Update TRL and Svelte dependencies (thanks to @typhonrt)
- Added missing localization string
- Fixed preventing error text from being cut off
- Updated dependencies
- Added feature to pull updated compatibility data from the official package listing
- Fixed total visible packages count
- Clarified localization string for percentage filtered tooltip
- Updated translations from Foundry Hub
- Remove deprecated manifest field
- Adjust the relative path used in the styling for the background of the app
Fix invalid localization code
- Translations from Foundry Hub Weblate (thanks to @JiDW):
- French (thanks to @JiDW)
- Finnish (thanks to @DemianWright)
- Italian (thanks to @EldritchTranslator)
- Brazilian Portuguese (thanks to @Beur1998)
- Spanish
- New status for modules marked as compatible by the developer in the manifest
- Clarify some of the status descriptions
- Notification to remind users to be respectful to community developers
- Allow players to access the compatibility checker (#12)
Fixed error message in console (#7)
Fix display of title & author to work around the upstream spreadsheet not displaying accents or emojis
- Update dependencies to fix upstream issue for users with route prefixes
- Spanish localization
- Set the position of module management window after adding the button (for better compatibility with other modules)
- Localize and fix typo in button text
- In the pie chart legend, show the total as the number of all packages visible
- Increase clickable area of the entries in the pie chart legend
- Improve wording of the footer packages visible count
Removed use of an unavailable Font Awesome icon
Fix initial window height
Add button to toggle showing only active packages / all installed packages
Fix context menu not appearing