##Cucumber Project Structure
- bin
- features
- XXX.feature
- ...
- step_definitions
- XXX_steps.rb
- ...
- support
- env.rb
- lib
- spec
Feature: [the features name] In order to [goal]
As a [role]
I want to [action] -
Background: Given [some statement]
And [some action]
... -
Scenario Outline: [name of the scenario] Given [some statement]
And [some action]
When [some action]
And [some action]
Then [expected result of the action on the system]
And [another expectation]
Examples: [name of example set]
| column A | column B | column C |
| row 1 A | row 1 B | row 1 C |
| row 2 A | row 2 B | row 1 C |
Note: You can include multiple Example tables if you like.
Cucumber uses the features/support/env.rb file to set up cucumber. Before do |scenario|
endAfter do
Note: Doc Strings (""") Doc strings just allow you to specify a larger piece of text than you could fit on a single line.
For example, if you need to describe the precise content of an email message, you could do it like this:
Then I should receive an email containing:-
Dear Sir,
Your account has been upgraded due to your 2 year membership.
The Management
Note: Parse parameter as table When I fill in the form with the following table: | Order Name | Date | Client | Price | | Test1 | 2012-02-12 | John B. | 200$ |
Reference: MD file syntax
Reference: cucumber structure
Reference: Cucumber best practice
Reference: Official Cucumber Overall
- Create cucumber project following on Cucumber Project Structure (Check upper section.)
- Create feature file following on Feature file outline (XXX.feature) (Check upper section.)
- Create step file by execute command: cucumber >./feature/step_definitions/XXX_step.rb
- Remove unused text in XXX_step.rb until left as below.
And [some action]
# encoding: utf-8
Given(/^ [some statement] $/) do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
When(/^ [some action] $/) do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Add Before, After and Then step.
Add require and another ruby command. The result step file displayed below.
# encoding: utf-8
require '[XXX]'
Before do
[ruby command]
After do
[ruby command]
Given(/^ [some statement] $/) do
[ruby command]
When(/^ [some action] $/) do
[ruby command]
When(/^ [some expectation] $/) do
[ruby command]
- Add some ruby operation statement in all step. This step is core function of the cucumber.
- Repeat step 3 - 4 until complete all test case.
- Validate and fix tested application until all scenario passed when execute command: cucumber