One way to really understand coroutines well is to construct a simple scheduling system to run them. A while back Brett Cannon wrote a great article on this very approach. Here I will go over coroutines using a simpler task of just running a few coroutines "by hand".
Before getting in to how coroutines work in python and how to write them,
I want to look at some simple functions first, so here is a module that
we can call
with a few regular python functions:
import time
def square(x):
print('Starting square with argument {}!'.format(x))
print('Finishing square with argument {}!'.format(x))
return x * x
def cube(x):
print('Starting cube with argument {}!'.format(x))
y = square(x)
print('Finishing cube with argument {}!'.format(x))
return x * y
These functions have been made artificially slow and are needlessly verbose for what they actually do, but you could imagine that the functions needed to fetch some information from a database somewhere in order to multiply numbers. We will start by just running them:
$ python -i
>>> square(4)
Starting square with argument 4!
Finishing square with argument 4!
>>> cube(3)
Starting cube with argument 3!
Starting square with argument 3!
Finishing square with argument 3!
Finishing cube with argument 3!
Then to create a goal for this section, consider running through a loop of numbers and calculating the cube of each one:
$ python -i
>>> for x in range(1, 4):
... cube(x)
Starting cube with argument 1!
Starting square with argument 1!
Finishing square with argument 1!
Finishing cube with argument 1!
Starting cube with argument 2!
Starting square with argument 2!
Finishing square with argument 2!
Finishing cube with argument 2!
Starting cube with argument 3!
Starting square with argument 3!
Finishing square with argument 3!
Finishing cube with argument 3!
This is very slow, and most of that time was spent sleeping. As with the cooking example in the last section, what I would like is to be able to run the function over all of the numbers in the range concurrently.
But before making coroutines, a few words about functions and how great they
are. When I call square
, it does not care what it was called by, or anything
beyond what arguments it is called with. It behaves the same no matter
if it was called by cube
or called directly, and simply returns a value
to whatever called it when it is done. Function calls in a program naturally
form a "stack" that grows as functions call other functions, and shrinks as
they finish and return to their callers. This makes sequential code generally
easy to reason about, as one can focus on a function as an isolated unit
independent of anything other than its arguments. Of course, things like
global variables and side effects ruin this simplicity, but in many cases
it serves to keep otherwise large and complex code comprehensible.
It would be nice to retain as much simplicity as possible when moving from sequential code (functions) to concurrent code (coroutines or threads). Keeping things simple is, in my mind, the key reason to consider using coroutines. They make it easy to reason about exactly when in your code you might switch between different tasks.
A regular function in python is defined using the keyword def
. When you
call a function, you instantiate an instance of that function with the
arguments that you supplied. This function instance goes on the stack, is
executed, and then returns some result to you.
A coroutine function in python is defined with async def
. We will go ahead
and modify our simple module to turn the square
function into a coroutine
import time
async def square(x):
print('Starting square with argument {}!'.format(x))
print('Finishing square with argument {}!'.format(x))
return x * x
def cube(x):
print('Starting cube with argument {}!'.format(x))
y = square(x)
print('Finishing cube with argument {}!'.format(x))
return x * y
Now we will run this, call square, and see what happens!
$ python -i
>>> square(2)
<coroutine object square at 0x10aa12410>
That might look odd. If you were to actually run the code in the coroutine
function, it should return the integer 4. But instead it is returning a
"coroutine object". What about running cube
>>> cube(3)
Starting cube with argument 3!
Finishing cube with argument 3!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 14, in cube
return x * y
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'int' and 'coroutine'
This makes sense when you look at the code for cube. y
is just the result
of calling square(x)
, which is again the funny "coroutine object".
Python does not know how to multiply an integer by a coroutine object, so
when the cube
function tries to multiply x * y
it raises a TypeError
Now I will quit and then explain what is going on:
>>> quit()
sys:1: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'square' was never awaited
This is also interesting. Upon exit, the system complains that this
"coroutine object" produced by calling square
was never "awaited".
To understand what is happening, consider what happens when a regular function is called. An instance of function is created with the arguments, it is placed at the top of the stack, the instructions are executed, and then a value is returned. With a coroutine function, an instance of the function - a coroutine object - is created, but it is not immediately executed. This object is returned, and it is up to a scheduler to actually execute the coroutine. So how does one run a coroutine object?
A coroutine object has a send
method which can be called with a single
argument. When send
is called, the coroutine begins execution. In many cases
the send
method will be called with None
as an argument, but this argument
can in principle be used for a scheduler to send information to a running
coroutine. So here goes:
$ python -i
>>> coro = square(4)
>>> coro.send(None)
Starting square with argument 4!
Finishing square with argument 4!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
StopIteration: 16
>>> quit()
Calling send
caused the coroutine to run, but this raised a StopIteration
exception. The result of 16 was returned as the value of this exception. So
whatever runs a coroutine by calling send
will need to catch this type of
exception and read the value to get the result. Notice that since we called
, there was no RuntimeWarning
about the coroutine never being awaited.
So far so good - not terribly useful yet - but at least it works. What about
the cube
function that calls square
? How does a function run a coroutine?
Technically it could create a coroutine object and call send
, but this is not
a good practice. Generally speaking, functions never call coroutines and run
them - only coroutines can call and run other coroutines.
The way that a coroutine effectively "calls" another coroutine in the sense
that a function calls another function is with the await
expression. When
a coroutine awaits
a coroutine object, it delegates execution to that object,
so calls to the send
method are passed on to the awaited coroutine until
it finishes. The coroutine that performed the await catches the StopIteration
exception and the value becomes the result of the expression. That is a lot to
digest, so here is it implemented in our example module:
import time
async def square(x):
print('Starting square with argument {}!'.format(x))
print('Finishing square with argument {}!'.format(x))
return x * x
async def cube(x):
print('Starting cube with argument {}!'.format(x))
y = await square(x)
print('Finishing cube with argument {}!'.format(x))
return x * y
Now we can run the cube
coroutine function:
>>> coro = cube(3)
>>> coro.send(None)
Starting cube with argument 3!
Starting square with argument 3!
Finishing square with argument 3!
Finishing cube with argument 3!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
StopIteration: 27
That worked! But ultimately this is not doing anything that we could not
simply accomplish with the regular functions. What coroutines should be able
to do is pause execution when there is some reason to wait on IO or sleep.
So in the case of this example it would be useful for a coroutine to yield
control back to us when it encountered a time.sleep
Now time.sleep
is a reuglar function. So clearly coroutines can call
regular functions, but while that function is executing the coroutine is
unable to yield control back to the caller or scheduler.
In order to the above example
useful we will replace time.sleep
with a special
type of coroutine that will yield control back to the scheduler which called
to run the coroutine. This is not something that you will need to
ever write in practice unless you are writing a framework for scheduling
coroutines, but we will need one here in order to schedule them "by hand":
import types
def manual_sleep(n):
yield "Please do not continue until {} seconds have elapsed.".format(n)
async def square(x):
print('Starting square with argument {}!'.format(x))
await manual_sleep(3)
print('Finishing square with argument {}!'.format(x))
return x * x
async def cube(x):
print('Starting cube with argument {}!'.format(x))
await manual_sleep(3)
y = await square(x)
print('Finishing cube with argument {}!'.format(x))
return x * y
The manual_sleep
coroutine is a special generator-based coroutine, and
for the purposes of this tutorial we do not need to describe how that works
in its entirety. The important point is that it can yield back control
to whatever is running the coroutine by calling send
- which is a human in
this case! So try running this version:
$ python -i
>>> coro = cube(3)
>>> coro.send(None)
Starting cube with argument 3!
'Please do not continue until 3 seconds have elapsed.'
The coroutine did not finish! It executed until it awaited the first
which yielded control back to us. We are the scheduler here,
so it sent us polite instructions to let the coroutine object "sleep" for at
least three seconds before continuing its execution with another send
So now we can finish the execution by calling send
and following instructions
until we get a StopIteration
>>> coro.send(None)
Starting square with argument 3!
'Please do not continue until 3 seconds have elapsed.'
>>> coro.send(None)
Finishing square with argument 3!
Finishing cube with argument 3!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
StopIteration: 27
To see how this really helps, consider two coroutine objects, cube(5)
. We (the human scheduler) are capable of getting one of the
objects running, and then while one is waiting three seconds, starting the
other one and running it concurrently. As the two coroutines yield back to
the scheduler, we can continue their execution by calling send
>>> coro1 = cube(5)
>>> coro2 = cube(10)
>>> coro1.send(None)
Starting cube with argument 5!
'Please do not continue until 3 seconds have elapsed.'
>>> coro2.send(None)
Starting cube with argument 10!
'Please do not continue until 3 seconds have elapsed.'
>>> coro1.send(None)
Starting square with argument 5!
'Please do not continue until 3 seconds have elapsed.'
>>> coro2.send(None)
Starting square with argument 10!
'Please do not continue until 3 seconds have elapsed.'
>>> coro1.send(None)
Finishing square with argument 5!
Finishing cube with argument 5!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
StopIteration: 125
>>> coro2.send(None)
Finishing square with argument 10!
Finishing cube with argument 10!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
StopIteration: 1000
From this it should be clear how using coroutines is an example of cooperative rather than pre-emptive multitasking. The scheduler cannot tell a coroutine that it is time to stop and allow another to run, it has to wait until the coroutine willingly yields control back to the scheduler.
To make this useful we need a framework to provide a scheduler that can run coroutines without human intervention and return to us the return value of each coroutine. It also will need a set of special coroutines to perform basic I/O and sleep functions and can communicate correctly with the scheduler.
Python is a "batteries included" language, and ships with the asyncio
library which provides such a framework. It has a scheduler to run
coroutines, called an "event loop", and special coroutines needed to
yield back to the event loop. For this example, we only need to use
. Awaiting asyncio.sleep(n)
with a number n
will yield
control to the asyncio event loop, and instruct it to wait at least n
seconds before resuming the coroutine. In order to use this, we need to
first slightly rewrite the example module to use asyncio.sleep
rather than
our manual_sleep
coroutine function:
import asyncio
async def square(x):
print('Starting square with argument {}!'.format(x))
await asyncio.sleep(3)
print('Finishing square with argument {}!'.format(x))
return x * x
async def cube(x):
print('Starting cube with argument {}!'.format(x))
await asyncio.sleep(3)
y = await square(x)
print('Finishing cube with argument {}!'.format(x))
return x * y
Now run this module interactively and schedule a cube(5)
to be executed:
$ python -i
>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>> result = loop.run_until_complete(cube(5))
Starting cube with argument 5!
Starting square with argument 5!
Finishing square with argument 5!
Finishing cube with argument 5!
>>> result
Great! But how does one use this to execute coroutines concurrently? For this
asyncio provides an asyncio.gather
coroutine function. This special
coroutine function takes any number of coroutine objects as arugments, and
tells the event loop to execute them all concurrently. When all of the
coroutines have finished running, it returns all their results in a list.
Here goes:
$ python -i
>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>> coro = asyncio.gather(cube(3), cube(4), cube(5))
>>> results = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
Starting cube with argument 4!
Starting cube with argument 3!
Starting cube with argument 5!
Starting square with argument 4!
Starting square with argument 3!
Starting square with argument 5!
Finishing square with argument 4!
Finishing cube with argument 4!
Finishing square with argument 3!
Finishing cube with argument 3!
Finishing square with argument 5!
Finishing cube with argument 5!
>>> results
[27, 64, 125]
Notice that the order in which the coroutines are run is not deterministic. You
can try running this example again and see that it may or may not occur in
a different order. However, the list of results is returned in the order
in which the coroutine objects were given to asyncio.gather
as arguments.
A brief mention of twisted, curio, trio, uvloop
Before progressing to the next section, where the real fun will begin with actual concurrent IO over an actual network, there is a bit more coroutine syntax to understand.
First, consider a basic python for loop:
for item in container:
In this example, the object container
could be a lot of things. It could
be a list, a dict, a generator, or even a string. You can define your own
classes to adhere to the simple python
iterator protocol
which can then be iterated over in for loops. The way this works is that a
special __iter__
method is called on the container to provide an iterator
object, and then at the top of each pass through the loop, a special
method is called on the iterator which returns a value to be
assigned to item
. The point here is that this __next__
method is a
regular function - not a coroutine function.
So imagine that we had a special container
class that did not store its
data locally. Instead, in order to fetch each item with __next__
it had to
make a network connection and get it from a remote database. This would
be bad to do in a coroutine, as it is a regular function, and a regular
function cannot yield control to the scheduler to run other coroutines
while we are waiting for this item to be fetched.
The solution to this problem is an async for statement, which works much like a for statement, except that it calls slightly different special methods on the container which should result in a coroutine object that is awaited on to return the item used for each pass of the loop. Basically, this means that while the async for loop is doing its business to fetch the item from some remote database, it can yield back to the scheduler in order to allow other coroutines to run.
async for item in remote_container: # Here we might yield to the scheduler!
The last new important piece of syntax involves
context managers
and the with
statement. Consider an example of a hypothetical key-value
database that uses a context manager to handle connections. To set a
key in the database, your statement might look like this:
with database.connect('proto://') as db:
db.set_key('cow', 'Moo!')
What is going on behind the scenes is that the database.connect
call returns
a context manager, and the interpreter calls a special __enter__
that sets up the database connection (this involves waiting on the network)
and returns an object that is assigned to db
for us to use inside the with
block to talk to the database.
Then when the with block is completed, or even if it does not complete
due to an exception, the context manager special __exit__
method is called
which can close the connection and perform any needed cleanup (more waiting
on the network!).
Unfortunately, if one was to use such a with
statement in a coroutine
that needed to make network connections on its enter and exit, the functions
for entering and exiting would be unable to yield control back to the
scheduler and allow other coroutines to run while waiting on the connection
setup or teardown.
To solve this, there is an async with
statement which expects an
asynchronous context manager that provides coroutines on enter and exit that
are awaited on before entering or exiting the async with
block. This allows
a coroutine containing the async with
statement to yeild control to the
scheduler during this setup and allowing for other coroutines to run.
An example might look like this:
async with database.connect('proto://') as db:
await db.set_key('cow', 'Moo!')
Here the coroutine is able to yeild to the scheduler when the network connection is being set up, when the data for the new key is being sent to the database, and when it cleans up.