This is a simple example that shows how to get started with Camel.
This is a beginner’s example that demonstrates how to get started with Apache Camel. In this example we integrate with the console using the Stream component. The example is interactive - it reads input from the console, and then transforms the input to upper case and prints it back to the console.
This is implemented with a Camel route defined in the Spring XML
To run the example type
$ mvn camel:run
You can see the routing rules by looking at the XML in the directory:
To stop the example hit ctrl+c
You can also run the example from your editor such as Eclipse, IDEA etc, by opening the org.apache.camel.example.console.CamelConsoleMain class and then right click, and chose run java application.
If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback, then please let us know.
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The Camel riders!