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Opaque Parameter Declarations


Swift's syntax for generics is designed for generality, allowing one to express complicated sets of constraints amongst the different inputs and outputs of a function. For example, consider an eager concatenation operation that builds an array from two sequences:

func eagerConcatenate<Sequence1: Sequence, Sequence2: Sequence>(
    _ sequence1: Sequence1, _ sequence2: Sequence2
) -> [Sequence1.Element] where Sequence1.Element == Sequence2.Element

There is a lot going on in that function declaration: the two function parameters are of different types determined by the caller, which are captured by Sequence1 and Sequence2, respectively. Both of these types must conform to the Sequence protocol and, moreover, the element types of the two sequences must be equivalent. Finally, the result of this operation is an array of the sequence's element type. One can use this operation with many different inputs, so long as the constraints are met:

eagerConcatenate([1, 2, 3], Set([4, 5, 6]))  // okay, produces an [Int]
eagerConcatenate([1: "Hello", 2: "World"], [(3, "Swift"), (4, "!")]) // okay, produces an [(Int, String)]
eagerConcatenate([1, 2, 3], ["Hello", "World"]) // error: sequence element types do not match

However, when one does not need to introduce a complex set of constraints, the syntax starts to feel quite heavyweight. For example, consider a function that composes two SwiftUI views horizontally:

func horizontal<V1: View, V2: View>(_ v1: V1, _ v2: V2) -> some View {
  HStack {

There is a lot of boilerplate to declare the generic parameters V1 and V2 that are only used once, making this function look far more complex than it really is. The result, on the other hand, is able to use an opaque result type to hide the specific returned type (which would be complicated to describe), describing it only by the protocols to which it conforms.

This proposal extends the syntax of opaque result types to parameters, allowing one to specify function parameters that are generic without the boilerplate associated with generic parameter lists. The horizontal function above can then be expressed as:

func horizontal(_ v1: some View, _ v2: some View) -> some View {
  HStack {

Semantically, this formulation is identical to the prior one, but is simpler to read and understand because the inessential complexity from the generic parameter lists has been removed. It takes two views (the concrete type does not matter) and returns a view (the concrete type does not matter).

Swift-evolution threads: Pitch for this proposal, Easing the learning curve for introducing generic parameters, Improving UI of generics pitch

Proposed solution

This proposal extends the use of the some keyword to parameter types for function, initializer, and subscript declarations. As with opaque result types, some P indicates a type that is unnamed and is only known by its constraint: it conforms to the protocol P. When an opaque type occurs within a parameter type, it is replaced by an (unnamed) generic parameter. For example, the given function:

func f(_ p: some P) { }

is equivalent to a generic function described as follows, with a synthesized (unnamable) type parameter _T:

func f<_T: P>(_ p: _T)

Note that, unlike with opaque result types, the caller determines the type of the opaque type via type inference. For example, if we assume that both Int and String conform to P, one can call or reference the function with either Int or String:

f(17)      // okay, opaque type inferred to Int
f("Hello") // okay, opaque type inferred to String

let fInt: (Int) -> Void = f       // okay, opaque type inferred to Int
let fString: (String) -> Void = f // okay, opaque type inferred to String
let fAmbiguous = f                // error: cannot infer parameter for `some P` parameter

SE-0328 extended opaque result types to allow multiple uses of some P types within the result type, in any structural position. Opaque types in parameters permit the same structural uses, e.g.,

func encodeAnyDictionaryOfPairs(_ dict: [some Hashable & Codable: Pair<some Codable, some Codable>]) -> Data

This is equivalent to:

func encodeAnyDictionaryOfPairs<_T1: Hashable & Codable, _T2: Codable, _T3: Codable>(_ dict: [_T1: Pair<_T2, _T3>]) -> Data

Each instance of some within the declaration represents a different implicit generic parameter.

Detailed design

Opaque parameter types can only be used in parameters of a function, initializer, or subscript declaration. They cannot be used in (e.g.) a typealias or any value of function type. For example:

typealias Fn = (some P) -> Void    // error: cannot use opaque types in a typealias
let g: (some P) -> Void = f        // error: cannot use opaque types in a value of function type

There are additional restrictions on the use of opaque types in parameters where they may conflict with future language features.

Variadic generics

An opaque type cannot be used in a variadic parameter:

func acceptLots(_: some P...)

This restriction is in place because the semantics implied by this proposal might not be the appropriate semantics if Swift gains variadic generics. Specifically, the semantics implied by this proposal itself (without variadic generics) would be equivalent to:

func acceptLots<_T: P>(_: _T...)

where acceptLots requires that all of the arguments have the same type:

acceptLots(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8)          // okay
acceptLots("Hello", "Swift", "World") // okay
acceptLots("Swift", 6)                // error: argument for `some P` could be either String or Int

With variadic generics, one might instead make the implicit generic parameter a generic parameter pack, as follows:

func acceptLots<_Ts: P...>(_: _Ts...)

In this case, acceptLots accepts any number of arguments, all of which might have different types:

acceptLots(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8)          // okay, Ts contains six Int types
acceptLots("Hello", "Swift", "World") // okay, Ts contains three String types
acceptLots(Swift, 6)                  // okay, Ts contains String and Int

Opaque parameters in "consuming" positions of function types

The resolution of SE-0328 prohibited the use of opaque parameters in "consuming" positions of function types. For example:

func f() -> (some P) -> Void { ... } // error: cannot use opaque type in parameter of function type

The result of function f is fairly hard to use, because there is no way for the caller to easily create a value of an unknown, unnamed type:

let fn = f()
fn(/* how do I create a value here? */)

The same prohibition applies to opaque types that occur within parameters of function type, e.g.,

func g(fn: (some P) -> Void) { ... } // error: cannot use opaque type in parameter of function type

The reasoning for this prohibition is similar. In the implementation of g, it's hard to produce a value of the type some P when that type isn't named anywhere else.

Source compatibility

This is a pure language extension with no backward-compatibility concerns, because all uses of some in parameter position are currently errors.

Effect on ABI stability

This proposal has no effect on the ABI or runtime because it is syntactic sugar for generic parameters.

Effect on API resilience

This feature is purely syntactic sugar, and one can switch between using opaque parameter types and the equivalent formulation with explicit generic parameters without breaking either the ABI or API. However, the complete set of constraints must be the same in such cases.

Future Directions

Constraining the associated types of a protocol

This proposal composes well with an idea that allows the use of generic syntax to specify the associated type of a protocol, e.g., where Collection<String>is "a Collection whose Element type is String". Combined with this proposal, one can more easily express a function that takes an arbitrary collection of strings:

func takeStrings(_: some Collection<String>) { ... }

Recall the complicated eagerConcatenate example from the introduction:

func eagerConcatenate<Sequence1: Sequence, Sequence2: Sequence>(
    _ sequence1: Sequence1, _ sequence2: Sequence2
) -> [Sequence1.Element] where Sequence1.Element == Sequence2.Element

With opaque parameter types and generic syntax on protocol types, one can express this in a simpler form with a single generic parameter representing the element type:

func eagerConcatenate<T>(
    _ sequence1: some Sequence<T>, _ sequence2: some Sequence<T>
) -> [T]

And in conjunction with opaque result types, we can hide the representation of the result, e.g.,

func lazyConcatenate<T>(
    _ sequence1: some Sequence<T>, _ sequence2: some Sequence<T>
) -> some Sequence<T>

Enabling opaque types in consuming positions

The prohibition on opaque types in "consuming" positions could be lifted for opaque types both in parameters and in return types, but they wouldn't be useful with their current semantics because in both cases the wrong code (caller vs. callee) gets to choose the parameter. We could enable opaque types in consuming positions by "flipping" who gets to choose the parameter. To understand this, think of opaque result types as a form of "reverse generics", where there is a generic parameter list after a function's -> and for which the function itself (the callee) gets to choose the type. For example:

func f1() -> some P { ... }
// translates to "reverse generics" version...
func f1() -> <T: P> T { /* callee implementation here picks concrete type for T */ }

The problem with opaque types in consuming positions of the return type is that the callee picks the concrete type, and the caller can't reason about it. We can see this issue by translating to the reverse-generics formulation:

func f2() -> (some P) -> Void { ... }
// translates to "reverse generics" version...
func f2() -> <T: P> (T) -> Void { /* callee implementation here picks concrete type for T */}

We could "flip" the caller/callee choice here by translating opaque types in consuming positions to the other side of the ->. For example, f2 would be translated into

// if we "flip" opaque types in consuming positions
func f2() -> (some P) -> Void { ... }
// translates to
func f2<T: P>() -> (T) -> Void { ... }

This is a more useful translation, because the caller picks the type for T using type context, and the callee provides a closure that can work with whatever type the caller picks, generically. For example:

let fn1: (Int) -> Void == f2 // okay, T == Int
let fn2: (String) -> Void = f2 // okay, T == String

Similar logic applies to opaque types in consuming positions within parameters. Consider this function:

func g2(fn: (some P) -> Void) { ... }

If this translates to "normal" generics, i.e., then the parameter isn't readily usable:

// if we translated to "normal" generics
func g2<T: P>(fn: (T) -> Void) { /* how do we come up with a T to call fn with? */}

Again, the problem here is that the caller gets to choose what T is, but then the callee cannot use it effectively. We could again "flip" the generics, moving the implicit type parameter for an opaque type in consuming position to the other side of the function's ->:

// if we "flip" opaque types in consuming positions
func g2(fn: (some P) -> Void) { ... }
// translates to
func g2(fn: (T) -> Void) -> <T> Void { ... }

Now, the implementation of g2 (the callee) gets to choose the type of T, which is appropriate because it will be providing values of type T to fn. The caller will need to provide a closure or generic function that's able to accept any T that conforms to P. It cannot write the type out, but it can certainly make use of it via type inference, e.g.:

g2 { x in x.doSomethingSpecifiedInP() }