- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Animations
- Movement
- Running
- Jumping
- Attacking
- Movement
- Sounds: Walking, jumping and attacking
- Stats management: Health, score, attack points
- Attack mechanism
- Code out the first enemy: Zombie Male
- Enemy movement mechanism
- Enemy attack mechanism
- Advanced Movements
- Title Screen that shows up first when game is run
- Instructions Screen
- Pause Screen
- Loading Screen
- Credits Screen
- Add functionality like Exit, Save, etc. in the Pause Screen
- Decorate all the Screens with better fonts and GUI elements like buttons
- Add background image for Level 1
- Implement a game saving utility so that save/load the game
- Add background music to the game
- Reduce Knight health if fallen into water or lava or the spikes
This file will be updated constantly as I progress on the game and also add new stuff to this file as they show up. Also, please note that any task in this file may or may not be completed depending on my personal resources and time.