Name | Type | Description | Notes |
summaryId | String | The unique identifier of the summary object. | [optional] |
createdAt | Date | Returns the date and time when the summary was created in ATOM date-time format. | [optional] |
updatedAt | Date | Returns the date and time when the summary was last updated in ATOM date-time format. | [optional] |
videoId | String | The unique identifier of the video object. | [optional] |
origin | String | Returns the origin of how the summary was created. - `api` means that no summary was generated automatically. You can add summary manually using the `PATCH /summaries/{summaryId}/source` endpoint operation. Until this happens, `sourceStatus` returns `missing`. - `auto` means that the API generated the summary automatically. | [optional] |
sourceStatus | String | Returns the current status of summary generation. `missing`: the input for a summary is not present. `waiting` : the input video is being processed and a summary will be generated. `failed`: a technical issue prevented summary generation. `completed`: the summary is generated. `unprocessable`: the API rules the source video to be unsuitable for summary generation. An example for this is an input video that has no audio. | [optional] |