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156 lines (126 loc) · 5.51 KB

File metadata and controls

156 lines (126 loc) · 5.51 KB

Including multiple files in a single Rcpp chunk

Issues and workarounds

First issue

If you have a habit of separating function declaration in a header file with .h extension and function implementation in the eponymous .cpp file, then including the cpp file or the .h file in a Rcpp code chunk will result in failure to compile. This is because Rcpp code chunks make use of Rcpp::sourceCpp() function, which only accepts a single .cpp file by design.

Solution. You should convert every pair of file (myfile.h, myfile.cpp) into a single file (myfile.hpp) and then include the .hpp file in the Rcpp code chunk.

Second issue

If you have multiple files to include in a single Rcpp code chunk, then you cannot include them directly in the Rcpp code chunk. This is because, behind the scene, Rcpp::sourceCpp() creates a – possibly temporary – cache directory into which it copies only the single input file provided in the file argument.

Solution. You can manually copy all the files you want to include in the Rcpp code chunk to the cache directory created by Rcpp::sourceCpp(). This can be done by setting the cacheDir argument of the Rcpp::sourceCpp() function to the desired cache directory via the cacheDir optional argument. Behind the scene, Rcpp::sourceCpp() subsequently creates a sub-directory in that directory whose name is platform-dependent and retrieved via Rcpp:::.sourceCppPlatformCacheDir(). We can therefore decide beforehand of the location of that cache directory, create it and copy the files we want to include in the Rcpp code chunk to that directory.

Do not copy header files!

If you have header files to include in the Rcpp code chunk, you should not copy as per the first issue above. Instead, you should convert them to .hpp files and include them in the Rcpp code chunk.

Live example

The following code assumes that all your source files are in the src directory into the directory where your .qmd file is located. The code demonstrates how to include multiple files in a single Rcpp code chunk.

The first and last code chunks are the ones handling the copying of the files to the cache directory and the deletion of the cache directory. They can be hidden in the final document by setting the code chunk option include to false.

First, we create the cache directory and copy the header file hausdorff_utils.hpp to it.

cache_dir_base <- "."
cache_dir <- Rcpp:::.sourceCppPlatformCacheDir(cache_dir_base)
  path = list.files("src", pattern = "*.hpp", full.names = TRUE), 
  new_path = cache_dir, 
  overwrite = TRUE

Then we can compile a .cpp file which depends on a .hpp file that has been copied to the cache directory by setting the cacheDir argument of the Rcpp::sourceCpp() function to the cache directory that we curated before.

# ```{Rcpp, engine.opts = list(cacheDir = ".")}
# #| file: src/hausdorff_parallel.cpp
# ```
#include "hausdorff_utils.hpp"

struct HausdorffDistanceComputer : public RcppParallel::Worker
  const RcppParallel::RMatrix<double> m_SafeInput;
  RcppParallel::RVector<double> m_SafeOutput;
  unsigned int m_Dimension;

  HausdorffDistanceComputer(const Rcpp::NumericMatrix x,
                            Rcpp::NumericVector out,
                            unsigned int dimension)
    : m_SafeInput(x), m_SafeOutput(out), m_Dimension(dimension) {}

  void operator()(std::size_t begin, std::size_t end)
    unsigned int N = m_SafeInput.nrow();
    for (std::size_t k = begin;k < end;++k)
      unsigned int i = N - 2 - std::floor(std::sqrt(-8 * k + 4 * N * (N - 1) - 7) / 2.0 - 0.5);
      unsigned int j = k + i + 1 - N * (N - 1) / 2 + (N - i) * ((N - i) - 1) / 2;
      m_SafeOutput[k] = hausdorff_distance_cpp(m_SafeInput.row(i), m_SafeInput.row(j), m_Dimension);

Rcpp::NumericVector dist_parallel(Rcpp::NumericMatrix x,
                                  unsigned int dimension = 1,
                                  unsigned int ncores = 1)
  unsigned int N = x.nrow();
  unsigned int K = N * (N - 1) / 2;
  Rcpp::NumericVector out(K);

  HausdorffDistanceComputer hausdorffDistance(x, out, dimension);
  RcppParallel::parallelFor(0, K, hausdorffDistance, 1, ncores);

  out.attr("Size") = N;
  out.attr("Labels") = Rcpp::seq(1, N);
  out.attr("Diag") = false;
  out.attr("Upper") = false;
  out.attr("method") = "hausdorff";
  out.attr("class") = "dist";
  return out;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector dist_parallel(Rcpp::List x,
                                  unsigned int dimension = 1,
                                  unsigned int ncores = 1)
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix xMatrix = listToMatrix(x);
  return dist_parallel(xMatrix, dimension, ncores);

The code above implements the function dist_parallel() which performs pairwise Hausdorff distance computations within a functional data set, possibly in parallel. The function expects as input a list of size $N$ containing the $N$ $L$-dimensional curves observed on a given grid of size $M$ of their common domain. Each entry of the input list must be a matrix of shape $L \times M$. The simulated data stored in data/dat.rds is formatted in such a way. We can therefore check that we can use the exported function dist_parallel() as follows.

dat <- readRDS("data/dat.rds")
dat <- dat[1:21]
D <- dist_parallel(dat, dimension = 3L)
[1] 1.3226988 1.5403096 1.0560611 0.9340005 1.7887889 1.4880584

Finally, we can clean up the cache directory.
