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221 lines (214 loc) · 31.9 KB


Version: 0.26.0 Type: application AppVersion: 0.24.0

Keeps security report resources updated

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Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} affinity set the operator affinity
automountServiceAccountToken bool true automountServiceAccountToken the flag to enable automount for service account token
compliance.cron string "0 */6 * * *" cron this flag control the cron interval for compliance report generation
compliance.failEntriesLimit int 10 failEntriesLimit the flag to limit the number of fail entries per control check in the cluster compliance detail report this limit is for preventing the report from being too large per control checks
compliance.reportType string "summary" reportType this flag control the type of report generated (summary or all)
compliance.specs list ["k8s-cis-1.23","k8s-nsa-1.0","k8s-pss-baseline-0.1","k8s-pss-restricted-0.1"] specs is a list of compliance specs to be used by the cluster compliance scanner - k8s-cis-1.23 - k8s-nsa-1.0 - k8s-pss-baseline-0.1 - k8s-pss-restricted-0.1 - eks-cis-1.4 - rke2-cis-1.24
excludeNamespaces string "" excludeNamespaces is a comma separated list of namespaces (or glob patterns) to be excluded from scanning. Only applicable in the all namespaces install mode, i.e. when the targetNamespaces values is a blank string.
extraEnv list [] extraEnv is a list of extra environment variables for the trivy-operator.
fullnameOverride string "" fullnameOverride override operator full name
global object {"image":{"registry":""}} global values provide a centralized configuration for 'image.registry', reducing the potential for errors. If left blank, the chart will default to the individually set 'image.registry' values
hostAliases list [] list of host aliases to specify
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" pullPolicy set the operator pullPolicy
image.pullSecrets list [] pullSecrets set the operator pullSecrets
image.registry string ""
image.repository string "aquasec/trivy-operator"
image.tag string "" tag is an override of the image tag, which is by default set by the appVersion field in Chart.yaml.
managedBy string "Helm" managedBy is similar to .Release.Service but allows to overwrite the value
nameOverride string "" nameOverride override operator name
nodeCollector.excludeNodes string nil excludeNodes comma-separated node labels that the node-collector job should exclude from scanning (example,team=dev)
nodeCollector.imagePullSecret string nil imagePullSecret is the secret name to be used when pulling node-collector image from private registries example : reg-secret It is the user responsibility to create the secret for the private registry in trivy-operator namespace
nodeCollector.registry string "" registry of the node-collector image
nodeCollector.repository string "aquasecurity/node-collector" repository of the node-collector image
nodeCollector.tag string "0.3.1" tag version of the node-collector image
nodeCollector.tolerations list [] tolerations to be applied to the node-collector so that they can run on nodes with matching taints
nodeCollector.useNodeSelector bool true useNodeSelector determine if to use nodeSelector (by auto detecting node name) with node-collector scan job
nodeCollector.volumeMounts list [{"mountPath":"/var/lib/etcd","name":"var-lib-etcd","readOnly":true},{"mountPath":"/var/lib/kubelet","name":"var-lib-kubelet","readOnly":true},{"mountPath":"/var/lib/kube-scheduler","name":"var-lib-kube-scheduler","readOnly":true},{"mountPath":"/var/lib/kube-controller-manager","name":"var-lib-kube-controller-manager","readOnly":true},{"mountPath":"/etc/systemd","name":"etc-systemd","readOnly":true},{"mountPath":"/lib/systemd/","name":"lib-systemd","readOnly":true},{"mountPath":"/etc/kubernetes","name":"etc-kubernetes","readOnly":true},{"mountPath":"/etc/cni/net.d/","name":"etc-cni-netd","readOnly":true}] node-collector pod volume mounts definition for collecting config files information
nodeCollector.volumes list [{"hostPath":{"path":"/var/lib/etcd"},"name":"var-lib-etcd"},{"hostPath":{"path":"/var/lib/kubelet"},"name":"var-lib-kubelet"},{"hostPath":{"path":"/var/lib/kube-scheduler"},"name":"var-lib-kube-scheduler"},{"hostPath":{"path":"/var/lib/kube-controller-manager"},"name":"var-lib-kube-controller-manager"},{"hostPath":{"path":"/etc/systemd"},"name":"etc-systemd"},{"hostPath":{"path":"/lib/systemd"},"name":"lib-systemd"},{"hostPath":{"path":"/etc/kubernetes"},"name":"etc-kubernetes"},{"hostPath":{"path":"/etc/cni/net.d/"},"name":"etc-cni-netd"}] node-collector pod volumes definition for collecting config files information
nodeSelector object {} nodeSelector set the operator nodeSelector
operator.accessGlobalSecretsAndServiceAccount bool true accessGlobalSecretsAndServiceAccount The flag to enable access to global secrets/service accounts to allow vulnerability scan job to pull images from private registries
operator.annotations object {} additional annotations for the operator deployment
operator.batchDeleteDelay string "10s" batchDeleteDelay the duration to wait before deleting another batch of config audit reports.
operator.batchDeleteLimit int 10 batchDeleteLimit the maximum number of config audit reports deleted by the operator when the plugin's config has changed.
operator.builtInServerRegistryInsecure bool false builtInServerRegistryInsecure is the flag to enable insecure connection from the built-in Trivy server to the registry.
operator.builtInTrivyServer bool false builtInTrivyServer The flag enables the usage of built-in trivy server in cluster. It also overrides the following trivy params with built-in values trivy.mode = ClientServer and serverURL = http://.:4975
operator.cacheReportTTL string "120h" cacheReportTTL the flag to set how long a cluster sbom report should exist. "" means that the cacheReportTTL feature is disabled
operator.clusterComplianceEnabled bool true clusterComplianceEnabled the flag to enable cluster compliance scanner
operator.clusterSbomCacheEnabled bool false the flag to enable cluster sbom cache generation
operator.configAuditScannerEnabled bool true configAuditScannerEnabled the flag to enable configuration audit scanner
operator.configAuditScannerScanOnlyCurrentRevisions bool true configAuditScannerScanOnlyCurrentRevisions the flag to only create config audit scans on the current revision of a deployment.
operator.controllerCacheSyncTimeout string "5m" controllerCacheSyncTimeout the duration to wait for controller resources cache sync (default: 5m).
operator.exposedSecretScannerEnabled bool true exposedSecretScannerEnabled the flag to enable exposed secret scanner
operator.httpProxy string nil httpProxy is the HTTP proxy used by Trivy operator to download the default policies from GitHub.
operator.httpsProxy string nil httpsProxy is the HTTPS proxy used by Trivy operator to download the default policies from GitHub.
operator.infraAssessmentScannerEnabled bool true infraAssessmentScannerEnabled the flag to enable infra assessment scanner
operator.labels object {} additional labels for the operator deployment
operator.leaderElectionId string "trivyoperator-lock" leaderElectionId determines the name of the resource that leader election will use for holding the leader lock.
operator.logDevMode bool false logDevMode the flag to enable development mode (more human-readable output, extra stack traces and logging information, etc)
operator.mergeRbacFindingWithConfigAudit bool false mergeRbacFindingWithConfigAudit the flag to enable merging rbac finding with config-audit report
operator.metricsClusterComplianceInfo bool false MetricsClusterComplianceInfo the flag to enable metrics about Cluster Compliance be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled.
operator.metricsConfigAuditInfo bool false MetricsConfigAuditInfo the flag to enable metrics about configuration audits be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled.
operator.metricsExposedSecretInfo bool false MetricsExposedSecretInfo the flag to enable metrics about exposed secrets be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled.
operator.metricsFindingsEnabled bool true metricsFindingsEnabled the flag to enable metrics for findings
operator.metricsImageInfo bool false MetricsImageInfo the flag to enable metrics about Image Information of scanned images This information has image os information including os family, name/version, and if end of service life has been reached be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled.
operator.metricsInfraAssessmentInfo bool false MetricsInfraAssessmentInfo the flag to enable metrics about Infra Assessment be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled.
operator.metricsRbacAssessmentInfo bool false MetricsRbacAssessmentInfo the flag to enable metrics about Rbac Assessment be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled.
operator.metricsVulnIdEnabled bool false metricsVulnIdEnabled the flag to enable metrics about cve vulns id be aware of metrics cardinality is significantly increased with this feature enabled.
operator.namespace string "" namespace to install the operator, defaults to the .Release.Namespace
operator.noProxy string nil noProxy is a comma separated list of IPs and domain names that are not subject to proxy settings.
operator.podLabels object {} additional labels for the operator pod
operator.privateRegistryScanSecretsNames object {} privateRegistryScanSecretsNames is map of namespace:secrets, secrets are comma seperated which can be used to authenticate in private registries in case if there no imagePullSecrets provided example : {"mynamespace":"mySecrets,anotherSecret"}
operator.rbacAssessmentScannerEnabled bool true rbacAssessmentScannerEnabled the flag to enable rbac assessment scanner
operator.replicas int 1 replicas the number of replicas of the operator's pod
operator.revisionHistoryLimit string nil number of old history to retain to allow rollback (if not set, default Kubernetes value is set to 10)
operator.sbomGenerationEnabled bool true the flag to enable sbom generation, required for enabling ClusterVulnerabilityReports
operator.scanJobTTL string "" scanJobTTL the set automatic cleanup time after the job is completed
operator.scanJobTimeout string "5m" scanJobTimeout the length of time to wait before giving up on a scan job
operator.scanJobsConcurrentLimit int 10 scanJobsConcurrentLimit the maximum number of scan jobs create by the operator
operator.scanJobsRetryDelay string "30s" scanJobsRetryDelay the duration to wait before retrying a failed scan job
operator.scanNodeCollectorLimit int 1 scanNodeCollectorLimit the maximum number of node collector jobs create by the operator
operator.scanSecretTTL string "" scanSecretTTL set an automatic cleanup for scan job secrets
operator.scannerReportTTL string "24h" scannerReportTTL the flag to set how long a report should exist. "" means that the ScannerReportTTL feature is disabled
operator.serverAdditionalAnnotations object {} serverAdditionalAnnotations the flag to set additional annotations for the trivy server pod
operator.trivyServerHealthCheckCacheExpiration string "10h" trivyServerHealthCheckCacheExpiration The flag to set the interval for trivy server health cache before it invalidate
operator.valuesFromConfigMap string "" vaulesFromConfigMap name of a ConfigMap to apply OPERATOR_* environment variables. Will override Helm values.
operator.valuesFromSecret string "" valuesFromSecret name of a Secret to apply OPERATOR_* environment variables. Will override Helm AND ConfigMap values.
operator.vulnerabilityScannerEnabled bool true the flag to enable vulnerability scanner
operator.vulnerabilityScannerScanOnlyCurrentRevisions bool true vulnerabilityScannerScanOnlyCurrentRevisions the flag to only create vulnerability scans on the current revision of a deployment.
operator.webhookBroadcastCustomHeaders string "" webhookBroadcastCustomHeaders the flag to set webhook endpoint sent with custom defined headers if webhookBroadcastURL is enabled
operator.webhookBroadcastTimeout string "30s" webhookBroadcastTimeout the flag to set timeout for webhook requests if webhookBroadcastURL is enabled
operator.webhookBroadcastURL string "" webhookBroadcastURL the flag to set reports should be sent to a webhook endpoint. "" means that the webhookBroadcastURL feature is disabled
operator.webhookSendDeletedReports bool false webhookSendDeletedReports the flag to enable sending deleted reports if webhookBroadcastURL is enabled
podAnnotations object {} podAnnotations annotations added to the operator's pod
podSecurityContext object {}
policiesBundle.existingSecret bool false existingSecret if a secret containing registry credentials that have been created outside the chart (e.g external-secrets, sops, etc...). Keys must be at least one of the following: policies.bundle.oci.user, policies.bundle.oci.password Overrides policiesBundle.registryUser, policiesBundle.registryPassword values. Note: The secret has to be named "trivy-operator".
policiesBundle.insecure bool false insecure is the flag to enable insecure connection to the policy bundle registry
policiesBundle.registry string "" registry of the policies bundle
policiesBundle.registryPassword string nil registryPassword is the password for the registry
policiesBundle.registryUser string nil registryUser is the user for the registry
policiesBundle.repository string "aquasec/trivy-checks" repository of the policies bundle
policiesBundle.tag int 1 tag version of the policies bundle
priorityClassName string "" priorityClassName set the operator priorityClassName
rbac.create bool true
resources object {}
securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true} securityContext security context
service object {"annotations":{},"headless":true,"metricsAppProtocol":"TCP","metricsPort":80,"nodePort":null,"type":"ClusterIP"} service only expose a metrics endpoint for prometheus to scrape, trivy-operator does not have a user interface.
service.annotations object {} annotations added to the operator's service
service.headless bool true if true, the Service doesn't allocate any IP
service.metricsAppProtocol string "TCP" appProtocol of the monitoring service
service.metricsPort int 80 port exposed by the Service
service.nodePort string nil the nodeport to use when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort. If not set, Kubernetes automatically select one.
service.type string "ClusterIP" the Service type
serviceAccount.annotations object {}
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created. string "" name specifies the name of the k8s Service Account. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template.
serviceMonitor.annotations object {} Additional annotations for the serviceMonitor
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false enabled determines whether a serviceMonitor should be deployed
serviceMonitor.endpointAdditionalProperties object {} EndpointAdditionalProperties allows setting additional properties on the endpoint such as relabelings, metricRelabelings etc.
serviceMonitor.honorLabels bool true HonorLabels chooses the metric’s labels on collisions with target labels
serviceMonitor.interval string nil Interval at which metrics should be scraped. If not specified Prometheus’ global scrape interval is used.
serviceMonitor.labels object {} Additional labels for the serviceMonitor
serviceMonitor.namespace string nil The namespace where Prometheus expects to find service monitors
targetNamespaces string "" targetNamespace defines where you want trivy-operator to operate. By default, it's a blank string to select all namespaces, but you can specify another namespace, or a comma separated list of namespaces.
targetWorkloads string "pod,replicaset,replicationcontroller,statefulset,daemonset,cronjob,job" targetWorkloads is a comma seperated list of Kubernetes workload resources to be included in the vulnerability and config-audit scans if left blank, all workload resources will be scanned
tolerations list [] tolerations set the operator tolerations
trivy.additionalVulnerabilityReportFields string "" additionalVulnerabilityReportFields is a comma separated list of additional fields which can be added to the VulnerabilityReport. Supported parameters: Description, Links, CVSS, Target, Class, PackagePath and PackageType
trivy.clientServerSkipUpdate bool false clientServerSkipUpdate is the flag to enable skip databases update for Trivy client. Only applicable in ClientServer mode.
trivy.command string "image" command. One of image, filesystem or rootfs scanning, depending on the target type required for the scan. For 'filesystem' and rootfs scanning, ensure that the trivyOperator.scanJobPodTemplateContainerSecurityContext is configured to run as the root user (runAsUser = 0).
trivy.createConfig bool true createConfig indicates whether to create config objects
trivy.dbRegistry string ""
trivy.dbRepository string "aquasec/trivy-db"
trivy.dbRepositoryInsecure string "false" The Flag to enable insecure connection for downloading trivy-db via proxy (air-gaped env)
trivy.dbRepositoryPassword string nil The password for dbRepository authentication
trivy.dbRepositoryUsername string nil The username for dbRepository authentication
trivy.debug bool false debug One of true or false. Enables debug mode.
trivy.externalRegoPoliciesEnabled bool false The Flag to enable the usage of external rego policies config-map, this should be used when the user wants to use their own rego policies
trivy.filesystemScanCacheDir string "/var/trivyoperator/trivy-db" filesystemScanCacheDir the flag to set custom path for trivy filesystem scan cache-dir parameter. Only applicable in filesystem scan mode.
trivy.githubToken string nil githubToken is the GitHub access token used by Trivy to download the vulnerabilities database from GitHub. Only applicable in Standalone mode.
trivy.httpProxy string nil httpProxy is the HTTP proxy used by Trivy to download the vulnerabilities database from GitHub.
trivy.httpsProxy string nil httpsProxy is the HTTPS proxy used by Trivy to download the vulnerabilities database from GitHub.
trivy.ignoreFile string nil ignoreFile can be used to tell Trivy to ignore vulnerabilities by ID (one per line)
trivy.ignoreUnfixed bool false ignoreUnfixed is the flag to show only fixed vulnerabilities in vulnerabilities reported by Trivy. Set to true to enable it.
trivy.image.imagePullSecret string nil imagePullSecret is the secret name to be used when pulling trivy image from private registries example : reg-secret It is the user responsibility to create the secret for the private registry in trivy-operator namespace
trivy.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" pullPolicy is the imge pull policy used for trivy image , valid values are (Always, Never, IfNotPresent)
trivy.image.registry string "" registry of the Trivy image
trivy.image.repository string "aquasec/trivy" repository of the Trivy image
trivy.image.tag string "0.59.1" tag version of the Trivy image
trivy.imageScanCacheDir string "/tmp/trivy/.cache" imageScanCacheDir the flag to set custom path for trivy image scan cache-dir parameter. Only applicable in image scan mode.
trivy.includeDevDeps bool false includeDevDeps include development dependencies in the report (supported: npm, yarn) (default: false) note: this flag is only applicable when trivy.command is set to filesystem
trivy.insecureRegistries object {} The registry to which insecure connections are allowed. There can be multiple registries with different keys.
trivy.javaDbRegistry string "" javaDbRegistry is the registry for the Java vulnerability database.
trivy.javaDbRepository string "aquasec/trivy-java-db"
trivy.labels object {} labels is the extra labels to be used for trivy server statefulset
trivy.mode string "Standalone" mode is the Trivy client mode. Either Standalone or ClientServer. Depending on the active mode other settings might be applicable or required.
trivy.noProxy string nil noProxy is a comma separated list of IPs and domain names that are not subject to proxy settings.
trivy.nonSslRegistries object {} Registries without SSL. There can be multiple registries with different keys.
trivy.offlineScan bool false offlineScan is the flag to enable the offline scan functionality in Trivy This will prevent outgoing HTTP requests, e.g. to
trivy.podLabels object {} podLabels is the extra pod labels to be used for trivy server
trivy.priorityClassName string "" priorityClassName is the name of the priority class used for trivy server
trivy.registry object {"mirror":{}} Mirrored registries. There can be multiple registries with different keys. Make sure to quote registries containing dots
trivy.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"500M"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"100M"}} resources resource requests and limits for scan job containers
trivy.sbomSources string "" sbomSources trivy will try to retrieve SBOM from the specified sources (oci,rekor)
trivy.server.podSecurityContext object {"fsGroup":65534,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65534} podSecurityContext set trivy-server podSecurityContext
trivy.server.replicas int 1 the number of replicas of the trivy-server
trivy.server.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":1,"memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"200m","memory":"512Mi"}} resources set trivy-server resource
trivy.server.securityContext object {"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true} securityContext set trivy-server securityContext
trivy.serverCustomHeaders string nil serverCustomHeaders is a comma separated list of custom HTTP headers sent by Trivy client to Trivy server. Only applicable in ClientServer mode.
trivy.serverInsecure bool false serverInsecure is the flag to enable insecure connection to the Trivy server.
trivy.serverPassword string "" serverPassword this param is the server user to be used to download db from private registry
trivy.serverServiceName string "trivy-service" serverServiceName this param is the server service name to be used in cluster
trivy.serverToken string nil serverToken is the token to authenticate Trivy client with Trivy server. Only applicable in ClientServer mode.
trivy.serverTokenHeader string "Trivy-Token" serverTokenHeader is the name of the HTTP header used to send the authentication token to Trivy server. Only application in ClientServer mode when trivy.serverToken is specified.
trivy.serverUser string "" serverUser this param is the server user to be used to download db from private registry
trivy.severity string "UNKNOWN,LOW,MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL" severity is a comma separated list of severity levels reported by Trivy.
trivy.skipDirs string nil a comma separated list of directories for Trivy to skip
trivy.skipFiles string nil a comma separated list of file paths for Trivy to skip
trivy.skipJavaDBUpdate bool false skipJavaDBUpdate is the flag to enable skip Java index databases update for Trivy client.
trivy.slow bool true slow this flag is to use less CPU/memory for scanning though it takes more time than normal scanning. It fits small-footprint
trivy.sslCertDir string nil sslCertDir can be used to override the system default locations for SSL certificate files directory, example: /ssl/certs
trivy.storageClassEnabled bool true whether to use a storage class for trivy server or emptydir (one mey want to use ephemeral storage)
trivy.storageClassName string "" storageClassName is the name of the storage class to be used for trivy server PVC. If empty, tries to find default storage class
trivy.storageSize string "5Gi" storageSize is the size of the trivy server PVC
trivy.supportedConfigAuditKinds string "Workload,Service,Role,ClusterRole,NetworkPolicy,Ingress,LimitRange,ResourceQuota" The Flag is the list of supported kinds separated by comma delimiter to be scanned by the config audit scanner
trivy.timeout string "5m0s" timeout is the duration to wait for scan completion.
trivy.useBuiltinRegoPolicies string "false" The Flag to enable the usage of builtin rego policies by default, these policies are downloaded by default from
trivy.useEmbeddedRegoPolicies string "true" To enable the usage of embedded rego policies, set the flag useEmbeddedRegoPolicies. This should serve as a fallback for air-gapped environments. When useEmbeddedRegoPolicies is set to true, useBuiltinRegoPolicies should be set to false.
trivy.valuesFromConfigMap string "" vaulesFromConfigMap name of a ConfigMap to apply TRIVY_* environment variables. Will override Helm values.
trivy.valuesFromSecret string "" valuesFromSecret name of a Secret to apply TRIVY_* environment variables. Will override Helm AND ConfigMap values.
trivy.vulnType string nil vulnType can be used to tell Trivy to filter vulnerabilities by a pkg-type (library, os)
trivyOperator.additionalReportLabels string "" additionalReportLabels comma-separated representation of the labels which the user wants the scanner pods to be labeled with. Example: foo=bar,env=stage will labeled the reports with the labels foo: bar and env: stage
trivyOperator.configAuditReportsPlugin string "Trivy" configAuditReportsPlugin the name of the plugin that generates config audit reports.
trivyOperator.excludeImages string "" excludeImages is comma separated glob patterns for excluding images from scanning. Example: pattern:*/* will exclude image:
trivyOperator.metricsResourceLabelsPrefix string "k8s_label_" metricsResourceLabelsPrefix Prefix that will be prepended to the labels names indicated in reportResourceLabels when including them in the Prometheus metrics
trivyOperator.policiesConfig string "" policiesConfig Custom Rego Policies to be used by the config audit scanner See for more details.
trivyOperator.reportRecordFailedChecksOnly bool true reportRecordFailedChecksOnly flag is to record only failed checks on misconfiguration reports (config-audit and rbac assessment)
trivyOperator.reportResourceLabels string "" reportResourceLabels comma-separated scanned resource labels which the user wants to include in the Prometheus metrics report. Example: owner,app
trivyOperator.scanJobAffinity list [] scanJobAffinity affinity to be applied to the scanner pods and node-collector
trivyOperator.scanJobAnnotations string "" scanJobAnnotations comma-separated representation of the annotations which the user wants the scanner jobs and pods to be annotated with. Example: foo=bar,env=stage will annotate the scanner jobs and pods with the annotations foo: bar and env: stage
trivyOperator.scanJobAutomountServiceAccountToken bool false scanJobAutomountServiceAccountToken the flag to enable automount for service account token on scan job
trivyOperator.scanJobCompressLogs bool true scanJobCompressLogs control whether scanjob output should be compressed or plain
trivyOperator.scanJobCustomVolumes list [] scanJobCustomVolumes add custom volumes to the scan job
trivyOperator.scanJobCustomVolumesMount list [] scanJobCustomVolumesMount add custom volumes mount to the scan job
trivyOperator.scanJobNodeSelector object {} scanJobNodeSelector nodeSelector to be applied to the scanner pods so that they can run on nodes with matching labels
trivyOperator.scanJobPodPriorityClassName string "" scanJobPodPriorityClassName Priority class name to be set on the pods created by trivy operator jobs. This accepts a string value
trivyOperator.scanJobPodTemplateContainerSecurityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true} scanJobPodTemplateContainerSecurityContext SecurityContext the user wants the scanner and node collector containers (and their initContainers) to be amended with.
trivyOperator.scanJobPodTemplateLabels string "" scanJobPodTemplateLabels comma-separated representation of the labels which the user wants the scanner pods to be labeled with. Example: foo=bar,env=stage will labeled the scanner pods with the labels foo: bar and env: stage
trivyOperator.scanJobPodTemplatePodSecurityContext object {} scanJobPodTemplatePodSecurityContext podSecurityContext the user wants the scanner and node collector pods to be amended with. Example: RunAsUser: 10000 RunAsGroup: 10000 RunAsNonRoot: true
trivyOperator.scanJobTolerations list [] scanJobTolerations tolerations to be applied to the scanner pods so that they can run on nodes with matching taints
trivyOperator.skipInitContainers bool false skipInitContainers when this flag is set to true, the initContainers will be skipped for the scanner and node collector pods
trivyOperator.skipResourceByLabels string "" skipResourceByLabels comma-separated labels keys which trivy-operator will skip scanning on resources with matching labels
trivyOperator.useGCRServiceAccount bool true useGCRServiceAccount the flag to enable the usage of GCR service account for scanning images in GCR
trivyOperator.vulnerabilityReportsPlugin string "Trivy" vulnerabilityReportsPlugin the name of the plugin that generates vulnerability reports Trivy
volumeMounts[0].mountPath string "/tmp"
volumeMounts[0].name string "cache-policies"
volumeMounts[0].readOnly bool false
volumes[0].emptyDir object {}
volumes[0].name string "cache-policies"