The sample deployment in k8s/deployment.yaml
you set various arguments, including important arguments like the ACME URL.
- "-data-dir=/var/lib/cert-manager"
- "-acme-url="
# NOTE: the URL above points to the staging server, where you won't get real certs.
# Uncomment the line below to use the production LetsEncrypt server:
#- "-acme-url="
# You can run multiple instances of kube-cert-manager for the same namespace(s),
# each watching for a different value for the 'class' label
#- "-class=default"
# You can choose to monitor only some namespaces, otherwise all namespaces will be monitored
#- "-namespaces=default,test"
# If you set a default email, you can omit the field/annotation from Certificates/Ingresses
#- ""
# If you set a default provider, you can omit the field/annotation from Certificates/Ingresses
#- "-default-provider=googlecloud"
- The URL to the ACME directory to use, this is required, there is no default
- Optional prefix to add to the names of Secret resources, defaults to blank-sync-interval
- How often to garbage collect unused Secrets and check for certificates to renew-data-dir
- Path for the 'boltdb' database, defaults to/var/lib/cert-manager
- Comma-separated list of namespaces to monitor, otherwise all namespaces are monitored-class
- Class label value for Ingress resources managed by this certificate manager, defaults todefault
- Default handler to handle ACME challenges, used if not specified in a resource annotation-default-email
- Default email address for ACME registrations, used if not specified in a resource annotation
If you wish to build your own version of the certificate manager, you can optional use a different
label/annotation/resource namespace prefix. E.g.
You need to ensure your registered Certficate Custom Resource Definition and Ingress labels/annotations match this setting.
- Namespace to Certificate Custom Resources, defaults
- Prefix added to labels and annotations, defaults