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aquafir edited this page May 27, 2023 · 2 revisions


The ModManager adds:

  • A setting for the ModsDirectory in your Config.js
  • Commands through the existing ACE command handler for managing mods
  • Something to shut down mods when the server shuts down
  • Something to find, load, and activate mods when the server starts

If there are no mods in the mod folder the additions of the fork will do nothing.


Mods can be managed in-game or via console using /mod <verb> [part of mod name] (skip the / in console).

The available verbs are:

  • list|l
    • Prints out mods and their status to the console
  • enable|e [name]
  • disable|d [name]
  • restart|r [name]
  • toggle|t [name]
  • find|f
    • Shuts down all existing mods and looks for them again as if the server was starting. Use this is you want to add a newly created mod to a live server.
  • Temporary convenience verbs are:
    • settings|s [name] will attempt to open the specific mods Settings.json with the default handler
    • method|m Type MethodName will print out some information about a method that may be helpful in creating a HarmonyPatch for it (if you aren't using the Harmony extension (which you should be))
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