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Arduino IDE 1.5 from command line

cmaglie edited this page Dec 18, 2012 · 10 revisions

This section explains how to launch a build from command line with Arduino IDE 1.5.
This feature will be available from beta release 1.5.2 (soon to be released).

Command line syntax

arduino [--board <package:arch:board>] [--port <portname>] [--upload] /path/to/sketch/sketch.ino

--board package:arch:board : Selects the board specified by the triple architecture, core and board.

  • Package is the identifier of the packager. Use arduino if you don't have 3rd party packages installed.
  • Architecture could be any architecure installed on the IDE, for example:
    avr for all AVR-based boards (like Uno, Mega or Leonardo)
    sam for 32bit SAM-based boards (like Arduino Due)
  • Board is the identifier of the board to use, as defined in boards.txt, some examples:
    uno for Arduino Uno
    atmega328diecimila for Arduino Duemilanove or Diecimila
    mega2560 for Arduino Mega2560
    arduino_due_x_dbg: for Arduino Due (Programming Port)

--port portname : Select the serial port to perform upload of the sketch.

--upload : if this flag is specified, the sketch is built and uploaded to the board.


Compile and upload a sketch using the last selected board and serial port:
arduino --upload /path/to/sketch/sketch.ino

Compile and upload a sketch to an Arduino Uno connected on port /dev/ttyACM0:
arduino --board arduino:avr:uno --port /dev/ttyACM0 --upload /path/to/sketch/sketch.ino