This document is used to list steps of reproducing MXNet SSD-Mobilenet1.0/SSD-ResNet50_v1 with COCO dataset iLiT tuning zoo result.
# Install iLiT
pip install ilit
# Install MXNet
pip install mxnet-mkl==1.6.0
# Install gluoncv
pip install gluoncv
# Install pycocotool
pip install pycocotools
Download COCO Raw image to work dir, naming as ~/.mxnet/dataset/coco.
python --network=mobilenet1.0 --data-shape=512 --batch-size=256 --dataset coco
python --network=resnet50_v1 --data-shape=512 --batch-size=256 --dataset coco
This is a tutorial of how to enable a MXNet Object detection model with iLiT.
iLiT supports two usages:
User specifies fp32 "model", calibration dataset "q_dataloader", evaluation dataset "eval_dataloader" and metric in tuning.metric field of model-specific yaml config file.
User specifies fp32 "model", calibration dataset "q_dataloader" and a custom "eval_func" which encapsulates the evaluation dataset and metric by itself.
As this example use COCO dataset, use COCOEval as metric which is can find here. So we integrate MXNet SSD-Mobilenet1.0/SSD-ResNet50_v1 with iLiT by the second use case.
In examples directory, there is a template.yaml. We could remove most of items and only keep mandotory item for tuning.
- name: mxnet
- relative: 0.01
timeout: 0
random_seed: 9527
Because we use the second use case which need user to provide a custom "eval_func" encapsulates the evaluation dataset and metric, so we can not see a metric at config file tuning filed. We set accuracy target as tolerating 0.01 relative accuracy loss of baseline. The default tuning strategy is basic strategy. The timeout 0 means early stop as well as a tuning config meet accuracy target.
First, we need to construct evaluate function for ilit. At eval_func, we get the val_dataset for the origin script, and return mAP metric to ilit.
# define test_func
def eval_func(graph):
val_dataset, val_metric = get_dataset(args.dataset, args.data_shape)
val_data = get_dataloader(
val_dataset, args.data_shape, args.batch_size, args.num_workers)
classes = val_dataset.classes # class names
size = len(val_dataset)
ctx = [mx.cpu()]
results = validate(graph, val_data, ctx, classes, size, val_metric)
mAP = float(results[-1][-1])
return mAP
After prepare step is done, we just need update like below.
# Doing iLiT auto-tuning here
import ilit
ssd_tuner = ilit.Tuner("./ssd.yaml")
ssd_tuner.tune(net, q_dataloader=val_data, eval_dataloader=val_dataset, eval_func=eval_func)
The iLiT tune() function will return a best quantized model during timeout constrain.