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WormBase Installation: The Definitive Guide


A Detailed Description of How to Install a WormBase Mirror


A parallel guide, which glosses over many of the install details, but presents all command line entries for an install, is available in the /docs/SOPs directory, INSTALL.genome_freeze.pod. It is recommended only for the impatient or those with significant command-line and Unix experience.


This section describes the prerequisites for installing WormBase.

Hardware Requirements

WormBase runs on a Unix or Linux system. A relatively fast system with generous memory is strongly recommended. The minimum suggested hardware is:

900 Mhz Pentium III or higher
4 gigabyte RAM
4 gigabyte Swap
20 gigabytes free disk space

Each database occupies approximately 5 gigabytes of disk space, and you will need at least twice that in order to stage and unpack new versions of the database. In addition, count on having another gigabyte used by BLAST databases.

WormBase is currently in a transition between an ACeDB-based system and one that runs on top of the MySQL relational database. For this reason, it requires both ACeDB and MySQL to be installed. The middleware layer for ACeDB is AcePerl, and the middleware layer for MySQL is the Bio::DB::GFF module, which comes with the BioPerl package.

Software Requirements

You will need the following software packages:

acedb version 4.8j or higher
Perl version 5.6.1 or higher
The following Perl modules, all of which are available at, with the listed version or higher:
Required modules
        Ace                  1.87
        Bio::Das             0.20
        CGI                  3.01
        CGI::Cache           1.40
        Cache::FileCache     0.09
        DBD::mysql           2.1026
        DBI                  1.35
        Digest::MD5          2.24
        GD                   1.19 (2.x recommended)
        IO::Scalar           2.104
        IO::String           1.02
        LWP                  5.69
        Net::FTP             2.67
        Statistics::OLS      0.07
        Storable             2.06
        Text::Shellwords     1.00

        Optional modules
        GD::SVG              0.25
        SVG                  2.28
        XML::Dom             1.34
        XML::Parser          2.31
        XML::Twig            3.09
        XML::Writer          0.4

(Particularly make note of the version number; Bugs in older versions of can cause confusing problems with WormBase.)

If the optional XML modules are present, the genome browser will be able to dump GAME and BSML versions of the sequence annotations. If the optional GD::SVG and SVG modules are present, the genome browser will be able to produce output in the Scalable Vector Graphics format.

Apache 1.3.26 or higher
Mod_Perl 1.27 or higher
Expat 1.95.1 or higher
The WormBase Web software, matched to the data release version or via CVS
The Generic Genome Browser package, version 1.61 or higher
The BioPerl package, version 1.40 or higher
Wublast 2.0 or higher (required for BLAST search pages)
BLAT 2.7 or higher (required for BLAST search pages)
The MySQL database, version 3.23.39 or higher
Modified version of e-PCR (required for e-PCR search page)

This is located in the directory "e-PCR" in the wormbase distribution. Just cd to that directory and type "make" and "make install". The file README-Wormbase describes the changes that were made to the original e-PCR distribution.


The commands presented in this document are tailored for an out-of-the-box Red Hat Linux (version 7.3) installation. These commands may vary on your system.

The "#" prompt is used throughout this document to denote the root command-line prompt. These commands should be issued as the root user, typically via "sudo". Normal user prompts are denoted as "%". Long lines that should be entered as a single line at the command line are split by '\' to increase legibility. You can safely enter these backslashes at the command line as well.


WormBase uses several user accounts for directory and server permissions. You will need to create these users and several preliminary directories.

User and group accounts

These users should not have a login password. They are to establish privileges only.

acedb group

This is the group that will have write privileges to the acedb directory tree. Acedb administrators should be added to this group.

acedb user

This is the user that the acedb server will run as. It should be a member of the acedb group.

wormbase group

This is a group that will have write privileges to the wormbase directory tree. WormBase administrators and authors should be added to this group.

Creating a new user and group varies among Unix flavors. On most Linux systems, the following commands will create the new groups. You should have sudo privilege to execute these commands.

# /usr/sbin/groupadd acedb
# /usr/sbin/groupadd wormbase

and this will create a new acedb user:

# /usr/sbin/useradd -g acedb -d /usr/local/acedb acedb

This command also adds the new acedb user to the acedb group. Note that the acedb user's home directory was set to /usr/local/acedb, a directory which will be created in the next step.


Create the following directories:

/usr/local/acedb, owner=acedb group=acedb,mode=drwxrwsr-x
# mkdir /usr/local/acedb
# chown acedb /usr/local/acedb
# chgrp acedb /usr/local/acedb
# chmod 2775 /usr/local/acedb
/usr/local/wormbase, owner=root group=wormbase mode=drwxrwsr-x
# mkdir /usr/local/wormbase
# chown root /usr/local/wormbase
# chgrp wormbase /usr/local/wormbase
# chmod 2775 /usr/local/wormbase
/usr/local/wormbase/logs, owner=root group=wormbase mode=drwxrwsr-x
# mkdir /usr/local/wormbase/logs
# chown root /usr/local/wormbase/logs
# chgrp wormbase /usr/local/wormbase/logs
# chmod 2775 /usr/local/wormbase/logs
~ftp/pub/wormbase, owner=root group=wormbase mode=drwxrwsr-x
# mkdir ~ftp/pub/wormbase
# chown root ~ftp/pub/wormbase
# chgrp wormbase ~ftp/pub/wormbase
# chmod 2775 ~ftp/pub/wormbase

You may ignore this step if you do not plan to mirror the WormBase FTP site. In the examples below, the -p option is used to create the intermediate parents of directories if they don't already exist. If your mkdir doesn't support this option, you will need to create the intermediate directories manually.

/usr/local/wublast, owner=root group=wormbase mode=drwxrwsr-x
# mkdir /usr/local/wublast
# chown root /usr/local/wublast
# chgrp wormbase /usr/local/wublast
# chmod 2775 /usr/local/wublast

You may safely ignore this step if you do not plan to support the blast search page.

The "s" bit in the group permissions for these directories ensures that new directories and files created within them will be owned by the same group as the directory. This allows groups of administrators to have read/write access to project files. For this to work, however, these individuals' default umask must be set to 002 when they log in.

This would be a good time to add yourself to the acedb and wormbase groups.

# usermod -M acedb,wormbase [your_login_name]

You may need to re-login for these changes to take effect. Use the groups command to check which groups you are a member of:

% groups


You have two options for installing the WormBase files, by CVS, or from an archived tarball or via CVS. Both methods are presented. WormBase is a dynamic resource; the CVS version will allow you to remain on the bleeding edge. However, scripts in CVS are not guaranteed to be functional. For this reason, it is recommended to use the tarball install.

Installing from a tarball release

Fetch and unpack the file wormbase-site-X.XX.tar.gz into somewhere safe.

% cd ~/build  # a temporary build directory in your home for example
% curl -O
% gunzip -cd wormbase-site-current.tar.gz | tar xvf -

Now move its contents into /usr/local/wormbase:

% cd wormbase-site*
# cp -r * /usr/local/wormbase/.
Installing via CVS

Using anonymous CVS will enable you to update the WormBase software easily.

Set your CVSROOT environment variable: tcsh syntax: %setenv CVSROOT

Bash syntax: 

% cd /usr/local/wormbase
% cvs \
      co wormbase-site
% mv wormbase-site/* .

Right now, the only directory you need to worry about is wspec, which contains the skeleton of the Acedb password and configuration files that you will need to get Acedb up and running.


You must have a working Acedb socket server running. For best results the server should be running on the same machine as the WormBase web site. This process is explained in detail because it is the trickiest part of installing a WormBase site. You may install Acedb from source or binary packages.

Installing Acedb from a binary package

The following commands will fetch the latest version (here 4_9t) of Acedb into a temporary build directory.

% cd ~/build
% mkdir acedb ; cd acedb
% curl -O
% curl -O
% gunzip -c ACEDB-* | tar xvf -
     If this fails, try unpacking each item independently
       % zcat /usr/local/TGZ/ACEDB-STATIC_binaryLINUX.4_9t.tar.gz | tar xf -
       % zcat /usr/local/TGZ/ACEDB-STATIC_serverLINUX.4_9t.tar.gz | tar xf -
% mv ACEDB-* ~/mirror/src/.   # Stow the source if you'd prefer

Now copy the unpacked binaries to the acedb bin, directory, altering the permissions as appropriate. # mkdir ~/acedb/bin # mv * ~/acedb/bin/. # chown root ~acedb/bin/* # chgrp root ~acedb/bin/*

Installing Acedb from source

Download the most recent release of Acedb, which is ACEDB-source.4_9m.tar.gz at this moment. from site. Note that you should not unpack the tar.gz source file, which will be uncompressed and untarred automatically by the INSTALL script (see later for details). Also download the following files:

README (brief list/description of files)
INSTALL (a ksh script, first time installation script)

Place all the .tar.gz files you need plus INSTALL into this directory ~acedb/. The INSTALL script will install packages in your current working directory.

# sudo chmod u+x INSTALL
Note: make the .tar.gz files readable by acedb group

On the terminal, you will see: ... directory permissions OK... Files will be owned by: "nchen" Files will be installed in: /usr/local/acedb

It will install the package as a subdirectory of the current directory. If such a directory exists you will be given a chance to not install that package or abort the install altogether.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT INSTALL AS ROOT: this would create a security loophole.

building Acedb with the system wide copies of the GNU software

# cd source 
# make all 

You can find all binaries in the bin.LINUX_4 directory.

Create the directory /usr/local/acedb/bin (referred to as ~acedb/bin later, provided that you created an acedb user). Copy the following files to this directory:


Make sure that these files are executable and owned by root:

# chown root ~acedb/bin/
# chgrp root ~acedb/bin/*

Installing A Preliminary Database And Testing Acedb

You will need a database to test whether acedb is installed correctly. This will eventually be done automatically by the script, but it is best to do it manually the first time to ensure that Acedb runs correctly.

It will take a while, but it is best to download the current C. elegans distribution from

Download all files into a suitable temp directory, such as /usr/tmp. Get all the files named database.*.tar.gz, where the * contains the current data release and software version number.

% ftp -i
ftp> type in "anonymous" as username
ftp> ce /pub/wormbase/current_release
ftp> mget database.*.gz

You will now unpack the database into a subdirectory of /usr/local/acedb. There will eventually be multiple Acedb database releases here with a symbolic link pointing to the most current version. By convention, the release directory name is "elegans_WSXX", where XX is the release number, and the symbolic link "elegans" points at the most recent one:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 lstein   acedb          29 Jul 23 12:06 elegans ->elegans_WS46/
drwxrwsr-x    8 lstein   acedb        4096 May 20 20:42 elegans_WS41/
drwxrwsr-x    8 lstein   acedb        4096 May 26 01:31 elegans_WS42/
drwxrwsr-x    8 lstein   acedb        4096 Jun 14 14:37 elegans_WS43/
drwxrwsr-x    8 lstein   acedb        4096 Jun 22 10:55 elegans_WS44/
drwxrwsr-x    8 lstein   acedb        4096 Jul 13 17:55 elegans_WS45/
drwxrwsr-x    8 lstein   acedb        4096 Jul 20 01:34 elegans_WS46/

Create the correct release directory and unpack the database tar files:

% cd ~acedb
% mkdir elegans_WSXX           -- replace "XX" with the release number
% ln -s elegans_WSXX elegans

Notice that these commands are run under normal user privileges. This will work if you have added yourself to the acedb group and configured the directory permissions as described above.

Now unpack the tar files. Assuming that you downloaded them into /usr/tmp, the following will do the trick:

Bash syntax:

cd ~acedb/elegans
for i in /usr/tmp/database*.gz; do gunzip -c $i | tar xvf -;

C-shell syntax:

cd ~acedb/elegans
foreach i (/usr/tmp/database*.gz)
  gunzip -c $i | tar xvf -

This will unpack the database files into ~acedb/elegans.

You will now need to add four configuration files to ~acedb/elegans/wspec. They are:

passwd.wrm        controls local access to the acedb data files
server.wrm        legacy configuration file for the RPC server
serverconfig.wrm  configuration information for the socket server
serverpasswd.wrm  controls remote access to the acedb data files

You will find skeletons of these files in /usr/local/wormbase/wspec, but they will need to be updated with your local account information. Make the following changes to the original files in /usr/local/wormbase/wspec, and then copy them into ~acedb/elegans/wspec. It is important to make the changes to the originals in /usr/local/wormbase/wspec, because these files are used by the WormBase update script to autogenerate new Acedb releases.


This file contains the account names of local users who have write access to the database. Erase what's there (user "lstein") and replace it with the administrator's (your!) login name. If you want to be able to update the database via the socket server, add user "acedb" to the list:

// passwd.wrm

This file contains usernames and passwords for those who have write access to the database. Erase these lines:

admin: admin lstein
write: lstein nchen

Replace them with this line:

admin: admin
write: your_login1 your_login2

This means that someone who logs in with username "admin" and a valid password will be granted administrative access to the database (ability to change passwords and shut down the server). Someone who logs in with username "your_login1" or "your_login2" will have write access to the database.

You will now use the makeUserPasswd program to create some passwords. Each time you run this program, it will print out a password line, which should be manually copied and pasted into the bottom of serverpasswd.wrm:

% ~acedb/bin/makeUserPasswd admin
// Please enter passwd: *******
// Please re-enter passwd: *******
// The following line is a valid entry for wspec/serverpasswd.wrm
admin 5b11966a419e057ef0b7b917746e934c

You should do this once for the administrator, and once for each of the users who have write access. When you are done, serverpasswd.wrm will look like this:

// serverpasswd.wrm
admin: admin
write: your_login1 your_login2
admin 5b11966a419e057ef0b7b917746e934c
your_login1 2640075535f3fe296b6797d77bd6a714
your_login2 05db4280d9f3b1c1aa6e10479aef4243

No extra configuration needed. Just copy it to ~acedb/elegans/wspec/


No extra configuration needed. Just copy it to ~acedb/elegans/wspec/

Be sure to copy these changes from the templates in /usr/local/wormbase/wspec to the live database in ~acedb/elegans/wspec!

At this point, you can test whether the socket server runs correctly. Provided that you have added yourself to the acedb group, you can run the following command:

% ~acedb/bin/sgifaceserver ~acedb/elegans
// Database directory: /usr/local/acedb/elegans
// Shared files: /usr/local/acedb
// #### Server started at 2001-07-23_16:42:31
// ####  listening port=23100
// #### Database dir=/usr/local/acedb/elegans
// ####  Working dir=/usr/local/acedb/elegans
// #### clientTimeout=600 serverTimeout=600 maxKbytes=0 autoSaveInterval=600

// Server listening socket 28 created

The line "listening port=23100" indicates that the server is listening to port 23100. Open a new terminal window and use saceclient to confirm that you can communicate with the server:

% ~acedb/bin/saceclient localhost -port 23100
Please enter userid: anonymous
Please enter passwd: 
acedb@localhost> find Sequence
// Response: 65 bytes.

// Found 236493 objects in this class
// 236493 Active Objects
acedb@localhost> quit
// Closing connection to server.
// Client sent termination signal by server.
// Response: 13 bytes.
// A bientot
// Please report problems to
// Bye

The command-line syntax for saceclient is "saceclient <host> -port <port>". When prompted for the userid, enter "anonymous" and just hit return when prompted for a password. We then issued a "find Sequence" command to count the number of sequences in the database (a lot), and "quit" to terminate the connection.

Now test that the admin password works:

~acedb/bin/saceclient localhost -port 23100
Please enter userid: admin
Please enter passwd: ******
acedb@localhost> shutdown now
// Client sending shutdown to server
// Client sent termination signal by server.
// Response: 87 bytes.
// 0 Active Objects
// Sorry, emergency shutdown of server now executing
// A bientot
// Please report problems to
// Bye

When prompted for the userid, we entered "admin" and gave the correct password. The command "shutdown now" causes the server to exit. If we did not have administrative privileges, we would have gotten an "unknown command" error at this stage.

Installing Acedb to start automatically

The final step is to arrange for the Acedb socket server to be started automatically when it is needed. The most typical way of doing this is to use inetd to launch the server.

Locate the file /etc/inetd.conf, and add the following line to the end:

2005 stream tcp wait acedb /usr/local/acedb/bin/sgifaceserver \
     sock.acedb /usr/local/acedb/elegans  1200:1200:0

Note that this line has been broken at the end (with a backslash), but that in the real configuration file, neither the linebreak nor the backslash should appear. The first column indicates the port number to listen to. 2005 is the default used by the WormBase configuration files.

Tell inetd to reload its configuration file by sending it a HUP signal.

# ps -elf | grep inetd
140 S root       500     1  0  60   0    -   329 do_sel Jul17 ? inetd
# killall -HUP 140

You should now be able to talk to the database using saceclient (as a anonymous user):

% ~acedb/bin/saceclient localhost -port 2005

Installing Acedb under xinetd

What? You don't have /etc/inetd.conf? You are probably using new-fangled RedHat system that has replaced the tried-and-true inetd daemon with the (supposedly more secure, but probably buggy) xinetd daemon.

First, make sure that xinetd is even installed (look for the presence of /usr/sbin/xinetd). If not, use the RPM manager (gnorpm or equivalent) to install the xinetd package. (Or better yet, install the traditional inetd). After installing xinetd, make sure that it is run in the system's default run level. Use the RedHat control-panel for this purpose.

The version of xinetd that is installed in RedHat 7.1 will not work. Go to RedHat's "upgrade" RPM site and install xinetd-2.3.7-4.7x. Once xinetd is installed, you will now need to create an xinetd configuration file for Acedb. Create a new file named /etc/xinetd.d/acedb with the following contents:

# file: /etc/xinetd.d/acedb
# default: on
# description: wormbase acedb database
service acedb
       protocol                = tcp
       socket_type             = stream
       port                    = 2005
       flags                   = REUSE
       wait                    = yes
       user                    = acedb
       group                   = acedb
       log_on_success          += USERID DURATION
       log_on_failure          += USERID HOST
       server                  = /usr/local/acedb/bin/sgifaceserver
       server_args             = /usr/local/acedb/elegans 1200:1200:0

Edit /etc/services. Although xinetd is not supposed to use /etc/services, the following line must be added:

acedb           2005/tcp

Restart xinetd with the following command:

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd reload (or restart)

To kill xinetd, first find the process id and then:

# kill -SIGUSR2 process#

You should now be able to talk to the database using saceclient:

% ~acedb/bin/saceclient localhost -port 2005

Note: to know if the server is listening at port 2005, run the following command:

# netstat -ant | grep LISTEN
or, for more readable output,
# netstat -vatp | grep LISTEN  

If an error occurs, check /var/log/messages, and the serverlog.worm and log.wrm files in the current database directory. Common errors include insufficient disk space and inapprorpriate permissions for the latter two log files. Remember, the acedb server must be able to write to these files.


MySQL is extremely well documented. Just follow the installation instructions and set it up to start automatically when the server is booted.

Run mysql server by:

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld start

First, set up password for root like this:

# mysqladmin -uroot password PASSWORD

WormBase requires three sets of mysql databases. In the first set of databases, one is called "elegans" and is the live database. The other is called "elegans_load", and is a temporary database used while loading new releases. This convention is followed for databases named briggsae/briggsae_load and elegans/elegans_load.

In the following walkthrough, the mysql administrator's name is "root" and the password is "PASSWORD". The current user's login name is assumed to be "me". Substitute for these values as appropriate

Step 1. Create the elegans database
mysqladmin -uroot -pPASSWORD create elegans
Step 2. Create the elegans_load database
mysqladmin -uroot -pPASSWORD create elegans_load
Step 3. Give yourself write permission for the databases
mysql -uroot -pPASSWORD elegans
mysql> grant all privileges on elegans.* to me@localhost;
mysql> grant all privileges on elegans_load.* to me@localhost;
mysql> grant file on *.* to me@localhost;

Note that this is set up so that you do not have to type a password to upload information into these databases provided that you are logged into the database machine. If you want a password, you will need to make changes to the file /usr/local/wormbase/update_scripts/ (look for the MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASS constants).

Step 4. Give the "nobody" user read permission for the elegans database
mysql> grant select on elegans.* to nobody@localhost;

Repeat Step 1-4 first to establish MySQL databases "briggsae" and "briggsae_load", and then once again for "elegans_pmap" and "elegans_pmap_load".

All three primary databases will be populated the first time you run the script. On subsequent updates, the *_load will become temporarily populated.

Also note that after setting up these databases, some steps have to be taken to make them working for wormbase. For example:

Note: The default directory for MySQL databases in RedHat Linux 7.3 is /var/lib/mysql. Make sure that there is enough space in /var drive. Otherwise, you should do one of the following:

1. Place databases in a different path using symbolic links to /var/lib/mysql. 
2. Change the default directory to a different path in the my.cnf file.


The easiest way to install the required Perl modules is with the CPAN shell at your home directory:

# perl -MCPAN -e shell

The first time you run this, it will go through some configuration steps. After this you will be presented with the "cpan>" prompt. Type "?" to get some help. To install modules, type "install <module_name>". For example, here's how to install the "Bundle::CPAN" module, which bundles together a number of modules recommended by CPAN:

cpan> install Bundle::CPAN

You will want to run the following commands:

cpan> install LWP
cpan> install Net::FTP
cpan> install Digest::MD5
cpan> install Ace
cpan> install XML::Parser

The Ace module is the most recent version of AcePerl. When you install it, you will be asked whether to build the pure Perl version, an optimized version for sockets only, or an optimized version that works with sockets and the older RPC-based server. Choose either option (2) or (3).

When you install Ace for the first time it will also ask you whether you want to install AceBrowser. Answer "yes" the very first time you install it (you do not need to answer in the affirmative for subsequent updates). It will then ask you to choose paths for its configuration files. For WormBase installs, these are the right values to choose:

Site-specific configuration files:  /usr/local/wormbase/conf
                         CGI path:  /usr/local/wormbase/cgi-bin
                        HTML path:  /usr/local/wormbase/html

The XML::Parser module requires that you download and install the expat XML parsing libraries first. This is well described in the documentation that accompanies the expat library.

The current GD module is a challenge to install because of its requirements on the libgd external library. However, because of bad versioning, there are many different versions of libgd floating around, and some do not work correctly with GD. I suggest that you install an older version of the GD module that comes with its own stable built-in library. To install the older version, run this command:

cpan> install LDS/GD-1.19.tar.gz

Install other perl modules listed before.


You may install BioPerl either using anonymous CVS or by downloading and installing the most recent stable core.

Install BioPerl from the current stable release (recommended)

% wget
% gunzip -c cur* | tar xvf -
% cd bioperl-1.4
% perl Makefile.PL
% make
% make test
% sudo make install

Installing from CVS will give you the latest version of BioPerl, but may also include unresolved bugs and experimental code.

% cvs -d login
   when prompted for the password, type 'cvs'
% cvs co bioperl-live
% cd bioperl-live
% perl Makefile.PL
% make
% make test
% sudo make install

This will create a directory named bioperl-live. In the future, when you wish to update to the most recent version, simply type "cvs update" in the bioperl-live directory.

Install BioPerl in the usual way, by running "perl Makefile.PL", "make", "make test" and "make install".


This is a CGI script and some Perl modules that use Bio::DB::GFF and Bio::Graphics to create the main WormBase genome display. It lives at Like BioPerl, GBrowse can be installed via anonymous CVS or from the current stable release.

Via CVS:
 % cvs login
 When prompted for a password for anonymous, simply press the Enter key.
 % cvs \ 
       co Generic-Genome-Browser

 Via the latest stable release:
% wget
  Where X.XX is the latest stable release.
% gunzip -c Gene* | tar xvf -

Enter the unpacked directory or that fetched by CVS and run the following incantation to install it in the proper place for WormBase:

perl Makefile.PL HTDOCS=/usr/local/wormbase/html \
                 CGIBIN=/usr/local/wormbase/cgi-perl/seq \
                 CONF=/usr/local/wormbase/conf \
make install

(Sorry for the long incantation; I suggest you cut and paste from this document into the command line.)


To a large extent, installing Apache/mod_perl is exactly as described in the documentation that accompanies these packages. However, you must be careful to use mod_perl's Makefile.PL to configure and build Apache, as it deactivates the built-in expat library that comes with Apache. Otherwise, you will be unable to run the WormBase pages that rely on XML parsing.

Unpack Apache and mod_perl into two side-by-side directories:

drwxr-xr-x    8 lstein   lstein       4096 Jul 16 15:42 apache_1.3.17/
drwxr-xr-x   24 lstein   lstein       4096 Jul 16 14:45 mod_perl-1.25/

Enter the mod_perl directory, and run this command:

% perl Makefile.PL DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1 \
       APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \
       APACI_ARGS='--enable-shared=info --enable-shared=status'

The primary installation site of WormBase also needs the proxy module and uses this configuration command.

% perl Makefile.PL DO_HTTPD=1 USE_APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1 \
      APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apache \
      APACI_ARGS='--enable-shared=info --enable-shared=status \
                  --enable-shared=proxy --enable-shared=proxy-http \ 

The APACI_ARGS option in this command turns on two Apache modules that give status information. They are not strictly necessary for WormBase.

You will get a bunch of diagnostic information. Now run the following two commands:

% make
% make test

The LWP library must be installed before you "make test". If the tests are successful, become root and run:

# make install

This will install Apache into the directory /usr/local/apache.

Note: if you have trouble in installing Apache/mod_perl, you may want to try older version of there software. Apache_1.3.26 and mod_perl-1.27 work well on Red Hat 7.3.


Configuring httpd.conf

In /usr/local/wormbase/conf/httpd.conf, you will find an Apache configuration file containing WormBase-specific definitions. You can cut-and-paste this file into the main configuration file (/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf), replacing the directives already there, or, better, use an Include directive to bring these directives in.

If WormBase is going to be the only website hosted by this server, then remove from the main configuration file all DocumentRoot and <Directory> sections. Change the Port directive to "Port 80", and insert the following at the bottom of the file:

Include /usr/local/wormbase/conf/httpd.conf

If WormBase is going to be a virtual host (one of several web sites hosted by the server), then you must create an appropriate <VirtualHost> section. Here is a template to follow:

  UseCanonicalName on
  Include /usr/local/wormbase/conf/httpd.conf

The IP address in the <VirtualHost> tag must be replaced by the correct IP address for the server. Likewise, the ServerName must be replaced by a DNS name that will correctly resolve to this IP address. Do not use "!" This name is already taken.

The directives in /usr/local/wormbase/conf/httpd.conf will do the following:

1. Set /usr/local/wormbase/html to be the document root for static
        HTML files.

2. Set /usr/local/wormbase/db to be a script directory under the 
     control of mod_perl's Apache::Registry.

3. Create transfer and error logs in /usr/local/wormbase/logs

4. Create an ordinary cgi-bin directory in

5. Put all static .html files under the control of
   Apache::AddWormbaseBanner, a module that appends
   the standard WormBase header and footer on all HTML files.

/usr/local/wormbase/conf/httpd.conf should not need any adjustment, except in one respect: the location of the staging directory for dynamically-generated images. This involves the following directive:

Alias /ace_images  /var/tmp/ace_images

The ace_images directory will be created automatically the first time WormBase needs it, but the directory that it contains, in this case /var/tmp, must be writable by the Apache user (usually "nobody"). The images will eventually occupy approximately 10 megs. If /var/tmp is not appropriate for your system, change the second argument to some location that is more suitable.

Installing Analog and Report Magic (optional)

If you are running a mirror site or would like to analyze accesses to your logs, you should also install Analog and ReportMagic. These software packages will be used to automatically analyze the access logs on a running basis.

Fetch analog:

tar xzf analog-6.0.tar.gz
cd analog-6.0

Copy analog to somewhere in your path

sudo cp analog /usr/local/bin/.

Install Report Magic

tar xzf rmagic-2.21.tar.gz

Edit Install.PL to place the report magic files in /usr/local/wormbase.

sudo Perl Install.PL

Be sure to place analog and Report Magic in your path.

Configuring WormBase: and

WormBase uses two main configarutation files, and, located at /usr/local/wormbase/conf.

The first,, contains a variety of Perl definitions that are used by the various WormBase mod_perl scripts. You will want to look through this file, but you probably will not need to make any changes. The sole item you might wish to change controls the location of temporary files:


This is the location of a temporary staging directory for dynamically-generated images as indicated in conf/httpd.conf. Its value is a list in which the first item is where the images will appear on the Web server (in URL space) and the second item is where they will appear on the filesystem:

@PICTURES = ('/ace_images' => '/var/tmp/ace_images');

If you changed the location of the staging directory in httpd.conf, you must make the corresponding change here.

The second file,, contains site-specific hostnames, ports, and passwords. You will find a template for this file at /usr/local/wormbase/conf/ Rename this file and edit the following options as appropriate for your site.


This is the name of the host where the socket server runs. It is set to "localhost" by default.


This is the port on which the socket server runs, 2005 by default.


These three items define the acedb username and password.


These three items define the mysql host, username, and password.


This is used only for the WormBase master site. Should be set to 0.


Whether or not the site is a mirror. Should be set to the name of the mirror.


Whether or not the site is a development site. Internally, this controls the nature of caching on the site. Should be set to 0.


These two options control where the blast script directs queries, and where those queries are returned. This is provided in the event that a second standalone blast server is provided. If not, these two options should point to:


Restarting WormBase

When the configuration files have been checked and adjusted, restart Apache with the following command:

# /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart

Look in /usr/local/wormbase/logs/error_log (Wormbase-specific errors) and /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log (general errors) for any error messages. If there are none, try fetching the main page. You should see a WormBase banner and footer. The various database searches should also work. However, the precomputed "genome dump" pages wll not work yet because they haven't been generated.

If it doesn't work

There are a number of common problems to check:

Is the acedb socket server starting?

Run "ps" to determine whether the server is indeed starting. If not, go back to the acedb configuration section and confirm that everything is where it should be. Make sure that the /usr/local/acedb/elegans/database directory is writable by the acedb user.

The two acedb logs to check for error messages are both in /usr/local/acedb/elegans/database. Examine log.wrm and serverlog.wrm.

Is the acedb socket server crashing?

It is possible that the server is crashing soon after it starts. The symptom of this is that the system gets very busy for a while, and "top" or "ps" shows the server restarting repeatedly. Eventually inetd (or xinetd) will disable the server and issue a syslog message to the effect that it is disabling a "looping" service.

Again, check that acedb is installed properly and that the database directory is writable. Check log.wrm and serverlog.wrm.

"Internal Server Error"

This is typically a symptom that mod_perl isn't installed correctly, a required Perl library is missing, or something is wrong with the configuration. Check the two error_log files (in /usr/local/apache/log and /usr/local/wormbase/log) for clues.

The banner displays but the decorative worm images are broken

On some versions of Linux running the libc 2.2 library there is a bug in readdir(), which is the function called to read the contents of a directory. You can check what version of glibc you have by looking at the contents of /lib:

% ls -l /libc-*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root  root  4101324 Feb 29  2000 /lib/*

Versions that are at risk will show installed. The solution is to upgrade to a more recent version of libc. libc 2.2.3 is known to work correctly.

If you are stuck, send copies of the error logs and anything else you think might be useful to and I'll try to help.


The Blast page requires Wu-BLAST. This page can be deactivated if you don't want to run a Blast search.

By default, WormBase expects Wu-BLAST to be installed in /usr/local/wublast. This is the directory structure used by WormBase:

% ls -l /usr/local/wublast
ls -l /usr/local/wublast
total 72
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root     18 May  7 12:26  BLOSUM62 -> matrix/aa/BLOSUM62
-rw-r--r--  1 root  root  46789 Feb  5  1998  HISTORY
-rw-r--r--  1 root  root   6648 Mar  4  1997  README
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  root   4096 May  7  12:46 bin/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root     25 Jul 24  08:20 databases -> /usr/local/wormbase/blast/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  root   4096 Jan 27  2000  filter/
drwxr-xr-x  4 root  root   4096 Oct  4  1998  matrix/

The important thing to note is that the databases directory is a symbolic link to /usr/local/wormbase/blast. This is where the script (described in the next section) dumps its BLAST databases.


Jim Kent's BLAT (blast-like alignment tool) is a fast nucleotide aligner used by the blast search page. If you do not plan to support blast searches, you may safely skip this step.

# mkdir /usr/local/blat ; cd /usr/local/blat
% wget
% unzip
% mkdir bin
% mv * bin/.

Start the blat server by:

%/usr/local/blat/bin/gfServer start localhost 2003 \ 
    /usr/local/wormbase/blat/*.nib & > /dev/null 2>&1


Two scripts in the WormBase directory can be used to ensure that the mysql and blat servers are running. To install, them:

% sudo cp /usr/localwormbase/util/admin/blat_server.initd \

Place the restart scripts under cron control of a privileged user. These commands will check every hour to see that the servers are running.

% sudo crontab -u root -e

 0 * * * * /usr/local/wormbase/util/admin/
 0 * * * * /usr/local/wormbase/util/admin/

At the same time, you might also wish to automate the rotatation of logs to prevent them from growing to an unwieldy size. You'll find an appropriate log rotation configuration stanza in util/rotate_wormbase_logs and a log rotate script in /usr/local/wormbase/bin/ You will need both.

# Rotate httpd logs
10 1 * * * /usr/local/wormbase/bin/
# Rotate acedb logs
10 1 * * * logrotate /usr/local/wormbase/util/rotate_wormbase_logs 

This stanza will check that the acedb server logs do not grow larger than 100 MB.


Located in /usr/local/wormbase/update_scripts directory is a script called Its job is to check the Sanger Centre FTP site at intervals and download new versions of the C. elegans database as they become available. After downloading the database, it unpacks it, updates the acedb password and configuration files using the contents of /usr/local/wormbase/wspec, and then creates several dump files used by the web and FTP sites.

Files touched by

The following files and directories are managed by this script:

Databases mirrored from the Sanger FTP and WormBase FTP sites are stored here, sorted by species and release number. Following updates, you can safely remove these files if you need to reclaim disk space.


This is a directory that contains indexed BLAST files for use by the Blast search script. The update script will create a link named "blast" pointing to the most recent version.

This directory contains three BLAST databases:

EST_Elegans      C. elegans ESTs
Elegans          C. elegans genomic
WormPep          C. elegans proteins

Since it is needed in two places, the WormPep database is a symbolic link to /usr/local/wormbase/html/mirrored_data/wormpepXX.

~ftp/pub/wormbase/elegans, ~ftp/pub/wormbase/briggsae

Mirrored and post-processed data is copied to these paths on the FTP site, and stored in directories corresponding to the current release.

The MySQL "elegans", "briggsae", and "elegans_pmap" databases

These databases are updated using a complicated process that combines information from the .gff files located in the FTP area and locus information from the new ACeDB database. These data are run through a filter script called and piped into the script for incorporation into the database.


This directory is updated with a copy of the current release notes.


In the best of worlds, you will not need to modify, but this is not the best of worlds. At the top of the file, there are three constants that define the location of important paths. These paths can be changed by setting environment variables before the script is run, or by editing the script directly.

Constant        Environment Variable      Default
WORMBASE        WORMBASE                  /usr/local/wormbase
ACEDB           ACEDB                     /usr/local/acedb
FTP_SITE          WORMBASE_FTP              ~ftp/pub/wormbase

As the last example shows, ~username interpolation is allowed. Change these if needed.

Just below the top of the file a line sets the default PATH environment variable. This determines where the script will search for the various acedb and BLAST executables. Change this if necessary.

Below this is a series of constant flags that enable and disable various steps in the process. It looks like this:

use constant CHECKNR        => 1;  # check for new releases
use constant MIRROR         => 1;  # copy from Sanger to tmp directory
use constant MIRROR_CB      => 1;  # copy from to tmp directory
use constant UNTAR          => 1;  # unpack database
use constant SKEL           => 1;  # add local users to database login
use constant COPY_TO_FTP    => 1;  # copy mirrored files to FTP directories
use constant CHROMTABLE     => 0;  # dump CHROMOSOME*.html files  NO LONGER NEEDED
use constant INTERPOLATED   => 0;  # dump interpolated positions  NO LONGER NEEDED
use constant BLAST_NUC      => 1;  # create BLAST database for genome
use constant BLAST_PEP      => 1;  #   "      "     "      "   wormpep
use constant BLAST_EST      => 1;  #   "      "     "      "   ESTs
use constant BLAST_BRIG     => 1;  #   "      "     "      "   briggsae
use constant GFFDB_LOAD     => 1;  # load the elegans GFF database
use constant CB_GFFDB_LOAD  => 1;  # load the briggsae GFF database, off by default since briggsae rarely changes
use constant PMAP_GFFDB_LOAD=> 1;  # load the elegans_pmap GFF database
use constant EPCR_LOAD      => 1;  # load the PCR/OLIGO database
use constant INDEX_UPDATE   => 1;  # update home page with new release
use constant MAKE_GENENAME  => 1;  # make the gene name table dump
use constant BUILD_BLAT     => 1;  # rebuild the blat database
use constant DUMP_BRIEF_IDS => 0;  # create a file of concise descriptions for genes

# The following options fine tune the behavior of the script
use constant REMOVE_MIRRORED => 0; # remove mirrored data after copying to FTP site

If you wish to disable a particular step (for example, creating the BLAST indexes), then change the corresponding flag to a value of 0.

Below this are two constants that can be used to set the username and password for the MySQL database:

# change this if you have a mysql user and password
use constant MYSQL_USER        => '';
use constant MYSQL_PASS        => '';

Change these if you need to.

The remainder of the script contains no user-serviceable parts.


When run from the command line, sends progress messages to standard error:

[Note: scripts sends a message to after a successful update. For your own mirror site, you might not want to send a message to this address, rather you might want to have the message sent to yourself. Make changes in the script accordingly.]

Thu Oct 26 00:00:01 2000 checking for new release
Thu Oct 26 00:00:03 2000 mirroring from Sanger
Getting directory current_release/
Getting directory CHROMOSOMES/
Getting file CHROMOSOME_I.dna.gz
Getting file CHROMOSOME_I.gff.gz
Getting file CHROMOSOME_II.dna.gz
Thu Oct 26 01:17:16 2000 untarring directory

If the script is successful, the last line will read "You need to restart server". This is an indication that it is safe to log into the socket server as admin and run the "shutdown now" command. When acedb restarts, it will be using the new data. Note that the new database will also be loaded whenever acedb shuts down (or crashes) spontaneously, which happens relatively frequently!

If the local Acedb release is as new as the Sanger version, then you will get the following messagesk

Tue Jul 24 09:32:37 2001 checking for new release
Tue Jul 24 09:32:39 2001 No new release. Quitting.

If you wish to fetch a particular C. elegans release and force it to be installed, use the -wsversion option. This is useful for backtracking to a known working version of the database:

% -wsversion WS40

Dealing with Partial Updates

It occasionally happens that will not complete its job. The two common cases are running out of disk space when unpacking the database, and acedb crashing while creating the dump files.

To force a rebuild without re-mirroring the data, use the -rebuild option. This command will rebuild the most current release, creating the dump files and updating the web site:

% -rebuild 0 

This command will rebuild the specified release:

% -rebuild WS46

Running as a Cron Job

You will probably want to run as a Cron job, using a crontab line like this one:

0 1 * * * /usr/local/wormbase/update_scripts/

This tells cron to run the script once a day at 1 after midnight. The output of the script will be mailed to the owner of the cron table. Be sure that the script is run under an account that has write permission to the various directories that the update script touches.


Material in this document is copyright 2003 by the California Institute of Technology, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Washington University at St. Louis, and The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. This information is provided "AS-IS" without any warranty, expressed or implied.