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A shared Python interface for World Coordinate Systems

author: Thomas Robitaille, Erik Tollerud, Stuart Mumford, Adam Ginsburg

date-created: 2017 November 7

date-last-revised: 2018 November 9

type: Standard Track

status: Accepted

Note: this APE14 was originally accepted on 2018-Feb-28, but due to issues with implementation was significantly revised on 2018-November-9


Astronomical data are often provided with information about the “real-world” coordinates that correspond to pixel coordinates. This mapping is the essence of the “World Coordinate System (WCS)” concept. In addition to FITS WCS (the origin of the “WCS” term), other WCS standards/representations are becoming necessary for new missions and observatories (e.g., the James Webb Space Telescope or the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope). In order to build functionality in Astropy and affiliated packages that may require use of WCS, having to deal with different kinds of WCS objects with different APIs will be essentially impossible. Thus, the purpose of this APE is to define a standardized interface to WCS objects based on simple objects (strings, scalars, and arrays). Packages implementing WCS objects will then be able to either modify their classes to conform to the API recommended here or build thin wrappers that conform to the API. The APE also provides a recommendation for a high-level object to be implemented in Astropy that understands familiar Python objects such as SkyCoord, Time, and other Astropy classes.

Detailed description


One of the key basic operations necessary for any astronomical data analysis is the association of “pixels” with their “real-world” coordinates (and vice versa). While this concept has existed essentially for as long as computers have been used on astronomical data, the FITS WCS standard (Calabretta & Greisen, 2002, A&A 395, 1077) gave this concept a name: “World Coordinate System” (WCS). Because of this, “WCS” and “FITS-WCS” are often treated synonymously, but the concept is of broader applicability, as evidenced by the existence of serialization formats and Python packages that perform this task (e.g., gWCS, pyast). Hence, we use the term “WCS” to refer to the broad concept of WCS, rather than the specific FITS-WCS representation and implementation.

For the purposes of this APE, we define WCS transformations as mapping pixels to some world coordinate (or the inverse). In our terminology, pixel is a generalized concept of some form of ordered in-memory (or on-disk) storage of data. While we use pixel as a shorthand, this need not be only two-dimensional (the typical usage of pixel) - it includes one-dimensional (e.g., spectral axes), or more-than-2-dimensional (e.g., data cubes). Similarly world in this context is a generalized concept of any sort of physical coordinate used in the data. The precise physical interpretation is not specified in the concept of WCS. For the purposes of this APE, world could even be an intermediate state of knowledge. E.g., for the unity transformation the world coordinate is the pixel coordinate, for example, if no calibration information has yet been determined. But some sense of direction and a language for the physical type and representation of a world coordinate needs to be conveyed in any practical implementation of WCS. A common understanding of how to convey that information and represent it in Python is the primary subject of this APE.


This APE is not meant to limit further development on more generalized coordinate transform APIs. A future APE may define the API for accessing “intermediate frames” as used in gWCS or the LSST transform systems. This APE is only intended to define a clear API for converting from pixel coordinates to a specific end set of “world” coordinates (as defined above). This APE doesn't focus on how to get intermediate frames if they are present, or how to combine together multiple steps of a transformation - while such functionality is useful and should be compatible with this APE's interface, an API for these operations is out-of-scope for this APE. This APE also does not address how to create such WCSs. Rather it is aimed specifically at an API for the simpler problem of actually performing the “end-to-end” transformation from pixel to some world space.

We note that while we have made efforts to ensure that the API described here is as close as possible to the final implemented API, the authoritative version of the API will be given by the base classes that live in the core astropy package.

Overview of the proposed WCS Interface

Our proposal in this APE is the following:

  • To develop a common API that WCS objects can expose, either directly or through thin wrappers, and which will allow functionality accessing the WCS objects to be agnostic of the actual WCS representation. We want this API to be as simple as possible and mainly return simple Python objects such as strings, lists and arrays. We refer to this as the 'low-level' API.
  • To develop a common high-level API that will be smarter about the kinds of objects to accept or return to the user (including for example SkyCoord or Time objects)
  • To develop an Astropy WCS object that can wrap any low-level WCS object and expose the high-level WCS API.

The idea of this multi-tiered approach as opposed to a single-tier approach is that if we asked different WCS objects to provide a high-level API, this would (1) cause a lot of duplication of logic of constructing the appropriate Astropy objects, and (2) force those objects to return specifically Astropy objects, whereas having a package-independent API would be better because it allows other packages, even non-Python packages, to follow a well-defined API for the sake of interoperability.

Pixel Conventions

The exact choice of which value represents the "edge" of a pixel is arbitrary and could potentially vary across WCS implementations. Indeed, the astropy.wcs API explicitly supports multiple interpretations due to the conflicting expectations of Python and other older tools. However, the API this APE proposes opts to use a single choice to simplify user code. Because these definitions are simply pixel-level offsets, implementations can straightforwardly have their own internal conventions and simply offset them to match this definition. Hence, the specific convention used for this APE reflects the "pixel value is center of pixel" philosophy in the FITS-WCS standard (Section 2.1.4 of Greisen et al., 2002, A&A 446, 747), while at the same time matching the Python 0-index philosophy. That is, the first pixel is considered pixel 0, but pixel value (0, 0) is that center of that pixel. Hence the first pixel spans pixel values -0.5 to 0.5.

Explicitly not covered in this specification is a definition of which dimension in a spatial WCS is "x" vs "y". There are too many conflicting conventions (as well as well-founded technical reasons for various choices), and hence that information should be embedded in the attributes that describe the dimensions.

Low-level API

The proposed low-level API could be implemented as an abstract base class but we would not require all implementations to inherit from it (if they do not inherit from it, then they should still register with the ABC to allow code to check isinstance(object, LowLevelWCSAPI). Existing WCS classes are then free to either implement that interface or provide thin wrappers providing this interface. A guiding philosophy of this interface is to use relatively primitive python objects (scalars, arrays, and strings), which can be “promoted” to more complex and useful Python objects in the high-level interface. This allows straightforward implementation of this interface even in C-implemented Python objects, without tying that into the high-level interface.

Note that in this APE, when referring to arrays, we mean any Python object that follows the buffer protocol described in PEP3118 rather than only specifically Numpy arrays (which do follow the buffer protocol). This allows for other array types, such as the built-in Python array objects or future advanced data structures.

The following class shows the required properties and methods for the uniform low-level API:

class LowLevelWCSAPI(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):

    def pixel_n_dim(self):
        The number of axes in the pixel coordinate system

    def world_n_dim(self):
        The number of axes in the world coordinate system

    def array_shape(self):
        The shape of the data that the WCS applies to as a tuple of length
        ``pixel_n_dim`` in ``(row, column)`` order (the convention for
        arrays in Python) (optional).

        If the WCS is valid in the context of a dataset with a particular
        shape, then this property can be used to store the shape of the
        data. This can be used for example if implementing slicing of WCS
        objects. This is an optional property, and it should return `None`
        if a shape is neither known nor relevant.

    def pixel_shape(self):
        The shape of the data that the WCS applies to as a tuple of length
        ``pixel_n_dim`` in ``(x, y)`` order (where for an image, ``x`` is
        the horizontal coordinate and ``y`` is the vertical coordinate)

        If the WCS is valid in the context of a dataset with a particular
        shape, then this property can be used to store the shape of the
        data. This can be used for example if implementing slicing of WCS
        objects. This is an optional property, and it should return `None`
        if a shape is neither known nor relevant.

    def pixel_bounds(self):
        The bounds (in pixel coordinates) inside which the WCS is defined,
        as a list with ``pixel_n_dim`` ``(min, max)`` tuples (optional).

        The bounds should be given in ``[(xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)]``
        order. WCS solutions are sometimes only guaranteed to be accurate
        within a certain range of pixel values, for example when defining a
        WCS that includes fitted distortions. This is an optional property,
        and it should return `None` if a shape is neither known nor relevant.

    def world_axis_physical_types(self):
        Returns an iterable of strings describing the physical type for each
        world axis. They should be names from the VO UCD1+ controlled
        Vocabulary (
        If no matching UCD type exists, this can instead be "custom:xxx",
        where xxx is an arbitrary string.  Alternatively, if the physical
        type is unknown/undefined, an element can be `None`.

    def world_axis_units(self):
        Returns an iterable of strings given the units of the world
        coordinates for each axis. The strings should follow the recommended
        VOUnit standard (though as noted in the VOUnit specification
        document, units that do not follow this standard are still allowed,
        but just not recommended).

    def axis_correlation_matrix(self):
        Returns an ``(world_n_dim, pixel_n_dim)`` matrix that indicates
        using booleans whether a given world coordinate depends on a given
        pixel coordinate. This should default to a matrix where all elements
        are True in the absence of any further information. For completely
        independent axes, the diagonal would be True and all other entries
        False. The pixel axes should be ordered in the ``(x, y)`` order,
        where for an image, ``x`` is the horizontal coordinate and ``y`` is
        the vertical coordinate.

    def pixel_to_world_values(self, *pixel_arrays):
        Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates. This method takes
        n_pixel scalars or arrays as input, and pixel coordinates should be
        zero-based. Returns n_world scalars or arrays in units given by
        ``world_axis_units``. Note that pixel coordinates are assumed
        to be 0 at the center of the first pixel in each dimension. If a
        pixel is in a region where the WCS is not defined, NaN can be
        returned. The coordinates should be specified in the ``(x, y)``
        order, where for an image, ``x`` is the horizontal coordinate and
        ``y`` is the vertical coordinate.

    def array_index_to_world_values(self, *index_arrays):
        Convert array indices to world coordinates. This is the same as
        ``pixel_to_world_values`` except that the indices should be given
        in ``(i, j)`` order, where for an image ``i`` is the row and ``j``
        is the column (i.e. the opposite order to ``pixel_to_world_values``).

    def world_to_pixel_values(self, *world_arrays):
        Convert world coordinates to pixel coordinates. This method takes
        n_world scalars or arrays as input in units given by ``world_axis_units``.
        Returns n_pixel scalars or arrays. Note that pixel coordinates are
        assumed to be 0 at the center of the first pixel in each dimension.
        to be 0 at the center of the first pixel in each dimension. If a
        world coordinate does not have a matching pixel coordinate, NaN can
        be returned.  The coordinates should be returned in the ``(x, y)``
        order, where for an image, ``x`` is the horizontal coordinate and
        ``y`` is the vertical coordinate.

    def world_to_array_index_values(self, *world_arrays):
        Convert world coordinates to array indices. This is the same as
        ``world_to_pixel_values`` except that the indices should be returned
        in ``(i, j)`` order, where for an image ``i`` is the row and ``j``
        is the column (i.e. the opposite order to ``pixel_to_world_values``).
        The indices should be returned as rounded integers.

    def serialized_classes(self):
        Indicates whether Python objects are given in serialized form or as
        actual Python objects.
        return False

    def world_axis_object_components(self):
        A list with n_dim_world elements, where each element is a tuple with
        three items:

        * The first is a name for the world object this world array
          corresponds to, which *must* match the string names used in
          ``world_axis_object_classes``. Note that names might appear twice
          because two world arrays might correspond to a single world object
          (e.g. a celestial coordinate might have both “ra” and “dec”
          arrays, which correspond to a single sky coordinate object).

        * The second element is either a string keyword argument name or a
          positional index for the corresponding class from

        * The third argument is a string giving the name of the property
          to access on the corresponding class from
          ``world_axis_object_classes`` in order to get numerical values.

        See below for an example of this property.

    def world_axis_object_classes(self):
        A dictionary with each key being a string key from
        ``world_axis_object_components``, and each value being a tuple with
        three elements:

        * The first element of the tuple must be a class or a string
          specifying the fully-qualified name of a class, which will specify
          the actual Python object to be created.

        * The second element, should be a tuple specifying the positional
          arguments required to initialize the class. If
          ``world_axis_object_components`` specifies that the world
          coordinates should be passed as a positional argument, this this
          tuple should include ``None`` placeholders for the world

        * The last tuple element must be a dictionary with the keyword
          arguments required to initialize the class.

        See below for an example of this property. Note that we don't
        require the classes to be Astropy classes since there is no
        guarantee that Astropy will have all the classes to represent all
        kinds of world coordinates. Furthermore, we recommend that the
        output be kept as human-readable as possible.

        The classes used here should have the ability to do conversions by
        passing an instance as the first argument to the same class with
        different arguments (e.g. ``Time(Time(...), scale='tai')``). This is
        a requirement for the implementation of the high-level interface.

        The second and third tuple elements for each value of this
        dictionary can in turn contain either instances of classes, or if
        necessary can contain serialized versions that should take the same
        form as the main classes described above (a tuple with three
        elements with the fully qualified name of the class, then the
        positional arguments and the keyword arguments). For low-level API
        objects implemented in Python, we recommend simply returning the
        actual objects (not the serialized form) for optimal performance.
        Implementations should either always or never use serialized classes
        to represent Python objects, and should indicate which of these they
        follow using the ``serialized_classes`` attribute.

We now take a look at an example of use of world_axis_object_components with world_axis_object_classes. An example output from both methods on the same WCS object is:

>>> wcs.world_axis_object_components
[('skycoord', 'ra', ''),
 ('time', 0, 'tai.value'),
 ('skycoord', 'dec', '')]
>>> wcs.world_axis_object_classes
{'skycoord': ('astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord', (),
              {'frame': 'fk5', 'equinox':'J2005'}),
 'time': ('astropy.time.Time', (None,), {'scale': 'tai', 'format': 'unix'})}

This indicates that the first and third world axis can be used to instantiate an Astropy SkyCoord object with ra= set to the first world axis, and dec= set to the third axis, and the frame=fk5 and equinox=J2005 arguments, while the second world axis can be used to instantiate an Astropy Time object as the first positional argument, and with the scale=tai keyword argument. Note that the coordinate frame classes could be custom sub-classes if needed.

Low-level API examples

Simple 1D spectrum - a 1D mapping from pixel to wavelength:

wcs.axis_correlation_matrix = [[True]]
wcs.world_axis_units = ['angstrom']
wcs.world_axis_physical_types = ['em.wl']
wcs.world_axis_object_components = [('spec', 0, 'value')]
wcs.world_axis_object_classes  = {'spec':('astropy.units.Wavelength', (None,),
                                          {'airorvacwl': 'air'})}

Simple 2D image mapping where the pixel axes are lined up with RA and Dec (in FITS-WCS this would be CAR)

wcs.axis_correlation_matrix = [[True, False], [False, True]]
wcs.world_axis_units = ['deg', 'deg']
wcs.world_axis_physical_types = ['pos.eq.ra', 'pos.eq.dec']
wcs.world_axis_object_components = [(('sc', 'ra', ''),
                                     ('sc', 'dec', '')]
wcs.world_axis_object_classes  = {'sc':('astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord', (),
                                        {'frame': 'icrs'})}

Extremely complex spectral data cube with 3 pixel dimensions and 4 world dimensions. The first two pixel dimensions encode a mixed set of spatial dimensions and a third dimension which is completely spectral (i.e., the output of an IFU detector), and the third pixel dimension is a separable fourth world dimension encoding time-of-observation.

wcs.axis_correlation_matrix = [[True, True, False],
                               [True, True, False],
                               [True, True, False],
                               [False, False, True]]
wcs.world_axis_units = ['deg', 'deg', 'angstrom', 'day']
wcs.world_axis_physical_types = ['pos.galactic.lon', '', 'em.wl', 'time']
wcs.world_axis_object_components = [('spat', 'ra', ''),
                                    ('spat', 'dec', ''),
                                    ('spec', 0, 'value'),
                                    ('time', 0, 'utc.value')]
wcs.world_axis_object_classes  = {'spat': ('astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord', (),
                                           {'frame': 'icrs'}),
                                  'spec': ('astropy.units.Wavelength`, (None,), {}),
                                  'time': ('astropy.time.Time', (None,),
                                           {'format':'mjd', 'scale':'utc'})}

The identity transform for a 1D array (i.e., pixel -> pixel):

wcs.axis_correlation_matrix = [[True]]
wcs.world_axis_units = ['pixel']
wcs.world_axis_physical_types = ['instr.pixel']
wcs.world_axis_object_components = [('spec', 0, 'value')]
wcs.world_axis_object_classes  = {'spec':('astropy.units.pixel', (None,), {})}

Pixel and world coordinate ordering

The API above provides a way to distinguish between pixel coordinates defined using the standard Cartesian ordering (x, y) and array indices defined using the row-major ordering (i.e. row, column). For example, values returned from world_to_pixel_values would be in the correct order to use for plotting using e.g. Matplotlib, while values returned from world_to_array_index_values would be in the correct order to use for indexing e.g. a Numpy array. Both are valid in different contexts and we therefore provide two methods for each transformation.

We do not mandate a specific order for the world coordinates. While it might be tempting to assume the 'same' order as for pixel coordinates, this only makes sense for simple cases (for example an image of the sky where ra/dec are roughly lined up with x/y). In a generalized WCS system, such a correspondence does not exist. As an example, consider an equatorial coordinate system rotated 45 degrees from the pixel coordinates. Such a system could be represented by the following:

wcs.axis_correlation_matrix = [[True, True], [True, True]]
wcs.world_axis_physical_types = ['pos.eq.ra', 'pos.eq.dec']

or by:

wcs.axis_correlation_matrix = [[True, True], [True, True]]
wcs.world_axis_physical_types = ['pos.eq.dec', 'pos.eq.ra']

Neither of these is more correct than the other since ra/dec are not preferentially lined up with x/y, so we need to allow both.

It is also possible to have a different number of world coordinates compared to pixel coordinates. For example, we could imagine having a 1D array of values determined by tracing a non-linear path through a spectral cube. The WCS would look like:

wcs.axis_correlation_matrix = [[True], [True], [True]]
wcs.world_axis_physical_types = ['pos.eq.ra', 'pos.eq.dec', '']

but the order of the coordinates is of course arbitrary, and one cannot simply refer to the order of the pixel coordinates since there is only one pixel coordinate that is correlated with all three world coordinates. Thus, one could equally represent the WCS as:

wcs.axis_correlation_matrix = [[True], [True], [True]]
wcs.world_axis_physical_types = ['', 'pos.eq.ra', 'pos.eq.dec']

and there is no 'right' order.

We note that the API we present here makes it easy to create a WCS with reordered world coordinates - this would involve changing the order of world_axis_physical_types, world_axis_units, and world_axis_object_components, changing the order of axis_correlation_matrix along the first dimension, and changing the order of the inputs of the world_to_pixel/array_index_values methods and the order of the outputs of the pixel/array_index_to_world_values methods. Thus, implementations of the low or high-level API could provide convenience methods to reorder or sort the world axes.

This flexibility does not however extend to pixel coordinates. For example for a given array with an associated WCS, the output of world_to_array_index_values has to consistently return the values in the order that can be used to index the array, so the indices/pixel coordinates of the WCS cannot be re-ordered if the data is left unchanged.

For consistency with existing WCS libraries, we recommend that implementations based on FITS-WCS choose to order world_axis_physical_types in the same order as the CTYPE values, but we do not require this.

Common UCD1+ names for physical types

As outlined above, the world_axis_physical_types attribute should include strings that follow the VO UCD1+ vocabulary for defining physical types. The full UCD1+ vocabulary includes a large number of options, but here we summarize some of the most common ones that will likely be used:                | Energy value in the em frame
em.freq                  | Frequency value in the em frame
em.wavenumber            | Wavenumber value in the em frame
em.wl                    | Wavelength value in the em frame
instr.pixel              | Pixel (default size: angular)               | Alt-azimutal altitude               | Alt-azimutal azimut           | Body related coordinate (latitude on the body)
pos.bodyrc.long          | Body related coordinate (longitude on the body)
pos.cartesian.x          | Cartesian coordinate along the x-axis
pos.cartesian.y          | Cartesian coordinate along the y-axis
pos.cartesian.z          | Cartesian coordinate along the z-axis         | Ecliptic latitude
pos.ecliptic.lon         | Ecliptic longitude
pos.eq.dec               | Declination in equatorial coordinates
pos.eq.ra                | Right ascension in equatorial coordinates         | Latitude in galactic coordinates
pos.galactic.lon         | Longitude in galactic coordinates
pos.healpix              | Hierarchical Equal Area IsoLatitude Pixelization
pos.heliocentric         | Heliocentric position coordinate (solar system bodies)
spect.dopplerVeloc       | Radial velocity, derived from the shift of some spectral feature
spect.dopplerVeloc.opt   | Radial velocity derived from a wavelength shift using the optical convention | Radial velocity derived from a frequency shift using the radio convention
time                     | Time, generic quantity in units of time or date
time.epoch               | Instant of time related to a generic event (epoch, date, Julian date, time stamp/tag,...)

The full UCD1+ vocabulary does not include all possible type names that would be needed to represent all WCSes (for example, there are no keywords for helioprojective coordinates). In this case, the element of world_axis_physical_types for those coordinates should be a string prefixed with custom:. This should also be taken as a call to work with the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) to implement new type names, which the Astropy Project will facilitate as needed. If a custom: type name is needed, we recommend that these be coordinated and agreed as much as possible between different packages to make sure that these can be useful (which would not be the case if each package created their own set of custom type names).

High-level API

The high-level API's primary purpose is to provide an interface to obtain fully-featured Python objects for the world coordinates - for example to get SkyCoord, Time etc. objects back from a pixel to world conversion, and conversely to be able to convert SkyCoord, Time etc. to pixel values. It is distinct from the actual implementation provided in the core astropy package (discussed below), so that developers providing their own WCS objects can implement the high-level API on their own. In this sense the astropy-provided implementation can be thought of as a reference implementation. The high-level API includes the following four methods:

def pixel_to_world(self, *pixel_arrays):
    Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates (represented by Astropy
    objects). See ``pixel_to_world_values`` for pixel indexing and ordering

def array_index_to_world(self, *index_arrays):
    Convert array indices to world coordinates (represented by Astropy
    objects). See ``array_index_to_world_values`` for array indexing and ordering

def world_to_pixel(self, *world_objects):
    Convert world coordinates (represented by Astropy objects) to pixel
    coordinates. See ``world_to_pixel_values`` for pixel indexing and
    ordering conventions.

def world_to_array_index(self, *world_objects):
    Convert world coordinates (represented by Astropy objects) to array
    indices. See ``world_to_array_index_values`` for array indexing and ordering
    conventions. The indices should be returned as rounded integers.

Since a single Astropy object might correspond to two non-contiguous dimensions in the WCS (for example the first and third world dimensions), we need to specify the rules for the order in which Astropy objects are returned from the high-level pixel_to_world method, and in which order they should be given to the high-level world_to_pixel method. The standard order should be that given by considering only the first occurrence of the coordinate alias string in world_axis_object_components. For example, if world_axis_object_components is

[('skycoord', 'ra', ''),
 ('time', 0, 'tai.value'),
 ('skycoord', 'dec', '')]

Then the order of the Astropy objects should be SkyCoord then Time (we essentially ignore ('skycoord', 'dec')). This rule will always be followed for pixel_to_world, but on the other hand provided there is no ambiguity, world_to_pixel could be more forgiving if the coordinates are specified in the wrong order (though an error should be raised if there are any ambiguities and the order is not the standard one).

Note that the low- and high-level APIs will be defined as base classes that will be designed in such a way that a custom WCS class can inherit from both the low- and high-level base classes. The high-level base class will be implemented with methods that will by default use the information in world_axis_object_components and world_axis_object_classes to work - thus, simply inheriting from the high-level base class should be sufficient to expose the high-level API.

High-level astropy Object

Finally, we will develop a class in astropy that inherits from the high-level API and can be initialized by a low-level API object, which it then wraps.

This class will define properties that match all of the ones in the low-level API (only the properties, not the methods), with the exception of world_axis_object_components and world_axis_object_classes, and these properties will simply dispatch a call to the property of the low-level object.

The low-level object will be available under the attribute name low_level_wcs and the low-level methods such as pixel_to_world_values will thus be available by doing:

>>> wcs.low_level_wcs.pixel_to_world_values(...)

Branches and pull requests



The following pull requests provide implementations of what is described in this APE:

Backward compatibility



A possible alternative to consider is simply leave things status quo and have no agreed-on API. Rather instead have Astropy endorse a specific implementation like gwcs as the API to assume for when wcs objects are needed (e.g. NDData and spectroscopic objects). However, this would likely lead to less uptake of the upstream objects that require wcs. E.g., while astropy.wcs is a commonly-used case in the present, it does not support new use cases like LSST or the distortion models for JWST, and is tied specifically to the FITS format. Therefore tools that wish to support both FITS WCS and newer systems would have to write their own complex logic for doing so, as well as potentially even more complex logic for converting the wcs outputs into composite Python objects. The structure outlined in this API would make that unnecessary by instead having a single interface that user code can write against, and only needs to consider other details when creating or modifying wcs.

On a more specific note, the primary reason for using a string as the key for the dictionary for world_axis_object_classes (and the corresponding names in world_axis_object_components) is because there might be multiple world axes that need to use the same class with different initializing parameters. Otherwise a simpler solution would have been to use the class object itself as the key.

Additionally, for world_axis_physical_types, an alternative was considered of adopting a much more general set of terms vs UCD1+ such as "celestial", "spectral", etc. and just coming up with the list in this APE (possibly using terms that approximately align with the STC standard). But it was decided that adopting the VO UCD1+ would be best because it would not lead to Astropy needing to maintain a separate "standard" of terminology where one already exists.

Decision rationale

The content of this APE was discussed and accepted by multiple community stakeholders who have technical knowledge, practical experience, and project-level interest in WCS. The APE was accepted on Feb 28, 2018.

This APE was subsequently revised on Nov 14, 2018 due to changes motivated by implementations in the astropy and gwcs packages.