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388 lines (304 loc) · 17.9 KB

box legal-hold-policies

List legal hold policies

box legal-hold-policies

List legal hold policies

  $ box legal-hold-policies

  -h, --help                             Show CLI help
  -q, --quiet                            Suppress any non-error output to stderr
  -s, --save                             Save report to default reports folder on disk
  -t, --token=token                      Provide a token to perform this call
  -v, --verbose                          Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
  -y, --yes                              Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
  --as-user=as-user                      Provide an ID for a user
  --bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path        File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
  --csv                                  Output formatted CSV
  --fields=fields                        Comma separated list of fields to show
  --json                                 Output formatted JSON
  --no-color                             Turn off colors for logging
  --policy-name=policy-name              Filter by policy name
  --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path  Override default file path to save report

  box legal-hold-policies

See code: src/commands/legal-hold-policies/index.js

box legal-hold-policies:assign POLICYID

Create a new policy assignment

  $ box legal-hold-policies:assign POLICYID

  POLICYID  ID of the legal hold policy to assign

  -h, --help                                      Show CLI help
  -q, --quiet                                     Suppress any non-error output to stderr
  -s, --save                                      Save report to default reports folder on disk
  -t, --token=token                               Provide a token to perform this call
  -v, --verbose                                   Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
  -y, --yes                                       Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
  --as-user=as-user                               Provide an ID for a user
  --assign-to-id=assign-to-id                     (required) ID of the object to assign the policy to
  --assign-to-type=file_version|file|folder|user  (required) Type of object to assign the policy to
  --bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path                 File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
  --csv                                           Output formatted CSV
  --fields=fields                                 Comma separated list of fields to show
  --json                                          Output formatted JSON
  --no-color                                      Turn off colors for logging
  --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path           Override default file path to save report

  box legal-hold-policies:assign 99999 --assign-to-type folder --assign-to-id 22222

See code: src/commands/legal-hold-policies/assign.js

box legal-hold-policies:assignments ID

List policy assignments

  $ box legal-hold-policies:assignments ID

  ID  ID of the legal hold policy get get assignments for

  -h, --help                                      Show CLI help
  -q, --quiet                                     Suppress any non-error output to stderr
  -s, --save                                      Save report to default reports folder on disk
  -t, --token=token                               Provide a token to perform this call
  -v, --verbose                                   Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
  -y, --yes                                       Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
  --as-user=as-user                               Provide an ID for a user
  --assign-to-id=assign-to-id                     Filter by assignment Id
  --assign-to-type=file_version|file|folder|user  Filter by assignment type
  --bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path                 File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
  --csv                                           Output formatted CSV
  --fields=fields                                 Comma separated list of fields to show
  --json                                          Output formatted JSON
  --no-color                                      Turn off colors for logging
  --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path           Override default file path to save report

  box legal-hold-policies:assignments 99999

See code: src/commands/legal-hold-policies/assignments/index.js

box legal-hold-policies:assignments:delete ID

Delete a policy assignment

  $ box legal-hold-policies:assignments:delete ID

  ID  ID of the policy assignment to delete

  -h, --help                             Show CLI help
  -q, --quiet                            Suppress any non-error output to stderr
  -s, --save                             Save report to default reports folder on disk
  -t, --token=token                      Provide a token to perform this call
  -v, --verbose                          Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
  -y, --yes                              Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
  --as-user=as-user                      Provide an ID for a user
  --bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path        File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
  --csv                                  Output formatted CSV
  --fields=fields                        Comma separated list of fields to show
  --json                                 Output formatted JSON
  --no-color                             Turn off colors for logging
  --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path  Override default file path to save report

  box legal-hold-policies:assignments:delete 99999

See code: src/commands/legal-hold-policies/assignments/delete.js

box legal-hold-policies:assignments:get ID

Get information about a policy assignment

  $ box legal-hold-policies:assignments:get ID

  ID  ID of the policy assignment to get

  -h, --help                             Show CLI help
  -q, --quiet                            Suppress any non-error output to stderr
  -s, --save                             Save report to default reports folder on disk
  -t, --token=token                      Provide a token to perform this call
  -v, --verbose                          Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
  -y, --yes                              Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
  --as-user=as-user                      Provide an ID for a user
  --bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path        File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
  --csv                                  Output formatted CSV
  --fields=fields                        Comma separated list of fields to show
  --json                                 Output formatted JSON
  --no-color                             Turn off colors for logging
  --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path  Override default file path to save report

  box legal-hold-policies:assignments:get 99999

See code: src/commands/legal-hold-policies/assignments/get.js

box legal-hold-policies:create POLICYNAME

Create a new legal hold policy

  $ box legal-hold-policies:create POLICYNAME

  POLICYNAME  Name of the legal hold policy

  -h, --help                             Show CLI help
  -q, --quiet                            Suppress any non-error output to stderr
  -s, --save                             Save report to default reports folder on disk
  -t, --token=token                      Provide a token to perform this call
  -v, --verbose                          Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
  -y, --yes                              Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
  --as-user=as-user                      Provide an ID for a user
  --bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path        File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
  --csv                                  Output formatted CSV
  --description=description              Description of legal hold policy
  --fields=fields                        Comma separated list of fields to show

  --filter-ended-at=filter-ended-at      Date filter applies to Custodian assignments only. Should be today's date or
                                         before. Use a RFC3339 timestamp or shorthand syntax 0t, like -5w for 5 weeks

  --filter-started-at=filter-started-at  Date filter applies to Custodian assignments only. Should be today's date or
                                         before. Use a RFC3339 timestamp or shorthand syntax 0t, like -5w for 5 weeks

  --json                                 Output formatted JSON

  --no-color                             Turn off colors for logging

  --ongoing                              Assignments under this policy will continue applying to files based on events,

  --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path  Override default file path to save report

  box legal-hold-policies:create "Class Action Suit" --ongoing

See code: src/commands/legal-hold-policies/create.js

box legal-hold-policies:delete ID

Delete a legal hold policy

  $ box legal-hold-policies:delete ID

  ID  ID of the legal hold policy to delete

  -h, --help                             Show CLI help
  -q, --quiet                            Suppress any non-error output to stderr
  -s, --save                             Save report to default reports folder on disk
  -t, --token=token                      Provide a token to perform this call
  -v, --verbose                          Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
  -y, --yes                              Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
  --as-user=as-user                      Provide an ID for a user
  --bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path        File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
  --csv                                  Output formatted CSV
  --fields=fields                        Comma separated list of fields to show
  --json                                 Output formatted JSON
  --no-color                             Turn off colors for logging
  --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path  Override default file path to save report

  box legal-hold-policies:delete 99999

See code: src/commands/legal-hold-policies/delete.js

box legal-hold-policies:file-version-holds ID

List file version legal holds for a legal hold policy

  $ box legal-hold-policies:file-version-holds ID

  ID  ID of the legal hold policy to get holds for

  -h, --help                             Show CLI help
  -q, --quiet                            Suppress any non-error output to stderr
  -s, --save                             Save report to default reports folder on disk
  -t, --token=token                      Provide a token to perform this call
  -v, --verbose                          Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
  -y, --yes                              Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
  --as-user=as-user                      Provide an ID for a user
  --bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path        File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
  --csv                                  Output formatted CSV
  --fields=fields                        Comma separated list of fields to show
  --json                                 Output formatted JSON
  --no-color                             Turn off colors for logging
  --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path  Override default file path to save report

  box legal-hold-policies:file-version-holds 99999

See code: src/commands/legal-hold-policies/file-version-holds/index.js

box legal-hold-policies:file-version-holds:get ID

Get information about a file version legal hold

  $ box legal-hold-policies:file-version-holds:get ID

  ID  ID of the file version legal hold to get

  -h, --help                             Show CLI help
  -q, --quiet                            Suppress any non-error output to stderr
  -s, --save                             Save report to default reports folder on disk
  -t, --token=token                      Provide a token to perform this call
  -v, --verbose                          Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
  -y, --yes                              Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
  --as-user=as-user                      Provide an ID for a user
  --bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path        File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
  --csv                                  Output formatted CSV
  --fields=fields                        Comma separated list of fields to show
  --json                                 Output formatted JSON
  --no-color                             Turn off colors for logging
  --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path  Override default file path to save report

  box legal-hold-policies:file-version-holds:get 12345

See code: src/commands/legal-hold-policies/file-version-holds/get.js

box legal-hold-policies:get ID

Get information about a legal hold policy

  $ box legal-hold-policies:get ID

  ID  ID of the legal hold policy to get

  -h, --help                             Show CLI help
  -q, --quiet                            Suppress any non-error output to stderr
  -s, --save                             Save report to default reports folder on disk
  -t, --token=token                      Provide a token to perform this call
  -v, --verbose                          Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
  -y, --yes                              Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
  --as-user=as-user                      Provide an ID for a user
  --bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path        File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
  --csv                                  Output formatted CSV
  --fields=fields                        Comma separated list of fields to show
  --json                                 Output formatted JSON
  --no-color                             Turn off colors for logging
  --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path  Override default file path to save report

  box legal-hold-policies:get 99999

See code: src/commands/legal-hold-policies/get.js

box legal-hold-policies:update ID

Update a legal hold policy

  $ box legal-hold-policies:update ID

  ID  ID of a legal hold policy to update

  -h, --help                             Show CLI help
  -q, --quiet                            Suppress any non-error output to stderr
  -s, --save                             Save report to default reports folder on disk
  -t, --token=token                      Provide a token to perform this call
  -v, --verbose                          Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
  -y, --yes                              Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
  --as-user=as-user                      Provide an ID for a user
  --bulk-file-path=bulk-file-path        File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
  --csv                                  Output formatted CSV
  --description=description              Description of legal hold policy. Max characters 500
  --fields=fields                        Comma separated list of fields to show
  --json                                 Output formatted JSON
  --no-color                             Turn off colors for logging
  --policy-name=policy-name              Name of legal hold policy. Max characters 254
  --release-notes=release-notes          Notes around why the policy was released. Max characters 500
  --save-to-file-path=save-to-file-path  Override default file path to save report

  box legal-hold-policies:update 99999 --description "Files related to the ongoing class action suit"

See code: src/commands/legal-hold-policies/update.js