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This document is used to list steps of reproducing PyTorch DLRM iLiT tuning zoo result.


PyTorch quantization implementation in imperative path has limitation on automatically execution. It requires to manually add QuantStub and DequantStub for quantizable ops, it also requires to manually do fusion operation. iLiT has no capability to solve this framework limitation. iLiT supposes user have done these two steps before invoking iLiT interface. For details, please refer to


1. Installation

# Install iLiT
pip install ilit

# Install PyTorch
pip install torch==1.5.0+cpu -f

# Install sklearn
pip install scikit-learn

2. Prepare Dataset

The code supports interface with the Criteo Terabyte Dataset

  1. download the raw data files day_0.gz, ...,day_23.gz and unzip them Specify the location of the unzipped text files day_0, ...,day_23, using --raw-data-file=<path/day> (the day number will be appended automatically)
  2. These are then pre-processed (categorize, concat across days...) to allow using with dlrm code
  3. The processed data is stored as .npz file in <root_dir>/input/.npz
  4. The processed file (.npz) can be used for subsequent runs with --processed-data-file=<path/ . npz>

3. Prepare pretrained model

Corresponding pre-trained model is available under CC-BY-NC license and can be downloaded here dlrm_emb64_subsample0.


cd examples/pytorch/dlrm

Examples of enabling iLiT

This is a tutorial of how to enable DLRM model with iLiT.

User Code Analysis

iLiT supports two usages:

  1. User specifies fp32 'model', calibration dataset 'q_dataloader', evaluation dataset "eval_dataloader" and metrics in tuning.metrics field of model-specific yaml config file.

  2. User specifies fp32 'model', calibration dataset 'q_dataloader' and a custom "eval_func" which encapsulates the evaluation dataset and metrics by itself.

As DLRM's matrics is 'f1', so customer should provide evaluation function 'eval_func', it's suitable for the second use case.

Write Yaml config file

In examples directory, there is conf.yaml. We could remove most of items and only keep mandotory item for tuning.

  - name: pytorch

device: cpu

      - relative: 0.01
    timeout: 0
    random_seed: 9527

Here we set accuracy target as tolerating 0.01 relative accuracy loss of baseline. The default tuning strategy is basic strategy. The timeout 0 means early stop as well as a tuning config meet accuracy target.

Note : iLiT tool don't support "mse" tuning strategy for pytorch framework


PyTorch quantization requires two manual steps:

  1. Add QuantStub and DeQuantStub for all quantizable ops.
  2. Fuse possible patterns, such as Linear + Relu.

It's intrinsic limitation of PyTorch quantizaiton imperative path. No way to develop a code to automatically do that. The related code changes please refer to examples/pytorch/dlrm/

code update

After prepare step is done, we just need update and like below

class DLRM_DataLoader(DataLoader):
    def __init__(self, loader=None):
        self.loader = loader
    def __iter__(self):
        for X_test, lS_o_test, lS_i_test, T in self.loader:
            yield (X_test, lS_o_test, lS_i_test), T
eval_dataloader = DLRM_DataLoader(test_ld)
fuse_list = []
for i in range(0, len(dlrm.bot_l), 2):
    fuse_list.append(["bot_l.%d" % (i), "bot_l.%d" % (i + 1)])
dlrm = fuse_modules(dlrm, fuse_list)
fuse_list = []
for i in range(0, len(dlrm.top_l) - 2, 2):
    fuse_list.append(["top_l.%d" % (i), "top_l.%d" % (i + 1)])
dlrm = fuse_modules(dlrm, fuse_list)
dlrm.bot_l.insert(0, QuantStub())
dlrm.top_l.insert(0, QuantStub())
dlrm.top_l.insert(len(dlrm.top_l) - 1, DeQuantStub())
import ilit
tuner = ilit.Tuner("./conf.yaml")
tuner.tune(dlrm, eval_dataloader, eval_func=eval_func)