SimpleCompass is a small plugin for Spigot Minecraft servers. It allows to display one (or two) compass in the action bar / boss bar area. Players can easily change their settings with a single command, then click on the wanted option(s). Options are: Use always the compass, never or in only on elytra / vehicle.
There is no dependencies, simply drop the jar file into your plugin directory, then restart (or reload) your server. All configuration parameters are explained in this config.yml.
You can download the last release here: SimpleCompass.jar.
All permissions are listed with a short description in this plugin.yml.
- /scompass visual interface (clickable book)
- /scompass-toggle to quickly toggle on/off your compass(es)
- /scompass-option will show the menu to choose where and when display the compass
- /sctrack to tracker a position, coordinates or a player (see below)
- /scompass-reload will reload the configuration
You can use /scompass-option with arguments directly if you prefer (/scompass-option <option> <type>
To use the command sctrack, you need at least one tracker addon. You can find them here:
- CoordsTracker: Allows to track specific coordinates.
- DeathPosTracker: Allows to track the last death position.
- PapiPositionTracker: Allows to track positions defined using PlaholderAPI placeholders.
- PlayerTracker: Allows to track players positions.
- PositionTracker: Allows to track static positions.
Have a look at the Spigot plugin thread, maybe other addons (made by other developers) will be listed.