- Proposal: SE-0067
- Author(s): Stephen Canon
- Status: In active review April 19...25, 2016
- Review manager: Chris Lattner
The current FloatingPoint protocol is quite limited, and provides only a small subset of the features expected of an IEEE 754 conforming type. This proposal expands the protocol to cover most of the expected basic operations, and adds a second protocol, BinaryFloatingPoint, that provides a number of useful tools for generic programming with the most commonly used types.
Beside the high-level motivation provided by the introduction, the proposed prototypes address a number of pain points that we've heard about from developers:
- FloatingPoint should conform to Equatable, and Comparable
- FloatingPoint should conform to FloatLiteralConvertible
- Deprecate the
operator for floating-point types - Provide basic constants (analogues of C's DBL_MAX, etc.)
- Make Float80 conform to FloatingPoint
The FloatingPoint
protocol is split into two parts; FloatingPoint
, which conforms to FloatingPoint
. If decimal
types were added at some future point, they would conform to
is expanded to contain most of the IEEE 754 basic
operations, as well as conformance to Comparable
(which implies Equatable
and IntegerLiteralConvertible
includes conformance
to FloatLiteralConvertible
/// A floating-point type that provides most of the IEEE 754 basic (clause 5)
/// operations. The base, precision, and exponent range are not fixed in
/// any way by this protocol, but it enforces the basic requirements of
/// any IEEE 754 floating-point type.
/// The BinaryFloatingPoint protocol refines these requirements, adds some
/// additional operations that only make sense for a fixed radix, and also
/// provides default implementations of some of the FloatingPoint APIs.
public protocol FloatingPoint: Comparable, IntegerLiteralConvertible {
/// An unsigned integer type that can represent the significand of any value.
/// The significand (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Significand) is frequently
/// also called the "mantissa", but this terminology is slightly incorrect
/// (see the "Use of 'mantissa'" section on the linked Wikipedia page for
/// more details). "Significand" is the preferred terminology in IEEE 754.
associatedtype RawSignificand: UnsignedInteger
/// Initialize to zero
/// Initialize from signBit, exponent, and significand.
/// The result is:
/// ~~~
/// (signBit ? -1 : 1) * significand * radix**exponent
/// ~~~
/// (where `**` is exponentiation) computed as if by a single correctly-
/// rounded floating-point operation. If this value is outside the
/// representable range of the type, overflow or underflow occurs, and zero,
/// a subnormal value, or infinity may result, as with any basic operation.
/// Other edge cases:
/// - If `significand` is zero or infinite, the result is zero or infinite,
/// regardless of the value of `exponent`.
/// - If `significand` is NaN, the result is NaN.
/// Note that for any floating-point `x` the result of
/// `Self(signBit: x.signBit,
/// exponent: x.exponent,
/// significand: x.significand)`
/// is "the same" as `x`; it is `x` canonicalized.
/// This initializer implements the IEEE 754 `scaleB` operation.
init(signBit: Bool, exponent: Int, significand: Self)
/// A floating point value whose exponent and signficand are taken from
/// `magnitude` and whose signBit is taken from `signOf`. Implements the
/// IEEE 754 `copysign` operation.
init(magnitudeOf other: Self, signOf: Self)
// NOTE: --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The next two APIs are not implementable without a revised integer
// protocol. Nonetheless, I believe that it makes sense to consider them
// with the rest of this proposal, with the understanding that they will
// be implemented when it becomes possible to do so.
/// The closest representable value to the argument.
init<Source: Integer>(_ value: Source)
/// Fails if the argument cannot be exactly represented.
init?<Source: Integer>(exactly value: Source)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// 2 for binary floating-point types, 10 for decimal.
/// A conforming type may use any integer radix, but values other than
/// 2 or 10 are extraordinarily rare in practice.
static var radix: Int { get }
/// A quiet NaN (not-a-number). Compares not equal to every value,
/// including itself.
static var nan: Self { get }
/// A signaling NaN (not-a-number).
static func signalingNaN: Self { get }
/// Positive infinity. Compares greater than all finite numbers.
static var infinity: Self { get }
/// The greatest finite number.
/// Compares greater than or equal to all finite numbers, but less than
/// infinity. Corresponds to the C macros `FLT_MAX`, `DBL_MAX`, etc.
/// The naming of those macros is slightly misleading, because infinity
/// is greater than this value.
static var greatestFiniteMagnitude: Self { get }
/// The mathematical constant π = 3.14159...
/// Extensible floating-point types might provide additional APIs to obtain
/// this value to caller-specified precision.
static var pi: Self { get }
// NOTE: Rationale for "ulp" instead of "epsilon":
// We do not use that name because it is ambiguous at best and misleading
// at worst:
// - Historically several definitions of "machine epsilon" have commonly
// been used, which differ by up to a factor of two or so. By contrast
// "ulp" is a term with a specific unambiguous definition.
// - Some languages have used "epsilon" to refer to wildly different values,
// such as `leastMagnitude`.
// - Inexperienced users often believe that "epsilon" should be used as a
// tolerance for floating-point comparisons, because of the name. It is
// nearly always the wrong value to use for this purpose.
/// The unit in the last place of `self`.
/// This is the unit of the least significant digit in the significand of
/// `self`. For most numbers `x`, this is the difference between `x` and
/// the next greater (in magnitude) representable number. There are some
/// edge cases to be aware of:
/// - `greatestFiniteMagnitude.ulp` is a finite number, even though
/// the next greater representable value is `infinity`.
/// - `x.ulp` is `NaN` if `x` is not a finite number.
/// - If `x` is very small in magnitude, then `x.ulp` may be a subnormal
/// number. On targets that do not support subnormals, `x.ulp` may be
/// flushed to zero.
/// This quantity, or a related quantity is sometimes called "epsilon" or
/// "machine epsilon". We avoid that name because it has different meanings
/// in different languages, which can lead to confusion, and because it
/// suggests that it is an good tolerance to use for comparisons,
/// which is almost never is.
/// (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_epsilon for more detail)
var ulp: Self { get }
/// The unit in the last place of 1.0.
/// The positive difference between 1.0 and the next greater representable
/// number. Corresponds to the C macros `FLT_EPSILON`, `DBL_EPSILON`, etc.
static var ulpOfOne: Self { get }
/// The least positive normal number.
/// Compares less than or equal to all positive normal numbers. There may
/// be smaller positive numbers, but they are "subnormal", meaning that
/// they are represented with less precision than normal numbers.
/// Corresponds to the C macros `FLT_MIN`, `DBL_MIN`, etc. The naming of
/// those macros is slightly misleading, because subnormals, zeros, and
/// negative numbers are smaller than this value.
static var leastNormalMagnitude: Self { get }
/// The least positive number.
/// Compares less than or equal to all positive numbers, but greater than
/// zero. If the target supports subnormal values, this is smaller than
/// `leastNormalMagnitude`; otherwise they are equal.
static var leastMagnitude: Self { get }
/// `true` iff the signbit of `self` is set. Implements the IEEE 754
/// `signbit` operation.
/// Note that this is not the same as `self < 0`. In particular, this
/// property is true for `-0` and some NaNs, both of which compare not
/// less than zero.
var signBit: Bool { get }
/// The integer part of the base-r logarithm of the magnitude of `self`,
/// where r is the radix (2 for binary, 10 for decimal). Implements the
/// IEEE 754 `logB` operation.
/// Edge cases:
/// - If `x` is zero, then `x.exponent` is `Int.min`.
/// - If `x` is +/-infinity or NaN, then `x.exponent` is `Int.max`
var exponent: Int { get }
/// The significand satisfies:
/// ~~~
/// self = (signBit ? -1 : 1) * significand * radix**exponent
/// ~~~
/// (where `**` is exponentiation). If radix is 2, then for finite non-zero
/// numbers `1 <= significand` and `significand < 2`. For other values of
/// `x`, `x.significand` is defined as follows:
/// - If `x` is zero, then `x.significand` is 0.0.
/// - If `x` is infinity, then `x.significand` is 1.0.
/// - If `x` is NaN, then `x.significand` is NaN.
/// For all floating-point `x`, if we define y by:
/// ~~~
/// let y = Self(signBit: x.signBit, exponent: x.exponent,
/// significand: x.significand)
/// ~~~
/// then `y` is equivalent to `x`, meaning that `y` is `x` canonicalized.
var significand: Self { get }
prefix func +(x: Self) -> Self
func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
func +=(inout lhs: Self, rhs: Self)
prefix func -(x: Self) -> Self
func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
func -=(inout lhs: Self, rhs: Self)
func *(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
func *=(inout lhs: Self, rhs: Self)
func /(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
func /=(inout lhs: Self, rhs: Self)
/// Remainder of `self` divided by `other`. This is the IEEE 754 remainder
/// operation.
/// For finite `self` and `other`, the remainder `r` is defined by
/// `r = self - other*n`, where `n` is the integer nearest to `self/other`.
/// (Note that `n` is *not* `self/other` computed in floating-point
/// arithmetic, and that `n` may not even be representable in any available
/// integer type). If `self/other` is exactly halfway between two integers,
/// `n` is chosen to be even.
/// It follows that if `self` and `other` are finite numbers, the remainder
/// `r` satisfies `-|other|/2 <= r` and `r <= |other|/2`.
/// `remainder` is always exact.
func remainder(dividingBy other: Self) -> Self
/// Mutating form of `remainder`.
mutating func formRemainder(dividingBy other: Self)
/// Remainder of `self` divided by `other` using truncating division.
/// Equivalent to the C standard library function `fmod`.
/// If `self` and `other` are finite numbers, the truncating remainder
/// `r` has the same sign as `other` and is strictly smaller in magnitude.
/// It satisfies `r = self - other*n`, where `n` is the integral part
/// of `self/other`.
/// `truncatingRemainder` is always exact.
func truncatingRemainder(dividingBy other: Self) -> Self
/// Mutating form of `truncatingRemainder`.
mutating func formTruncatingRemainder(dividingBy other: Self)
/// Square root of `self`.
func squareRoot() -> Self
/// Mutating form of square root.
mutating func formSquareRoot()
/// `self + lhs*rhs` computed without intermediate rounding. Implements the
/// IEEE 754 `fusedMultiplyAdd` operation.
func addingProduct(lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Self
/// Fused multiply-add, accumulating the product of `lhs` and `rhs` to `self`.
mutating func addProduct(lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self)
/// The minimum of `x` and `y`. Implements the IEEE 754 `minNum` operation.
/// Returns `x` if `x <= y`, `y` if `y < x`, and whichever of `x` or `y`
/// is a number if the other is NaN. The result is NaN only if both
/// arguments are NaN.
/// This function is an implementation hook to be used by the free function
/// min(Self, Self) -> Self so that we get the IEEE 754 behavior with regard
/// to NaNs.
static func minimum(x: Self, _ y: Self) -> Self
/// The maximum of `x` and `y`. Implements the IEEE 754 `maxNum` operation.
/// Returns `x` if `x >= y`, `y` if `y > x`, and whichever of `x` or `y`
/// is a number if the other is NaN. The result is NaN only if both
/// arguments are NaN.
/// This function is an implementation hook to be used by the free function
/// max(Self, Self) -> Self so that we get the IEEE 754 behavior with regard
/// to NaNs.
static func maximum(x: Self, _ y: Self) -> Self
/// Whichever of `x` or `y` has lesser magnitude. Implements the IEEE 754
/// `minNumMag` operation.
/// Returns `x` if abs(x) <= abs(y), `y` if abs(y) < abs(x), and whichever of
/// `x` or `y` is a number if the other is NaN. The result is NaN
/// only if both arguments are NaN.
static func minimumMagnitude(x: Self, _ y: Self) -> Self
/// Whichever of `x` or `y` has greater magnitude. Implements the IEEE 754
/// `maxNumMag` operation.
/// Returns `x` if abs(x) >= abs(y), `y` if abs(y) > abs(x), and whichever of
/// `x` or `y` is a number if the other is NaN. The result is NaN
/// only if both arguments are NaN.
static func maximumMagnitude(x: Self, _ y: Self) -> Self
/// The least representable value that compares greater than `self`.
/// - If `x` is `-infinity`, then `x.nextUp` is `-greatestMagnitude`.
/// - If `x` is `-leastMagnitude`, then `x.nextUp` is `-0.0`.
/// - If `x` is zero, then `x.nextUp` is `leastMagnitude`.
/// - If `x` is `greatestMagnitude`, then `x.nextUp` is `infinity`.
/// - If `x` is `infinity` or `NaN`, then `x.nextUp` is `x`.
var nextUp: Self { get }
/// The greatest representable value that compares less than `self`.
/// `x.nextDown` is equivalent to `-(-x).nextUp`
var nextDown: Self { get }
/// IEEE 754 equality predicate.
/// -0 compares equal to +0, and NaN compares not equal to anything,
/// including itself.
func isEqual(to other: Self) -> Bool
/// IEEE 754 less-than predicate.
/// NaN compares not less than anything. -infinity compares less than
/// all values except for itself and NaN. Everything except for NaN and
/// +infinity compares less than +infinity.
func isLess(than other: Self) -> Bool
/// IEEE 754 less-than-or-equal predicate.
/// NaN compares not less than or equal to anything, including itself.
/// -infinity compares less than or equal to everything except NaN.
/// Everything except NaN compares less than or equal to +infinity.
/// Because of the existence of NaN in FloatingPoint types, trichotomy does
/// not hold, which means that `x < y` and `!(y <= x)` are not equivalent.
/// This is why `isLessThanOrEqual(to:)` is a separate implementation hook
/// in the protocol.
/// Note that this predicate does not impose a total order. The
/// `isTotallyOrdered` predicate refines the relation so that all values are
/// totally ordered.
func isLessThanOrEqual(to other: Self) -> Bool
/// IEEE 754 unordered predicate. True if either `self` or `other` is NaN,
/// and false otherwise.
func isUnordered(with other: Self) -> Bool
/// True if and only if `self` preceeds `other` in the IEEE 754 total order
/// relation.
/// This relation is a refinement of `<=` that provides a total order on all
/// values of type `Self`, including non-canonical encodings, signed zeros,
/// and NaNs. Because it is used much less frequently than the usual
/// comparisons, there is no operator form of this relation.
func isTotallyOrdered(with other: Self) -> Bool
/// True if and only if `self` is normal.
/// A normal number uses the full precision available in the format. Zero
/// is not a normal number.
var isNormal: Bool { get }
/// True if and only if `self` is finite.
/// If `x.isFinite` is `true`, then one of `x.isZero`, `x.isSubnormal`, or
/// `x.isNormal` is also `true`, and `x.isInfinite` and `x.isNan` are
/// `false`.
var isFinite: Bool { get }
/// True iff `self` is zero. Equivalent to `self == 0`.
var isZero: Bool { get }
/// True if and only if `self` is subnormal.
/// A subnormal number does not use the full precision available to normal
/// numbers of the same format. Zero is not a subnormal number.
/// Subnormal numbers are often called "denormal" or "denormalized". These
/// are simply different names for the same concept. IEEE 754 prefers the
/// name "subnormal", and we follow that usage.
var isSubnormal: Bool { get }
/// True if and only if `self` is infinite.
/// Note that `isFinite` and `isInfinite` do not form a dichotomy, because
/// they are not total. If `x` is `NaN`, then both properties are `false`.
var isInfinite: Bool { get }
/// True if and only if `self` is NaN ("not a number").
var isNan: Bool { get }
/// True if and only if `self` is a signaling NaN.
var isSignalingNan: Bool { get }
/// The IEEE 754 "class" of this type.
var floatingPointClass: FloatingPointClassification { get }
/// True if and only if `self` is canonical.
/// Every floating-point value of type Float or Double is canonical, but
/// non-canonical values of type Float80 exist, and non-canonical values
/// may exist for other types that conform to FloatingPoint.
/// The non-canonical Float80 values are known as "pseudo-denormal",
/// "unnormal", "pseudo-infinity", and "pseudo-NaN".
/// (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_precision#x86_Extended_Precision_Format)
var isCanonical: Bool { get }
The BinaryFloatingPoint
protocol provides a number of additional APIs
that only make sense for types with fixed radix 2:
/// A radix-2 (binary) floating-point type that follows the IEEE 754 encoding
/// conventions.
public protocol BinaryFloatingPoint: FloatingPoint, FloatLiteralConvertible {
/// Combines `signBit`, `exponent` and `significand` bit patterns to produce
/// a floating-point value.
init(signBit: Bool,
exponentBitPattern: UInt,
significandBitPattern: RawSignificand)
// NOTE: --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The next two APIs are not implementable without a revised integer
// protocol. Nonetheless, I believe that it makes sense to consider them
// with the rest of this proposal, with the understanding that they will
// be implemented when it becomes possible to do so.
/// `value` rounded to the closest representable value.
init<Source: BinaryFloatingPoint>(_ value: Source)
/// Fails if `value` cannot be represented exactly as `Self`.
init?<Source: BinaryFloatingPoint>(exactly value: Source)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// The number of bits used to represent the exponent.
/// Following IEEE 754 encoding convention, the exponent bias is:
/// ~~~
/// bias = 2**(exponentBitCount-1) - 1
/// ~~~
/// (where `**` is exponentiation). The least normal exponent is `1-bias`
/// and the largest finite exponent is `bias`. The all-zeros exponent is
/// reserved for subnormals and zeros, and the all-ones exponent is reserved
/// for infinities and NaNs.
static var exponentBitCount: Int { get }
/// For fixed-width floating-point types, this is the number of fractional
/// significand bits.
/// For extensible floating-point types, `significandBitCount` should be
/// the maximum allowed significand width (without counting any leading
/// integral bit of the significand). If there is no upper limit, then
/// `significandBitCount` should be `Int.max`.
/// Note that `Float80.significandBitCount` is 63, even though 64 bits
/// are used to store the significand in the memory representation of a
/// `Float80` (unlike other floating-point types, `Float80` explicitly
/// stores the leading integral significand bit, but the
/// `BinaryFloatingPoint` APIs provide an abstraction so that users don't
/// need to be aware of this detail).
static var significandBitCount: Int { get }
/// The raw encoding of the exponent field of the floating-point value.
var exponentBitPattern: UInt { get }
/// The raw encoding of the significand field of the floating-point value.
/// `significandBitPattern` does *not* include the leading integral bit of
/// the significand, even for types like `Float80` that store it explicitly.
var significandBitPattern: RawSignificand { get }
/// The least-magnitude member of the binade of `self`.
/// If `x` is `+/-significand * 2**exponent`, then `x.binade` is
/// `+/- 2**exponent`; i.e. the floating point number with the same sign
/// and exponent, but with a significand of 1.0.
var binade: Self { get }
/// The number of bits required to represent significand.
/// If `self` is not a finite non-zero number, `significandWidth` is
/// `-1`. Otherwise, it is the number of fractional bits required to
/// represent `self.significand`, which is an integer between zero and
/// `significandBitCount`. Some examples:
/// - For any representable power of two, `significandWidth` is zero,
/// because `significand` is `1.0`.
/// - If `x` is 10, then `x.significand` is `1.01` in binary, so
/// `x.significandWidth` is 2.
/// - If `x` is Float.pi, `x.significand` is `1.10010010000111111011011`,
/// and `x.significandWidth` is 23.
var significandWidth: Int { get }
// NOTE: --------------------------------------------------------------------
// These APIs are not implementable without the generic inits, which in turn
// depend on a revised Integer protocol. Nonetheless, I believe that it
// makes sense to consider them with the rest of this proposal, with the
// understanding that they will be implemented when it becomes possible to
// do so.
func isEqual<Other: BinaryFloatingPoint>(to other: Other) -> Bool
func isLess<Other: BinaryFloatingPoint>(than other: Other) -> Bool
func isLessThanOrEqual<Other: BinaryFloatingPoint>(to other: Other) -> Bool
func isUnordered<Other: BinaryFloatingPoint>(with other: Other) -> Bool
func isTotallyOrdered<Other: BinaryFloatingPoint>(with other: Other) -> Bool
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
, Double
, Float80
and CGFloat
conform to both of these protocols.
Additionally, an initializer will be added to each of those types to construct a NaN with specified payload:
/// NaN with specified `payload`.
/// Compares not equal to every value, including itself. Most operations
/// with a NaN operand will produce a NaN result.
init(nan payload: Self.RawSignificand, signaling: Bool)
operator is no longer available for FloatingPoint types. We don't believe that it was widely used correctly, and the operation is still available via theformTruncatingRemainder
method for people who need it. -
To follow the naming guidelines,
are replaced withnan
. -
The redundant property
is removed. -
is renamedisSignalingNan
Removed the
protocol; it may be circulated again in the future as an independent proposal, or as part of an new model for integers. -
Removed the
, etc methods, which were hooks forArithmetic
. This proposal now includes only the existing operator forms. -
Removed static
nan(payload: signaling:)
method from protocols. This will exist as an initializer on concrete types, but not be part of the protocol. -
Added the static
property to the protocol to make up for #3. -
Added the static
property in response to popular demand. -
Renamed the static
to avoid ambiguity with the member propertyulp
. -
to be consistent with the other comparison methods. -
Additional clarifications and comments.