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Aserto React SDK

Loosely modeled after the Auth0 React SDK.

This SDK uses the Aserto javascript SPA SDK.


Using npm:

npm install @aserto/aserto-react

Using yarn:

yarn add @aserto/aserto-react

Getting Started

Configure the SDK by wrapping your application in AsertoProvider. If using in conjunction with the Auth0Provider, AsertoProvider should be nested inside of it.

// src/index.tsx
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { AsertoProvider } from '@aserto/aserto-react'
import { Auth0Provider } from '@auth0/auth0-react'
import App from './App'

      <App />

Use the useAserto hook in your components to initialize (init), reload the display state map (reload) or to access its state (loading, displayStateMap, getDisplayState, etc):

// src/App.js
import React from 'react'
import { useAserto } from '@aserto/aserto-react'
import { useAuth0 } from '@auth0/auth0-react'

function App() {
  const {
    loading,         // true while the state is loading
    isLoaded,        // true if the displayStateMap was loaded
    error,           // error object (if initOptions.throwOnError is false)
    identity,        // identity header to send to displaystatemap call
    setIdentity,     // set the identity header
    displayStateMap, // display state map
    getDisplayState, // getDisplayState() function (see below)
    init,            // init() function (see below)
    reload           // reload() function (see below)
  } = useAserto();

  // the Aserto hook needs a valid access token.
  // to use Auth0 to return an access token, you can use the following:
  const { isLoading, isAuthenticated, getAccessTokenSilently } = useAuth0();

  // use an effect to load the Aserto display state map
  useEffect(() => {
    async function load() {
      const token = await getAccessTokenSilently();
      if (token) {
        await init({ accessToken: token });

    // load the display state map when Auth0 has finished initializing
    if (!isLoading && isAuthenticated) {
  // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
  }, [isAuthenticated]);

  if (loading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;

  if (error) {
    return <div>Error: {error}</div>;
  } else {
    return (
          // output the display state map as a string

export default App

init(options, body)

Initialize the Aserto client using the (required) options map.

If the body parameter is passed in, it is passed through to the AsertoClient instance that will retrieve the display state map from the API endpoint (and used as the resource context for the decisiontree API call).

const { init, displayStateMap } = useAserto();
await init({
  serviceUrl: 'http://service-url', // defaults to windows.location.origin
  endpointName: '/__displaystatemap', // defaults to '/__displaystatemap'
  accessToken: '<VALID ACCESS TOKEN>', // REQUIRED
  throwOnError: true, // true: re-throw errors. false: set error object. defaults to true.
  defaultDisplayState: { // an optional default display state (default values below)
    visible: false,
    enabled: false

// log the display state map to the console

reload(body, headers)

Re-load the display state map for a service that exposes it.

If the body parameter is passed in, it is passed through to the AsertoClient instance that will retrieve the display state map from the API endpoint (and used as the resource context for the decisiontree API call).

If the headers parameter is passed in, it is likewise passed through to the AsertoClient instance that will retrieve the display state map from the API endpoint.

Note: init() must be called before reload().

const { reload, displayStateMap } = useAserto();
await reload();

// log the display state map to the console

identity and setIdentity

  • setIdentity can be used to set the identity to pass as an identity HTTP header. It will override an identity header that is passed into reload(headers). This is the preferred way to send an identity to the displayStateMap API, which can be used to override the Authorization header by the displayStateMap middleware in the express-jwt-aserto Node.js SDK.
  • identity will return the current identity (or undefined if it hasn't been set).

getDisplayState('method, 'path')

Retrieves a displayState associated with a specific resource.

By convention, the method argument is an HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), and the path argument is in the form /path/to/resource. It may contain a __id component to indicate an parameter - for example, /mycars/__id.

If only the method argument is passed in, it is assumed to be a key into the displayStateMap (typically in the form of METHOD/path/to/resource).

The returned map will be in the following format:

  visible: true,
  enabled: false,

Note: init() must be called before getDisplayState().

const { getDisplayState } = useAserto();
const path = '/api/path';

// retrieve visibility of an element
const isVisible = aserto.getDisplayState('GET', path).visible;

// determine whether an update operation is enabled
const isUpdateEnabled = aserto.getDisplayState('PUT', path).enabled;

// print out display state values for each verb on a resource
for (const verb of ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) {
  const resource = aserto.getDisplayState(verb, path));
  for (const value of ['visible', 'enabled']) {
    console.log(`${verb} ${path} ${value} is ${resource[verb][value]}`);