- The restaurant management system should allow customers to place orders, view the menu, and make reservations.
- The system should manage the restaurant's inventory, including ingredients and menu items.
- The system should handle order processing, including order preparation, billing, and payment.
- The system should support multiple payment methods, such as cash, credit card, and mobile payments.
- The system should manage staff information, including roles, schedules, and performance tracking.
- The system should generate reports and analytics for management, such as sales reports and inventory analysis.
- The system should handle concurrent access and ensure data consistency.
- The MenuItem class represents a menu item in the restaurant, with properties such as ID, name, description, price, and availability.
- The Order class represents an order placed by a customer, with properties such as ID, list of menu items, total amount, order status, and timestamp.
- The OrderStatus enum represents the different statuses an order can have, such as pending, preparing, ready, completed, or cancelled.
- The Reservation class represents a reservation made by a customer, with properties such as ID, customer name, contact number, party size, and reservation time.
- The Payment class represents a payment made for an order, with properties such as ID, amount, payment method, and payment status.
- The PaymentMethod enum represents the different payment methods supported by the restaurant, such as cash, credit card, or mobile payment.
- The PaymentStatus enum represents the status of a payment, which can be pending, completed, or failed.
- The Staff class represents a staff member of the restaurant, with properties such as ID, name, role, and contact number.
- The Restaurant class is the main class that manages the restaurant operations. It follows the Singleton pattern to ensure only one instance of the restaurant exists.
- The Restaurant class provides methods for managing menu items, placing orders, updating order status, making reservations, processing payments, and managing staff.
- Multi-threading is implemented using concurrent data structures (ConcurrentHashMap and CopyOnWriteArrayList) to handle concurrent access to shared data, such as orders and reservations.
- The notifyKitchen and notifyStaff methods are placeholders for notifying relevant staff about order updates and status changes.
- The RestaurantManagementDemo class demonstrates the usage of the restaurant management system by adding menu items, placing an order, making a reservation, processing a payment, updating order status, adding staff, and retrieving the menu.