All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Travis Badge Fix
- Renaming to
namespace - Split encoder and models into separate modules
- Bug fixes
- Feature ids are encoded and decoded now (vector tiles only support long ids)
- More Testing
- Bug Fixes
- Renaming of components to
namespace. TheEncoder
now can be found in packageio.marauder.supercharged.Encoder
First release under the CodeName Engine providing main functionality in encoding and decoding Mapbox VectorTiles. We implement Version 2.1 of the MapBox Vector Tiles Specification.
- Reading geojson like features
- Have to be in tile coordinates already
- Have to be clipped as one needs already
- Encoding a list of features to one vector tile with one layer including the whole bunch of features
- Decoding a vector tile's first layer to a geojson like object
- Serialize decoded features to a geojson like format
- Merging two tiles in two ways
- Actual direct merging of two protobuf tile objects
- Injecting protobuf feature objects and their feature attribute tag dictionary into a tile encoding function
- First simple decoding and encoding tests