This directory contains a minimalistic sample that sends requests to the API4AI Alcohol Label Recognition API.
The sample is implemented in javascript
using jquery package.
This ready-to-use API takes an images as inputs and gives you the kind of the drink, brand and other drink-specific information.
Open index.html in your browser.
Click on form and select file to upload.
This demo by default sends requests to free endpoint at
Demo endpoint is rate limited and should not be used in real projects.
To get API key for unlimited access you may buy API at RapidAPI marketplace or use contact us directly.
Use RapidAPI marketplace to get the API key. The marketplace offers both free and paid subscriptions.
Contact us in case of any questions or to request a custom pricing plan that better meets your business requirements.
- 📩 Email:
- 🔗 Website:
- 🤖 Telegram demo bot:
- 🔵 Our API at RapidAPI marketplace: