also, the class RSA
can be used in your program as follows.
Encryption :
from RSA import RSA
plaintext = "Hello World"
p, q = 23, 17
# Perform encryption by passing required parameters
ciphertext = RSA.rsa_encryption(plaintext, p, q)
print(ciphertext) # [353, 271, 105, 105, 155, 110, 9, 155, 367, 105, 348]
Decryption :
from RSA import RSA
ciphertext = [353, 271, 105, 105, 155, 110, 9, 155, 367, 105, 348]
p, q = 23, 17
# Perform decryption by passing required parameters
plaintext = RSA.rsa_decryption(ciphertext, p, q)
plaintext = "".join(plaintext)
print(plaintext) # Hello World
- Refer the documents under
folder for more information and examples.