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Board Report Overview

Piotr Zarzycki edited this page Mar 13, 2023 · 2 revisions


Apache projects file reports for the Apache Software Foundation Board of Directors every month for the first 3 months, then quarterly thereafter. Most of the information (except security issues and other sensitive issues) is made available to the public via board minutes, but board minutes are not published until a month after the meeting (after approval by the board at the next month's meeting).

We will try to draft and publish what we report here so folks can provide input about what should go in the report and others can read the report sooner than it would otherwise be published. Also, the version in this wiki may contain details that are not in the actual board report. The board has dozens of reports to read each month and we can save them time by not including some of the details that matter to us.


The PMC Chair is responsible for submitting the report to the board on time and has final say in what goes in the report. We will start with a template, but new topic headers can be added, and any topic that doesn't have anything to report should be removed from the board report if the prior report also had nothing to report. The board is not interested in reading a bunch of topic headers that say "nothing to report".

Anyone can submit items for the report at any time. The PMC members receive an email at the beginning of a reporting month that has links to how to use to get some usage statistics regarding mailing lists. There is also a link to the tool used to submit reports.

It is important to remember to use the REFLOW button when submitting the report. It shows the board that the PMC chair respects the board's task of reading all of these reports and having consistent appearance in the tools they use to read reports is good etiquette. It is also a good idea to remove the markdown 'markup' like the double-hashes that denote headers. And also check that REFLOW didn't remove line breaks and stick the content on the same line as the header.

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