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File metadata and controls

208 lines (143 loc) · 8.29 KB

SwiftPM System Module Search Paths


Swift is able to import C libraries in the same manner as Swift libraries.

For this to occur the library must be represented by a clang module-map file.

The current system for using these module-map files with SwiftPM works, but with a number of caveats that must be addressed.

swift-evolution thread


  • SwiftPM Source Package: A package consumed by SwiftPM that comes with sources that SwiftPM builds into modules
  • SwiftPM System Package: A package consumed by SwiftPM that refers to a modular system library not installed by SwiftPM
  • System Package: A package provided by a system packager like, eg. apt, pacman or brew.
  • System Packager: A system package manager like, eg. apt, pacman or brew.


The current implementation of SwiftPM System Packages have a number of problems:

  1. Install locations vary across platforms and .modulemap files require absolute paths
  2. /usr/lib:/usr/local/lib is not always a sufficient -L linker search path
  3. /usr/include:/usr/local/include is not always a sufficient -I C compiler search path
  4. Installing the system library is left up to the end-user to figure out

For example to import a module map representing the GTK library, the include search path must be supplemented with -I/usr/include/gtk so that a number of includes in the gtk.h header can be sourced for the complete modular definition of GTK.

For example to import a module map representing the GTK library a user must first have a copy of GTK and its headers installed. On Debian based systems the install name for this System Package is libgtk-3-0-dev which is not entirely intuitive.

For example, Homebrew and MacPorts on OS X install to prefixes other than /usr. .modulemap files must specify headers with absolute paths. The standard we encourage with modulemaps is for the headers to be specified with an assumed prefix of /usr, but you will not find eg. jpeglib.h at /usr/include/jpeglib.h if it is installed with Homebrew or MacPorts.

Proposed Solution

We propose that SwiftPM gains the ability to read .pc files written for the cross-platform pkg-config tool. These files describe the missing search paths that SwiftPM requires. They also specify the install location of system libraries and will allow SwiftPM to preprocess the modulemap changing the specified header prefixes.

We propose that Package.swift is supplemented with metadata that provides the package-install-name for specific platforms.

Detailed Design

Solving Path/Flags Issues

A system library should provide a pkg-config file (.pc) which describes:

  1. Its install location
  2. Supplementary flags that should be used when compiling against this library
  3. Supplementary flags that should be used when linking against this library

If SwiftPM read the .pc file that comes with System Packages, this solves problems 1 through 3.

Of the tickets we currently have open describing issues using SwiftPM System Packages, reading the .pc file would fix all of them.

It is a convention to name the .pc file after the library link-name, so we can determine which .pc file to ask pkg-config for by parsing the .modulemap file in the SwiftPM Package. However sometimes this is not true, (eg. GTK-3 on Ubuntu), so we will allow an override in the Package.swift file, for example:

let package = Package(
    name: "CFoo",
    pkgConfigName: "gtk-3"

Thus we would search for a filename: gtk-3.pc.

We don’t want to introduce a new dependency (on pkg-config) to Swift, so we will implement the reading of .pc files according to the pkg-config specification, including:

  1. Obeying the correct search .pc file search paths
  2. Following overrides due to any PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable

Hinting At System-Package Install-Names

Package.swift would be supplemented like so:

let package = Package(
    name: "CFoo",
    pkgConfigName: "foo",
    providers: [
        .Brew(installName: "foo"),
        .Apt(installName: "libfoo-dev"),

Thus, in the event of build failure for modules that depend on this SwiftPM Package we would output additional help to the user:

error: failed to build module `bar'
note: you may need to install `foo' using your system-packager:

    apt-get install libfoo-dev

Since the syntax to provide this information uses an explicit enum we can add code for each enum to detect which system packagers should be recommended. The community will need to write the code for their own platforms. It also means that if a specific system-packager requires additional parameters, they can be added on a per enum basis.

Install-names are not standard

apt is used across multiple distributions and the install-names for tools vary. Even for the same distribution install-names may vary across releases (eg. from Ubuntu 15.04 to Ubuntu 15.10) or even on occasion at finer granularity.

We will not add explicit handling for this, but one can imagine the enums for different system packagers could be supplemented in a backwards compatible way to provide specific handling as real-world uses emerge, eg:

case Apt(installName: String)

// …could be adapted to:

struct Debian: Linux {}
struct Ubuntu: Debian {
    enum Variant {
        case Gubuntu
        case Kubuntu(Version)
    enum Version {
        case v1510
        case v1504
case Apt(installName: String, distribution: Linux? = nil)

Impact on Existing Code

There will be no impact on existing code as this feature simply improves an existing feature making new code possible.

Alternatives Considered

A clear alternative is allowing additional flags to be specified in a SwiftPM System Package’s Package.swift.

However since these paths and flags will vary by platform this would because a large matrix that is quite a maintenance burden. Really this information is recorded already, in the System Package itself, and in fact almost all System Packages nowadays provide it in a .pc pkg-config file.

Also we do not want to allow arbitrary flags to be specified in Package.swift, this allows packages too much power to break a large dependency graph with bad compiles. The only entity that understands the whole graph and can manage the build without breakage is SwiftPM, and allowing packages themselves to add arbitrary flags prevents SwiftPM from being able to understand and control the build ensuring reliability and preventing “Dependency Hell”.

Unsolved Problems

Some (usually more legacy) system libraries do not provide .pc files instead they may provide a tool named eg. foo-config that can be queried for compile and link flags. We do not yet support these tools, and would prefer to take a wait and see approach to determine how important supporting them may be.

Some libraries on OS X do not come with .pc files. Again we'd like to see which libraries are affected before potentially offering a solution here.

Future Directions

The build system could be made more reliable by having the specific system packager provide the information that this proposal garners from pkg-config. For example, Homebrew installs everything into independent directories, using these directories instead of more general POSIX search paths means there is no danger of edge-case search path collisions and the wrong libraries being picked up.

If this was done pkg-config could become just one option for providing this data, and be used only as a fallback.

We do not wish to provide a flag to automatically install dependencies via the system packager. We feel this opens us up to security implications beyond the scope of this tool.

Instead we can provide JSON output that can be parsed and executed by some other tooling developed outside of Apple.