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File metadata and controls

280 lines (220 loc) · 16.5 KB

Configuration Documentation

Table of Contents

All configuration files should be placed inside the application's configuration folder (default to be $HOME/.config/spotify-player).


The default app.toml can be found in the example app.toml file.

spotify_player uses app.toml to configure general application configurations:

Option Description Default
client_id the Spotify client's ID 65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd
client_port the port that the application's client is running on to handle CLI commands 8080
tracks_playback_limit the limit for the number of tracks played in a tracks playback 50
playback_format the format of the text in the playback's window {status} {track} • {artists}\n{album}\n{metadata}
notify_format the format of a notification (notify feature only) { summary = "{track} • {artists}", body = "{album}" }
notify_timeout_in_secs the timeout (in seconds) of a notification (notify feature only) 0 (no timeout)
player_event_hook_command the hook command executed when there is a new player event None
ap_port the application's Spotify session connection port None
proxy the application's Spotify session connection proxy None
theme the application's theme default
app_refresh_duration_in_ms the duration (in ms) between two consecutive application refreshes 32
playback_refresh_duration_in_ms the duration (in ms) between two consecutive playback refreshes 0
page_size_in_rows a page's size expressed as a number of rows (for page-navigation commands) 20
enable_media_control enable application media control support (media-control feature only) true (Linux), false (Windows and MacOS)
enable_streaming enable streaming (streaming feature only) Always
enable_notify enable notification (notify feature only) true
enable_cover_image_cache store album's cover images in the cache folder true
notify_streaming_only only send notification when streaming is enabled (streaming and notify feature only) false
default_device the default device to connect to on startup if no playing device found spotify-player
play_icon the icon to indicate playing state of a Spotify item
pause_icon the icon to indicate pause state of a Spotify item ▌▌
liked_icon the icon to indicate the liked state of a song
border_type the type of the application's borders Plain
progress_bar_type the type of the playback progress bar Rectangle
playback_window_position the position of the playback window Top
playback_window_width the width of the playback window 6
cover_img_width the width of the cover image (image feature only) 5
cover_img_length the length of the cover image (image feature only) 9
cover_img_scale the scale of the cover image (image feature only) 1.0
seek_duration_secs the duration (in seconds) to seek when using SeekForward and SeekBackward commands 5


  • By default, spotify_player uses the official Spotify Web app's client (client_id = 65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd)

  • It's recommended to specify your own Client ID to avoid possible rate limits and to allow a full Spotify connect support.

  • ap_port and proxy are Librespot's session configurations. By default, spotify_player doesn't set those values, which means the Librespot library will fallback to use its default options.

  • Positive-value app_refresh_duration_in_ms is used to refresh the playback periodically. This can result in hitting a Spotify rate limit if the application is running for a long time.

  • To prevent the rate limit, spotify_player sets playback_refresh_duration_in_ms=0 by default and makes additional API calls when there is an event or a command triggering a playback update.

  • List of commands that triggers a playback update:

    • NextTrack
    • PreviousTrack
    • ResumePause
    • PlayRandom
    • Repeat
    • Shuffle
    • SeekTrack (left-clicking the playback's progress bar)
    • ChooseSelected (for a track, a device, etc)

    Note: the above list might not be up-to-date.

  • An example of event that triggers a playback update is the one happening when the current track ends.

  • enable_streaming can be either Always, Never or DaemonOnly. For backwards compatibility, true and false are still accepted as aliases for Always and Never.

  • playback_window_position can only be either Top or Bottom.

  • border_type can be either Hidden, Plain, Rounded, Double or Thick.

  • progress_bar_type can be either Rectangle or Line.

  • notify_streaming_only=true and enable_streaming=DaemonOnly can be set to avoid sending multiple notifications when both daemon and UI are running.

Media control

Media control support (enable_media_control option) is enabled by default on Linux but disabled by default on MacOS and Windows.

MacOS and Windows require an open window to listen to OS media event. As a result, spotify_player needs to spawn an invisible window on startup, which may steal focus from the running terminal. To interact with spotify_player, which is run on the terminal, user will need to re-focus the terminal. Because of this extra re-focus step, the media control support is disabled by default on MacOS and Windows to avoid possible confusion for first-time users.

Player event hook command

If specified, player_event_hook_command should be an object with two fields command and args. Each time spotify_player receives a new player event, player_event_hook_command is executed with the event's data as the script's arguments.

A player event is represented as a list of arguments with either of the following values:

  • "EndOfTrack" TRACK_ID

Note: if args is specified, such arguments will be called before the event's arguments.

For example, if player_event_hook_command = { command = "", args = ["-b", "c", "-d"] }, upon receiving a Changed event with OLD_TRACK_ID=x, NEW_TRACK_ID=y, the following command will be run -b c -d Changed x y

Example script that reads event's data from arguments and prints them to a file:


set -euo pipefail

case "$1" in
    "Changed") echo "command: $1, old_track_id: $2, new_track_id: $3" >> /tmp/log.txt ;;
    "Playing") echo "command: $1, track_id: $2, position_ms: $3, duration_ms: $4" >> /tmp/log.txt ;;
    "Paused") echo "command: $1, track_id: $2, position_ms: $3, duration_ms: $4" >> /tmp/log.txt ;;
    "EndOfTrack") echo "command: $1, track_id: $2" >> /tmp/log.txt ;;

Device configurations

The configuration options for the Librespot integrated device are specified under the [device] section in the app.toml file:

Option Description Default
name The librespot device's name spotify-player
device_type The librespot device's type speaker
volume Initial volume (in percentage) of the device 70
bitrate Bitrate in kbps (96, 160, or 320) 320
audio_cache Enable caching audio files (store in $APP_CACHE_FOLDER/audio/ folder) false
normalization Enable audio normalization false
autoplay Enable autoplay similar songs false

More details on the above configuration options can be found under the Librespot wiki page.


spotify_player uses the theme.toml config file to look for user-defined themes.

An example of user-defined themes can be found in the example theme.toml file.

The application's theme can be modified by setting the theme config option in app.toml or by specifying the -t <THEME> (--theme <THEME>) CLI option when running the player.

A theme has three main components: name (the theme's name), palette (the theme's color palette), component_style (styles for specific application's components).

name is required when defining a new theme. If palette is not set, a palette based on the terminal's colors will be used. If component_style is not set, a set of predefined component styles will be used.

Use script to add theme

a theme_parse python script (require pyaml and requests libraries) can be used to parse Iterm2 alacritty's color schemes into a spotify_player compatible theme format.

For example, you can run

./theme_parse "Builtin Solarized Dark" "solarized_dark"  >> ~/.config/spotify-player/theme.toml

to parse Builtin Solarized Dark color scheme into a new theme with name = "solarized_dark".


A theme's palette consists of the following fields:

  • background
  • foreground
  • black
  • blue
  • cyan
  • green
  • magenta
  • red
  • white
  • yellow
  • bright_black
  • bright_blue
  • bright_cyan
  • bright_green
  • bright_magenta
  • bright_red
  • bright_white
  • bright_yellow

If a field is not specified, a default value based on the terminal's corresponding color will be used.

A field's value can be set to be either a hex representation of a RGB color (e.g, background = "#1e1f29") or a string representation of the color (e.g red, bright_blue, etc).

More details about the palette's field naming can be found in the table in the 3-bit and 4-bit section.

Component Styles

To define application's component styles, the user can specify any of the below fields:

  • block_title
  • border
  • playback_status
  • playback_track
  • playback_artists
  • playback_album
  • playback_metadata
  • playback_progress_bar
  • current_playing
  • page_desc
  • table_header
  • selection
  • secondary_row

A field in component_style is a struct with three optional fields: fg (foreground), bg (background) and modifiers (terminal effects):

  • fg and bg can be either a palette's color in a pascal case (e.g, BrightBlack, Blue, etc) or a hex representation of a RGB color (e.g, "#1e1f29"). The default values for fg and bg are the palette's foreground and background.
  • The default value for modifiers is []. modifiers can consist of
    • Bold
    • Dim
    • Italic
    • Underlined
    • SlowBlink
    • Reversed
    • RapidBlink
    • Hidden
    • CrossedOut

Default value for application's component styles:

block_title = { fg = "Magenta"  }
border = {}
playback_status = { fg = "Cyan", modifiers = ["Bold"] }
playback_track = { fg = "Cyan", modifiers = ["Bold"] }
playback_artists = { fg = "Cyan", modifiers = ["Bold"] }
playback_album = { fg = "Yellow" }
playback_metadata = { fg = "BrightBlack" }
playback_progress_bar = { bg = "BrightBlack", fg = "Green" }
current_playing = { fg = "Green", modifiers = ["Bold"] }
page_desc = { fg = "Cyan", modifiers = ["Bold"] }
playlist_desc = { fg = "BrightBlack", modifiers = ["Dim"] }
table_header = { fg = "Blue" }
selection = { modifiers = ["Bold", "Reversed"] }


spotify_player uses keymap.toml to add or override new key mappings in additional to the default key mappings. To define a new key mapping, simply add a keymaps entry. To remove a key mapping, set its command to None. For example,

command = "NextTrack"
key_sequence = "g n"
command = "PreviousTrack"
key_sequence = "g p"
command = "Search"
key_sequence = "C-c C-x /"
command = "ResumePause"
key_sequence = "M-enter"
command = "None"
key_sequence = "q"


Actions are located in the same keymap.toml file as keymaps. An action can be triggered by a key sequence that is not bound to any command. Once the mapped key sequence is pressed, the corresponding action will be triggered on the currently selected item. For example, a list of actions can be found here.

action = "GoToArtist"
key_sequence = "g A"
action = "GoToAlbum"
key_sequence = "g B"