diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b96fa19a..d0dfece7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -44,3 +44,84 @@ module "subnets" {
| cidr_block | `` | The base CIDR block which will be divided into subnet CIDR blocks (e.g. ``) | Yes |
| vpc_default_route_table_id | `` | The default route table for public subnets. Provides access to the Internet. If not set here, will be created. (e.g. `rtb-f4f0ce12`) | No |
| availability_zones | [] | The list of Availability Zones where subnets will be created (e.g. `["us-eas-1a", "us-eas-1b"]`) | Yes |
+## TL;DR
+`tf_subnets` creates a set of subnets based on `${var.cidr_block}` input
+and amount of Availability Zones in a region.
+For subnet set calculation `tf_subnets` uses TF
+### Calculation logic
+ cidrsubnet(
+ signum(length(var.cidr_block)) == 1 ?
+ var.cidr_block : data.aws_vpc.default.cidr_block,
+ ceil(log(length(data.aws_availability_zones.available.names) * 2, 2)),
+ count.index)
+1. Use `${var.cidr_block}` input (if specified) or
+ use a VPC CIDR block `data.aws_vpc.default.cidr_block` (e.g. ``)
+2. Get number of available AZ in the region (e.g. `length(data.aws_availability_zones.available.names)`)
+3. Calculate `newbits`. `newbits` number tells on how many subnets will
+ be CIDR block (input or VPC) divided. `newbits` is an amount of `binary digits`.
+ Example:
+ `newbits = 1` - 2 subnets are available (`1 binary digit` allows to count up to `2`)
+ `newbits = 2` - 4 subnets are available (`2 binary digits` allows to count up to `4`)
+ `newbits = 3` - 8 subnets are available (`3 binary digits` allows to count up to `8`)
+ etc.
+ 1. We know, that we have `6` AZs in a `us-east-1` region (see step 2).
+ 2. We need to create `1 public` subnet and `1 private` subnet in each AZ,
+ thus we need to create `12 subnets` in total (`6` AZs * (`1 public` + `1 private`)).
+ 3. We need `4 binary digits` for that ( 24 = 16 ).
+ In order to calculate amount of `binary digits` we should use `logarithm`
+ function. We should use logarithm for `base 2` because decimal numbers
+ can be calculated as `powers` of binary number.
+ See [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_number#Decimal)
+ for more details
+ Example:
+ For `12 subnets` we need `3.58` amount `binary digits` (log212)
+ For `16 subnets` we need `4` amount `binary digits` (log216)
+ For `7 subnets` we need `2.81` amount `binary digits` (log27)
+ etc.
+ 4. We can't calculate amount `binary digits` using fractional values.
+ We can't round it down because smaller amount `binary digits` is
+ insufficient for required number calculation.
+ Thus we should round it up. See TF [ceil](https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/interpolation.html#ceil-float-).
+ Example:
+ For `12 subnets` we need `4` amount `binary digits` (ceil(log212))
+ For `16 subnets` we need `4` amount `binary digits` (ceil(log216))
+ For `7 subnets` we need `3` amount `binary digits` (ceil(log27))
+ etc.
+ 5. Assign private subnets according to AZ number (we're using `count.index` for that).
+ 6. Assign public subnets according to AZ number but with shift.
+ Using shift number according to amount of AZs in a region (see step 2)
+ (we're using `length(data.aws_availability_zones.available.names) + count.index` for that)