- Review project for missing frontend changes.
- Env config for application bootstrap file (fix for root)
- Env config for application bootstrap file.
- Access to notifications helpers inside Module Service Provider.
- Backend integration with new frontend.
- Alert notification type to seed.
- Backend integration with new frontend.
- Response helper CHG: vue form JS assets.
- Notification recipients field.
- Vue form builder ADD: database actions context builder helper FIX: PHP docs CHG: database migration for notification CHG: form fieldset FIX: database wrong method construct ADD: for form builders which have v-model attribute the value should not be pass to value attribute.
- Asset publisher links for symbolic assets.
- Backend integration.
- Dt filters.
- Frontend integration.
- Frontend integration.
- Exception column to failed_jobs table.
- Set position method to asset publisher.
- Custom type for controls.
- Twig functions to check who is authenticated.
- Resolve display form errors for multiple tabular input.
- Form errors for tabular input.
- Deletes controls from fieldset.
- Middleware for dashboard routing.
- Support for modular css files.
- Support for time and date formatters based on brand settings.
- Support for date formatter based on brand.
- Support for separated route files.
- Subject column for notifications. It will be used as a subject for emails.
- Form error twig extension for tabular input validation.
- Support for reordering tables row, support for area contexts.
- Datatables - support for reordering rows.
- Menu tooltips descriptions.
- Switch type for forms and dynamic errors for VUE forms.
- New navigation system to handling breadcrumbs.
- Remove unused presenter argument.
- Url helper for create links without area.
- Support for multiple filters in datatables.
- Extend notification with messages.
- Post helper method.
- Html label in form controls.
- Phpunit tests.
- Phpunit per module.
- Assets symlinker for local, router.
- Assets symlinker for local, router.
- Phpunits refactoring.
- Readme.md, FIX: small fixes.
- Add categories to acl.
- Acl core module.
- More usuable installation process.
- Merge with
- .gitignore.
- .gitignore.
- Gitsubmodules.
- Add modules dir.
- Ui components, structure refactoring.
- Initial commit.
- Added unit tests for Control Types ADD: A few new Control Types CHG: Minor fixes and changes in Control Types CHG: Minor changes in form layout templates.
- Log to extension operations FIX: tests for extensions and area (fix in config file)
- Installation step with components selection.
- Countries sql, multiuser.
- Added decorators for controls CHG: Changes in control AbstracType.
- LabelWrapper, inputWrapper CHG: Container for hidden type is hidden too.
- When any label added to control, generates from name FIX: temporary fix for firing BeforeFormRender event.
- Controls for Files and Dates.
- New contrl types: Hidden, Password, Range CHG: Changed and new options added to Select.
- SetSearch() feature for selects ADD: TimezoneType, LanguageType.
- Info tooltip for labels.
- Added support for Option groups for Select.
- Base contracts and traits ADD: prependHtml, appendHtml to control ADD: Country select with flags.
- New form control types.
- Input wrapper.
- New form control type: SelectType.
- Validation messages.
- Default label view.
- Labels are separated objects.
- Added view template files for Form control types CHG: Changes in Fieldset/Form renderers to support new Form control types.
- AbstractDecorator for Form controls, Text and Textarea control CHG: changes in Form control AbstractType.
- Abstract Types for Form controls.
- Text translation.
- Option to skip composer for installation command from artisan.
- Support custom URL for extension settings form.
- Artisan command to flush core ACL FIX: extension ACL command signature.
- Listener for failed composer when installing extension.
- Activation operations for installing extensions.
- Updated notification migration for stacks CHG: add property attributes to form labels.
- Update of version.
- Update of area implementation.
- Unit tests application path CHG: notification seeder and migration.
- Commented phone number.
- Backend integration with frontend.
- Fast SMS adapter.
- "booted" method for all service providers.
- Possibility to set manually current area.
- Removed Vue form builder.
- Notification types seed (typo)
- Notification types seed.
- Removed PHP 7 strict type.
- Added runtime cache for languages ADD: PHPDoc for extension repository.
- Removed unnecessary query for user roles CHG: phpdoc for data table builder.
- Some fixes for tests, CHG: dropzone control behaviour and template, CHG: removed deprecated notifier CHG: password reset service CHG: notifications CHG: some minor fixes or changes.
- Optimization changes #2.
- Optimization changes.
- Slugging names for ACL with runtime cache CHG: disabled database crypt for increase performance FIX: PHPDoc for some classes.
- Remove php 7.1 code occurences.
- Area manager refactorization #2 ADD: area tests.
- Area manager refactorization.
- Small code reorganization.
- Moved date and time formatter from helper to class. Performance improvements for date formatter.
- Removed unused commented lines.
- Removed subject from notification.
- Change for resolving form controls values.
- Changes quotes for form views.
- New layout integration.
- Update of notifications migration files.
- Router fixes.
- Notifier - notification channels.
- Db cryptor disable config check.
- Prerelease updated.
- Minor and major changes.
- Minor and major refactorings.
- Minor refactoring.
- 👀 major changes.
- Remove unsued .gitmodules file.
- 📖 update of README.md.
- Database.sqlite3 - add two factor auth.
- Changes for phpunit tests.
- Phpunit tests - update of sqlite.
- Jobs class inside foundation and AbstractNotificationTemplate.php use.
- Code coverage and phpunit tests.
- Changes of database.sqlite3.
- Relocating ui components.
- Move components to modules.
- Installer views.
- Antares Project -> Antares.
- Composer json structure resolve.
- Core composer.json.
- More fixes for RWD in release.
- Looking for app file for unit tests during travis building (removed due wrong loop)
- Looking for app file for unit tests during travis building.
- Accessing to DI key in array.
- Checking if current route is not null FIX: installation contract parameters CHG: extra method for module service provider which is similar to boot method but is executing after booted all extensions.
- Breadcrumbs submenu path.
- Datatable constructor CHG: removed commented code.
- Fixes for backend integration.
- Setting area from user.
- Variable assignation CHG: refactored module service provider ADD: variable adapter of foundation for notification CHG: assetic refactoring and performance.
- Restore widgets routes for client area.
- Password reset notification (without editable notification message yet)
- Required service provider for tests.
- For raw notification message (fetched from database) content type must be html instead of plain text.
- Retrive brand date options.
- Fix for fetching form errors.
- Quick search - update for url response param.
- Module name resolver for root path.
- Fix for helpers.
- Module name resolver.
- Acl will be properly setup for modules.
- Breadcrumb class namespace.
- After laravel update.
- Removed invalid class for notification provider; updated method for user role.
- Support for ajax form validation.
- Twig tooltip extension.
- 🔥 minor and major fixes.
- Remove throw exception.
- Remove invalid service providers.
- Fixed paths for themes.
- Remove unused ExampleTest, remove registration controller test.
- Migration file for ui components, fix location.
- Fixes for installation.
- Installer fixes.
- Antares/control -> antares/acl.
- Clear repo.
- Merge.
- Resolved conflicts.
- Merged conflicts.
- Resolved conflicts.
- Fixed data typing.
- Refactorization and comments fixes.
- Merged 0.9.2 branch INT: return types for methods.
- Updated core from branch for Laravel 5.4.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/0.9.2' into 0.9.2.
Merge pull request #16 from antaresproject/0.9.2-laravel5.5.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/0.9.2' into 0.9.2.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/0.9.2' into 0.9.2.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/0.9.2' into 0.9.2.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Update composer.json.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/0.9.2' into 0.9.2.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/0.9.2' into 0.9.2.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Update composer.json.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Update DashboardController.php.
Add files via upload.
Update composer.json.
Update ApplicationTestCase.php.
Update composer.json.
Add files via upload.
Update composer.json.
Merge with master.
Merge pull request #14 from antaresproject/
Merge pull request #9 from antaresproject/0.9.2-dev2.
Merge branch '0.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Merge branch '-2.9.2' of https://github.com/antaresproject/core into 0.9.2.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'composer/0.9.2' into 0.9.2.