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+title: Flask-SocketIO Automated Documentation and Validation
+date: 2023-03-02T06:00:00+01:00
+featured: true
+type: Engineering
+tags: ['Python','SocketIO','Flask-SocketIO']
+cover: /img/posts/socketio-automatic-docs/cover.webp
+ - name: Daler Rahimov
+ photo: /img/avatars/dalerrahimov.webp
+ link: https://github.com/daler-rahimov/
+ byline: Python Engineer at Keyme LLC
+## What is Flask-SocketIO, SocketIO?
+If you are reading this blog, you are probably already familiar with SocketIO [python-socketio](https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/python-socketio) and [Flask-SocketIO](https://flask-socketio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/). If you want to learn more about them, please check the following resources:
+ - https://socket.io/docs/v4/
+ - https://www.asyncapi.com/blog/socketio-part1
+ - https://www.asyncapi.com/blog/socketio-part2
+## The problem
+Imagine that you are working on a large project that uses a Flask-SocketIO server to handle real-time communication between the client and the server. The server was originally well-documented, but over time the documentation has become out of date as the server has evolved and new features have been added.
+I found myself in the same situation. I needed to maintain and constantly add more documentation to a Flask-SocketIO server. To make this process more efficient, I sought a solution to automate documentation generation from the existing codebase. This would eliminate the need for team members to manually edit the AsyncAPI specification file every time there was a change, a challenging task for those unfamiliar with AsyncAPI. By automating this process, we could save time and reduce the workload for the team.
+To address this issue, I decided to implement SIO-AsyncAPI. This tool allows you to generate an AsyncAPI specification from your SocketIO server and validate incoming and outgoing messages against it. This functionality is similar to how FastAPI, Flask-RESTful, and other frameworks have long provided it for RESTful servers. Now, with [SIO-AsyncAPI](https://github.com/daler-rahimov/sio-asyncapi), it is possible to apply this approach to SocketIO servers as well.
+## How to use SIO-AsyncAPI
+Instead of giving you a detailed, step-by-step guide, we'll use a more exciting approach. We'll take the existing Flask-SocketIO server and add SIO-AsyncAPI. To make things even more interesting, we'll ask [ChatGPT](https://chat.openai.com/chat) to generate a server for us and use it as a real-world Flask-SocketIO server.
+### Generate a Flask-SocketIO server
+I had to ask ChatGPT for multiple alterations to get the desired result. Here are my queries to ChatGPT:
+>- create python flask-socket server that provides tic tac toe game api
+>- change previous code and add type hints
+>- for previous example use pydantic models instead of dictionaries
+And here is the final code that ChatGPT generated for us:
+from typing import List, Union
+from flask import Flask
+from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+app = Flask(__name__)
+socketio = SocketIO(app)
+games: dict[int, 'Game'] = {}
+class Game(BaseModel):
+ board: List[List[str]]
+ turn: str
+class MakeMoveData(BaseModel):
+ game_id: int
+ x: int
+ y: int
+def create_game() -> None:
+ # Create a new game and add it to the list of games
+ game_id = len(games) + 1
+ games[game_id] = Game(board=[['' for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(3)], turn='X')
+ # Send the game id to the client
+ emit('game_created', {'game_id': game_id})
+def make_move(data: MakeMoveData) -> None:
+ # Get the game and make the move
+ game = games[data.game_id]
+ board = game.board
+ turn = game.turn
+ board[data.x][data.y] = turn
+ # Check for a win or draw
+ result = check_game_status(board)
+ # Update the game state and send it to the client
+ if result == 'X':
+ emit('game_won', {'winner': 'X'})
+ elif result == 'O':
+ emit('game_won', {'winner': 'O'})
+ elif result == 'draw':
+ emit('game_drawn', {})
+ else:
+ games[data.game_id] = Game(board=board, turn='O' if turn == 'X' else 'X')
+ emit('move_made', {'board': board, 'turn': game.turn})
+def check_game_status(board: List[List[str]]) -> Union[str, None]:
+ # Check for a win or draw
+ for i in range(3):
+ if board[i] == ['X', 'X', 'X']:
+ return 'X'
+ if board[i] == ['O', 'O', 'O']:
+ return 'O'
+ if all(board[i][i] == 'X' for i in range(3)):
+ return 'X'
+ if all(board[i][i] == 'O' for i in range(3)):
+ return 'O'
+ if all(board[i][j] != '' for i in range(3) for j in range(3)):
+ return 'draw'
+ return None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ socketio.run(app, debug=True)
+It's not quite correct (e.g. data in `make_move` will be passed as a dictionary, not a Pydantic model), but it's good enough for our purposes.
+### Generate Mermaid diagram
+Now let's ask ChatGPT to generate a Mermaid diagram for us as well, so we can get a better illustration of our server:
+>- create mermaid diagram for previous example
+I had to alter the given diagram a bit, but here is the final result:
+ participant Client
+ participant SocketIOServer
+ Client ->> SocketIOServer: create_game
+ SocketIOServer -->> Client: game_created(game_id)
+ Client ->> SocketIOServer: make_move(game_id, x, y)
+ alt if_not_won_or_drawn
+ SocketIOServer -->> Client: move_made(board, turn)
+ end
+ alt if_won
+ SocketIOServer -->> Client: game_won(winner)
+ end
+ alt if_drawn
+ SocketIOServer -->> Client: game_drawn
+ end
+### Add SIO-AsyncAPI to the server
+Now let's imagine that this is our old server written in Flask-SocketIO and we want to add SIO-AsyncAPI. Here is how we would do it:
+1. Install SIO-AsyncAPI via `pip install sio-asyncapi`
+2. Change import statements
+# instead of `from flask_socketio import SocketIO`
+from sio_asyncapi import AsyncAPISocketIO as SocketIO
+3. Add an additional argument to the `AsyncAPISocketIO` constructor
+socketio = SocketIO(
+ app,
+ validate=True,
+ generate_docs=True,
+ version="1.0.0",
+ title="Tic-Tac-Toe API",
+ description="Tic-Tac-Toe Game API",
+ server_url="http://localhost:5000",
+ server_name="TIC_TAC_TOE_BACKEND",
+5. Tell the `@socketio.on` decorator to get models from the type hint.
+> Note: you can also pass `request_model` and `response_model` arguments to the `@socketio.on` decorator instead of using type hints.
+@socketio.on('make_move', get_from_typehint=True)
+Now type annotations will be used to generate the AsyncAPI specification and validate incoming/outgoing messages. Note that the return value from a function is not data sent by the `emit` function but rather the `acknowledge` value that the client receives.
+6. Add an `on_emit` decorator to register/document a SocketIO emit event. Since we are not defining `emit` function ourselves but only calling it, we need to tell SIO-AsyncAPI what to expect when `emit` is called. E.g
+class GameCreatedData(BaseModel):
+ game_id: int
+@socketio.doc_emit('game_created', GameCreatedData)
+def create_game():
+ ...
+ emit('game_created', {'game_id': game_id})
+### Get AsyncAPI specification
+Now we can get the AsyncAPI specification by calling the `socketio.asyncapi_doc.get_yaml()` function. Here is what the rendered specification looks like:
+![Figure 1:](/img/posts/socketio-automatic-docs/sio-asycnapi-pic1.webp)
+### Validation and Error handling
+SIO-AsyncAPI will automatically validate incoming and outgoing messages. If a message is invalid, it will raise one of these 3 exceptions: `EmitValidationError`, `RequestValidationError`, or `ResponseValidationError`.
+Flask-SocketIO has the `@socketio.on_error_default` decorator for default error handling that we can use. E.g.:
+def default_error_handler(e: Exception):
+ """
+ Default error handler. It is called if no other error handler is defined.
+ Handles RequestValidationError, EmitValidationError, and ResponseValidationError errors.
+ """
+ if isinstance(e, RequestValidationError):
+ logger.error(f"Request validation error: {e}")
+ return {'error': str(e)}
+ elif isinstance(e, ResponseValidationError):
+ logger.critical(f"Response validation error: {e}")
+ raise e
+ if isinstance(e, EmitValidationError):
+ logger.critical(f"Emit validation error: {e}")
+ raise e
+ else:
+ logger.critical(f"Unknown error: {e}")
+ raise e
+Instead of re-raising exceptions, we can return some error interpreted as an `acknowledge` value sent to the client. That's what we do in the example above when there is a `RequestValidationError`.
+This is how it looks like in FireCamp if we do not provide `game_id` in the `make_move` request:
+![Figure 2:](/img/posts/socketio-automatic-docs/sio-asycnapi-pic2.webp)
+Because the `make_move` request may return an error in the acknowledged value now, we should add a new `MakeMoveAckData` model and annotate the `make_move` function accordingly. This will automatically update the documentation in our AsyncAPI specification.
+class MakeMoveAckData(BaseModel):
+ error: Optional[str] = Field(None, description='The error message', example='Invalid move')
+@socketio.on('make_move', get_from_typehint=True)
+def make_move(data: MakeMoveData) -> MakeMoveAckData:
+ ...
+### Final Code and Specification
+Here is the final code of the server. I also added examples to Pydantic models to make the specification more readable.
+import pathlib
+from typing import List, Union, Optional
+from flask import Flask
+from flask_socketio import emit
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+from loguru import logger
+from sio_asyncapi import AsyncAPISocketIO as SocketIO
+from sio_asyncapi import (EmitValidationError, RequestValidationError,
+ ResponseValidationError)
+app = Flask(__name__)
+socketio = SocketIO(
+ app,
+ validate=True,
+ generate_docs=True,
+ version="1.0.0",
+ title="Tic-Tac-Toe API",
+ description="Tic-Tac-Toe Game API",
+ server_url="http://localhost:5000",
+ server_name="TIC_TAC_TOE_BACKEND",
+games: dict[int, 'Game'] = {}
+class Game(BaseModel):
+ board: List[List[str]] = Field(..., description='The game board', example=[
+ ['X', 'O', ''], ['', 'X', ''], ['', '', 'O']])
+ turn: str = Field(..., description='The current turn', example='X')
+class MakeMoveData(BaseModel):
+ game_id: int = Field(..., description='The game id', example=1)
+ x: int = Field(..., description='The x coordinate', example=0)
+ y: int = Field(..., description='The y coordinate', example=0)
+class GameCreatedData(BaseModel):
+ game_id: int = Field(..., description='The game id', example=1)
+class GameWonData(BaseModel):
+ winner: str = Field(..., description='The winner', example='X')
+class GameDrawnData(BaseModel):
+ pass
+class MoveMadeData(BaseModel):
+ board: List[List[str]] = Field(..., description='The game board', example=[
+ ['X', 'O', ''], ['', 'X', ''], ['', '', 'O']])
+ turn: str = Field(..., description='The current turn', example='X')
+class MakeMoveAckData(BaseModel):
+ error: Optional[str] = Field(None, description='The error message', example='Invalid move')
+@socketio.doc_emit('game_created', GameCreatedData)
+def create_game():
+ # Create a new game and add it to the list of games
+ game_id = len(games) + 1
+ games[game_id] = Game(board=[['' for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(3)], turn='X')
+ # Send the game id to the client
+ emit('game_created', {'game_id': game_id})
+@socketio.doc_emit('game_won', GameWonData)
+@socketio.doc_emit('game_drawn', GameDrawnData)
+@socketio.doc_emit('move_made', MoveMadeData)
+@socketio.on('make_move', get_from_typehint=True)
+def make_move(data: MakeMoveData) -> MakeMoveAckData:
+ # Get the game and make the move
+ logger.info(f'Making move {data}')
+ game = games[data.game_id]
+ board = game.board
+ turn = game.turn
+ board[data.x][data.y] = turn
+ # Check for a win or draw
+ result = check_game_status(board)
+ logger.info(f'Game result: {result}')
+ # Update the game state and send it to the client
+ if result == 'X':
+ emit('game_won', {'winner': 'X'})
+ elif result == 'O':
+ emit('game_won', {'winner': 'O'})
+ elif result == 'draw':
+ emit('game_drawn', {})
+ else:
+ games[data.game_id] = Game(board=board, turn='O' if turn == 'X' else 'X')
+ emit('move_made', {'board': board, 'turn': game.turn})
+def check_game_status(board: List[List[str]]) -> Union[str, None]:
+ # Check for a win or draw
+ for i in range(3):
+ if board[i] == ['X', 'X', 'X']:
+ return 'X'
+ if board[i] == ['O', 'O', 'O']:
+ return 'O'
+ if all(board[i][i] == 'X' for i in range(3)):
+ return 'X'
+ if all(board[i][i] == 'O' for i in range(3)):
+ return 'O'
+ if all(board[i][j] != '' for i in range(3) for j in range(3)):
+ return 'draw'
+ return None
+def default_error_handler(e: Exception):
+ """
+ default error handler. it called if no other error handler defined.
+ handles requestvalidationerror, emitvalidationerror and responsevalidationerror errors.
+ """
+ if isinstance(e, RequestValidationError):
+ logger.error(f"request validation error: {e}")
+ return {'error': str(e)}
+ elif isinstance(e, ResponseValidationError):
+ logger.critical(f"response validation error: {e}")
+ raise e
+ if isinstance(e, EmitValidationError):
+ logger.critical(f"emit validation error: {e}")
+ raise e
+ else:
+ logger.critical(f"unknown error: {e}")
+ raise e
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # generate the asyncapi doc
+ path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "chat_gpt_asyncapi.yaml"
+ doc_str = socketio.asyncapi_doc.get_yaml()
+ with open(path, "w") as f:
+ # doc_str = spec.get_json_str_doc()
+ f.write(doc_str)
+ # run the app
+ socketio.run(app, debug=True)
+And here is the auto generated specification:
+asyncapi: 2.5.0
+ /:
+ publish:
+ message:
+ oneOf:
+ - $ref: '#/components/messages/Create_Game'
+ - $ref: '#/components/messages/Make_Move'
+ subscribe:
+ message:
+ oneOf:
+ - $ref: '#/components/messages/game_created'
+ - $ref: '#/components/messages/move_made'
+ - $ref: '#/components/messages/game_drawn'
+ - $ref: '#/components/messages/game_won'
+ x-handlers:
+ disconnect: disconnect
+ messages:
+ Create_Game:
+ description: ''
+ name: create_game
+ Make_Move:
+ description: ''
+ name: make_move
+ payload:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/MakeMoveData'
+ deprecated: false
+ x-ack:
+ properties:
+ error:
+ description: The error message
+ example: Invalid move
+ title: Error
+ type: string
+ title: MakeMoveAckData
+ type: object
+ game_created:
+ description: ''
+ name: game_created
+ payload:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GameCreatedData'
+ deprecated: false
+ game_drawn:
+ description: ''
+ name: game_drawn
+ payload:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GameDrawnData'
+ deprecated: false
+ game_won:
+ description: ''
+ name: game_won
+ payload:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/GameWonData'
+ deprecated: false
+ move_made:
+ description: ''
+ name: move_made
+ payload:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/MoveMadeData'
+ deprecated: false
+ schemas:
+ GameCreatedData:
+ properties:
+ game_id:
+ description: The game id
+ example: 1
+ title: Game Id
+ type: integer
+ required:
+ - game_id
+ title: GameCreatedData
+ type: object
+ GameDrawnData:
+ properties: {}
+ title: GameDrawnData
+ type: object
+ GameWonData:
+ properties:
+ winner:
+ description: The winner
+ example: X
+ title: Winner
+ type: string
+ required:
+ - winner
+ title: GameWonData
+ type: object
+ MakeMoveAckData:
+ properties:
+ error:
+ description: The error message
+ example: Invalid move
+ title: Error
+ type: string
+ title: MakeMoveAckData
+ type: object
+ MakeMoveData:
+ properties:
+ game_id:
+ description: The game id
+ example: 1
+ title: Game Id
+ type: integer
+ x:
+ description: The x coordinate
+ example: 0
+ title: X
+ type: integer
+ y:
+ description: The y coordinate
+ example: 0
+ title: Y
+ type: integer
+ required:
+ - game_id
+ - x
+ - y
+ title: MakeMoveData
+ type: object
+ MoveMadeData:
+ properties:
+ board:
+ description: The game board
+ example:
+ - - X
+ - O
+ - ''
+ - - ''
+ - X
+ - ''
+ - - ''
+ - ''
+ - O
+ items:
+ items:
+ type: string
+ type: array
+ title: Board
+ type: array
+ turn:
+ description: The current turn
+ example: X
+ title: Turn
+ type: string
+ required:
+ - board
+ - turn
+ title: MoveMadeData
+ type: object
+ NoSpec:
+ deprecated: false
+ description: Specification is not provided
+ description: 'Tic-Tac-Toe Game API
AsyncAPI currently does not support Socket.IO binding and Web Socket like
+ syntax used for now.
+ In order to add support for Socket.IO ACK value, AsyncAPI is extended with with
+ x-ack keyword.
+ This documentation should **NOT** be used for generating code due to these limitations.
+ '
+ title: Tic-Tac-Toe API
+ version: 1.0.0
+ protocol: socketio
+ url: http://localhost:5000
+> Cover image by Windmills During Dawn from Unsplash
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