Details about the capturing, transferring, and storing of your video for use immediately or in the future.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
status | VideoStatusIngestStatusEnum | There are four possible statuses depending on how you provide a video file: - `uploading` - the API is gathering the video source file from an upload. - `uploaded` - the video file is fully uploaded. - `ingesting` - the API is gathering the video source file from either a URL, or from cloning. - `ingested` - the video file is fully stored. | [optional] |
filesize | number | The size of your file in bytes. | [optional] |
receivedBytes | Array<BytesRange> | The total number of bytes received, listed for each chunk of the upload. | [optional] |
receivedParts | VideoStatusIngestReceivedParts | [optional] |
Name | Value |
Uploading | 'uploading' |
Uploaded | 'uploaded' |
Ingesting | 'ingesting' |
Ingested | 'ingested' |