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Swift Backtrace API


This year we are improving the usability of Swift for command line and server-side development by adding first-class support for backtraces to Swift.

The backtrace support consists of two parts; the first is the actual backtracing implementation, and the second is the new API surface in the Swift standard library. This proposal concerns the latter.


In addition to the runtime providing backtraces when programs crash or terminate abnormally, it is often useful for testing frameworks and sometimes even library or application code to capture details of the call stack at a point in time.

This functionality is somewhat tricky to implement correctly and any implementation tends, of necessity, to be non-portable. Existing third-party packages that provide backtrace support have various downsides, including lack of support for tracing through async frames, and add additional dependencies to client packages and applications.

Proposed solution

We will add a Backtrace struct to the standard library, with methods to capture a backtrace from the current location, and support for symbolication and symbol demangling. All of the backtracing types will exist in a new Runtime module.

Note, importantly, that the API presented here is not async-signal-safe, and it is not an appropriate tool with which to build a general purpose crash reporter. The intended use case for this functionality is the programmatic capture of backtraces during normal execution.

Detailed design

The Backtrace struct will capture an Array of Frame objects, each of which will represent a stack frame or a Task activation context.

/// Holds a backtrace.
public struct Backtrace: CustomStringConvertible, Codable, Sendable {
  /// The type of an address.
  /// This is used as an opaque type; if you have some Address, you
  /// can ask if it's NULL, and you can attempt to convert it to a
  /// FixedWidthInteger.
  /// This is intentionally _not_ a pointer, because you shouldn't be
  /// dereferencing them; they may refer to some other process, for
  /// example.
  public struct Address: Comparable, Hashable, Codable, Sendable,
                         ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
    var bitWidth: Int { get }
    var isNull: Bool { get }

  /// The unwind algorithm to use.
  public enum UnwindAlgorithm {
    /// Choose the most appropriate for the platform.
    case auto

    /// Use the fastest viable method.
    /// Typically this means walking the frame pointers.
    case fast

    /// Use the most precise available method.
    /// On Darwin and on ELF platforms, this will use EH unwind
    /// information.  On Windows, it will use Win32 API functions.
    case precise

  /// Represents an individual frame in a backtrace.
  public enum Frame: CustomStringConvertible, Codable, Sendable {
    /// An accurate program counter.
    /// This might come from a signal handler, or an exception or some
    /// other situation in which we have captured the actual program counter.
    case programCounter(Address)

    /// A return address.
    /// Corresponds to a call from a normal function.
    case returnAddress(Address)

    /// An async resume point.
    /// Corresponds to an `await` in an async task.
    case asyncResumePoint(Address)

    /// Indicates a discontinuity in the backtrace.
    /// This occurs when you set a limit and a minimum number of frames at
    /// the top.  For example, if you set a limit of 10 frames and a minimum
    /// of 4 top frames, but the backtrace generated 100 frames, you will see
    ///    0: frame 100 <----- bottom of call stack
    ///    1: frame 99
    ///    2: frame 98
    ///    3: frame 97
    ///    4: frame 96
    ///    5: ...       <----- omittedFrames(92)
    ///    6: frame 3
    ///    7: frame 2
    ///    8: frame 1
    ///    9: frame 0   <----- top of call stack
    /// Note that the limit *includes* the discontinuity.
    /// This is good for handling cases involving deep recursion.
    case omittedFrames(Int)

    /// Indicates a discontinuity of unknown length.
    /// This can only be present at the end of a backtrace; in other cases
    /// we will know how many frames we have omitted.  For instance,
    ///    0: frame 100 <----- bottom of call stack
    ///    1: frame 99
    ///    2: frame 98
    ///    3: frame 97
    ///    4: frame 96
    ///    5: ...       <----- truncated
    case truncated

    /// The original program counter, with no adjustment.
    /// The value returned from this property is undefined if the frame
    /// is a discontinuity.
    public var originalProgramCounter: Address { get }

    /// The adjusted program counter to use for symbolication.
    /// The value returned from this property is undefined if the frame
    /// is a discontinuity.
    public var adjustedProgramCounter: Address { get }

    /// A textual description of this frame.
    public var description: String { get }

  /// Represents an image loaded in the process's address space
  public struct Image: CustomStringConvertible, Codable, Identifiable, Sendable {
    /// The name of the image (e.g. libswiftCore.dylib).
    public var name: String? { get }

    /// The full path to the image (e.g. /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib).
    public var path: String? { get }

    /// The unique ID of the image, as a byte array (note that the exact number
    /// of bytes may vary, and that some images may not have a unique ID).
    /// On Darwin systems, this is the LC_UUID value; on Linux this is the
    /// build ID, which may take one of a number of forms or may not even
    /// be present.
    public var uniqueID: [UInt8]? { get }

    /// The base address of the image.
    public var baseAddress: Address { get }

    /// The end of the text segment in this image.
    public var endOfText: Address { get }

    /// Provide a textual description of an Image.
    public var description: String { get }

  /// The architecture of the process to which this backtrace refers.
  public var architecture: String

  /// A `Sequence` of captured frame information.
  /// The underlying storage is intentionally not exposed, because there may
  /// be cases where it's desirable to use a more compact form (for instance
  /// delta compression).
  public var frames: some Sequence<Frame> { get }

  /// A list of captured images.
  /// Some backtracing algorithms may require this information, in which case
  /// it will be filled in by the `capture()` method.  Other algorithms may
  /// not, in which case it will be `nil` and you can capture an image list
  /// separately yourself using `captureImages()`.
  public var images: [Image]?

  /// Capture a backtrace from the current program location.
  /// The `capture()` method itself will not be included in the backtrace;
  /// i.e. the first frame will be the one in which `capture()` was called,
  /// and its programCounter value will be the return address for the
  /// `capture()` method call.
  /// @param algorithm     Specifies which unwind mechanism to use.  If this
  ///                      is set to `.auto`, we will use the platform default.
  /// @param limit         The backtrace will include at most this number of
  ///                      frames; you can set this to `nil` to remove the
  ///                      limit completely if required.
  /// @param offset        Says how many frames to skip; this makes it easy to
  ///                      wrap this API without having to inline things and
  ///                      without including unnecessary frames in the backtrace.
  /// @param top           Sets the minimum number of frames to capture at the
  ///                      top of the stack.
  /// @returns A new `Backtrace` struct.
  public static func capture(algorithm: UnwindAlgorithm = .auto,
                             limit: Int? = 64,
                             offset: Int = 0,
                             top: Int = 16) throws -> Backtrace

  /// Capture a list of the images currently mapped into the calling
  /// process.
  /// @returns A list of `Image`s.
  public static func captureImages() -> [Image]

  /// Specifies options for the `symbolicated` method.
  public struct SymbolicationOptions: OptionSet {
    public let rawValue: Int

    /// Add virtual frames to show inline function calls.
    public static let showInlineFrames: SymbolicationOptions

    /// Look up source locations.
    /// This may be expensive in some cases; it may be desirable to turn
    /// this off e.g. in Kubernetes so that pods restart promptly on crash.
    public static let showSourceLocations: SymbolicationOptions

    /// Use a symbol cache, if one is available.
    public static let useSymbolCache: SymbolicationOptions

    public static let default: SymbolicationOptions = [.showInlineFrames,

  /// Return a symbolicated version of the backtrace.
  /// @param images Specifies the set of images to use for symbolication.
  ///               If `nil`, the function will look to see if the `Backtrace`
  ///               has already captured images.  If it has, those will be
  ///               used; otherwise we will capture images at this point.
  /// @param options Symbolication options; see `SymbolicationOptions`.
  /// @returns A new `SymbolicatedBacktrace`.
  public func symbolicated(with images: [Image]? = nil,
                           options: SymbolicationOptions = .default)
    -> SymbolicatedBacktrace?

  /// Provide a textual version of the backtrace.
  public var description: String { get }

We allow Address to be converted to a FixedWidthInteger by means of an extension on FixedWidthInteger:

extension FixedWidthInteger {
  /// Convert from a Backtrace.Address.
  /// This initializer will return nil if the address width is larger than the
  /// type you are attempting to convert into.
  /// @param address The `Address` to convert.
  init?(_ address: Backtrace.Address)

Symbolication, by which we mean the process of looking up the symbols associated with addresses in a backtrace, is in general an expensive process, and for efficiency reasons is normally performed for a backtrace as a whole, rather than for individual frames. It therefore makes sense to provide a separate SymbolicatedBacktrace type and to provide a method on a Backtrace to symbolicate.

/// A symbolicated backtrace
public struct SymbolicatedBacktrace: CustomStringConvertible, Codable, Sendable {
  /// The `Backtrace` from which this was constructed
  public var backtrace: Backtrace

  /// Represents a location in source code.
  /// The information in this structure comes from compiler-generated
  /// debug information and may not correspond to the current state of
  /// the filesystem --- it might even hold a path that only works
  /// from an entirely different machine.
  public struct SourceLocation: CustomStringConvertible, Codable, Sendable {
    /// The path of the source file.
    var path: String { get }

    /// The line number.
    var line: Int { get }

    /// The column number.
    var column: Int { get }

    /// Provide a textual description.
    public var description: String { get }

  /// Represents an individual frame in the backtrace.
  public struct Frame: CustomStringConvertible, Codable, Sendable {
    /// The captured frame from the `Backtrace`.
    public var captured: Backtrace.Frame { get }

    /// The result of doing a symbol lookup for this frame.
    public var symbolInfo: SymbolInfo? { get }

    /// If `true`, then this frame was inlined.
    public var isInline: Bool { get }

    /// `true` if this frame represents a Swift runtime failure.
    public var isSwiftRuntimeFailure: Bool { get }

    /// `true` if this frame represents a Swift thunk function.
    public var isSwiftThunk: Bool { get }

    /// `true` if this frame is a system frame.
    public var isSystem: Bool { get }

    /// A textual description of this frame.
    public var description: String { get }

  /// Represents a symbol we've located
  public struct SymbolInfo: CustomStringConvertible, Codable, Sendable {
    /// The image in which the symbol for this address is located.
    public var image: Backtrace.Image { get }

    /// The raw symbol name, before demangling.
    public var rawName: String { get }

    /// The demangled symbol name.
    public var name: String { get }

    /// The offset from the symbol.
    public var offset: Int { get }

    /// The source location, if available.
    public var sourceLocation: SourceLocation? { get }

    /// True if this symbol represents a Swift runtime failure.
    /// These are things that are trapped by Swift itself at runtime, for
    /// example divide by zero or arithmetic overflow.
    public var isSwiftRuntimeFailure: Bool { get }

    /// True if this symbol is a Swift thunk function.
    public var isSwiftThunk: Bool { get }

    /// True if this symbol represents a system function.
    /// System frames are generally things that people not involved in
    /// compiler or runtime development would not be interested in, for
    /// instance runtime initialisation routines that happen before
    /// the Swift program is started, or runtime support code for the
    /// Swift Concurrency system.
    public var isSystem: Bool { get }

    /// Construct a new Symbol.
    public init(image: Backtrace.Image, rawName: String, offset: Int,
                sourceLocation: SourceLocation?)

    /// A textual description of this symbol.
    public var description: String { get }

  /// A list of captured frame information.
  public var frames: some Sequence<Frame> { get }

  /// A list of images found in the process.
  public var images: [Backtrace.Image]

  /// True if this backtrace is a Swift runtime failure.
  public var isSwiftRuntimeFailure: Bool { get }

  /// Provide a textual version of the backtrace.
  public var description: String { get }

Example usage:

import Runtime

var backtrace = Backtrace.capture()


var symbolicated = backtrace.symbolicated()


Source compatibility

This proposal is entirely additive. There are no source compatibility concerns.

Effect on ABI stability

The addition of this API will not be ABI-breaking, although as with any new additions to the standard library it will constrain future versions of Swift to some extent.

Effect on API resilience

Once added, some changes to this API will be ABI and source-breaking changes. Changes to the new structs/classes will be restricted as described in the library evolution document in the Swift repository.

Alternatives considered

This could have been addressed by creating a separate Swift package, or by updating the existing swift-server/swift-backtrace package.

The latter focuses explicitly on Linux and Windows, and has significant limitations, in addition to which we would like for this functionality to be built in to Swift---just as it is built into competing languages. This is why we felt it should be built into the Swift runtime itself.

The Address type could have been a fixed width integer, but that loses some flexibility, both in terms of backtrace storage, and in our ability to cope with backtraces from a platform other than the host. It could also have been a protocol, but that then necessitates the use of existentials; or it could have been a generic parameter, but doing that makes it difficult to cope with a backtrace unless you already know what kind of addresses it contains at compile time.

The frames member variables could have been arrays, but implementing them instead as a sequence means that we have the flexibility to use a different backing store where doing so makes sense. An example where we might want that is where we're capturing very large numbers of backtraces, in which case doing some kind of delta compression on the frame addresses might enable us to save significant amounts of memory.

Some desirable features are intentionally left out of this proposal; the intent is that while some of these may even be implemented, they will remain SPI and may be promoted to API at a later date. Examples include the ability to construct a Backtrace from an array of addresses that have been gathered through some other mechanism; provision for advanced formatting of backtraces; and features to allow backtraces to be captured from another thread or process.


Thanks to Jonathan Grynspan and Mike Ash for their helpful comments on this proposal.