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@ant-design/icons-svg is an SVG library recommended by Ant Design official team. It offers the abstract node (essentially a plain object) to be consumed by various UI libraries or framworks.

Project structure

├── babel.config.cjs      # babel config used by jest
├── docs
├── es                    # the output directory of typescript compiler (--module esnext)
├── gulpfile.ts           # the core gulp config
├── inline-svg            # the output directory of gulp. It contains all processed icons with the extenstion ".svg"
├── inline-namespaced-svg # the output directory of gulp. It contains all processed icons with the extenstion ".svg" and the SVG namespace (xmlns="")
├── jest.config.cjs
├── lib                   # the output directory of typescript compiler (--module commonjs)
├── package.json
├── plugins               # custom gulp plugins
├── scripts               # some custom scripts
├── src                   # source directory. All files in "src" are generated by gulp and compiled by tsc
├── svg                   # the raw icons directory. You can add icons here.
├── tasks/creators        # gulp tasks factory fucntions
├── templates             # some templates
├── test
├──   # build time typescript config
├── tsconfig.json         # runtime typescript config when running "npm run generate"
├── typings.d.ts
└── utils

Generate workflow

Run the command

yarn generate # or `yarn g`

to start gulp workflow. See the workflow below.

1. clean (or delete) the generated or compiled files
2. run these tasks parallelly:
  2.1 copy some files to "src" dir. (e.g. helpers.ts, types.ts)
  2.2 generate abstract nodes with the theme "filled"
  2.3 generate abstract nodes with the theme "outlined"
  2.4 generate abstract nodes with the theme "twotone"
3. run these tasks parallelly:
  3.1 generate index.ts
  3.2 generate inline-svg dirctory
  3.3 generate inline-namespaced-svg dirctory

Build workflow

Run the command

yarn build

and it will use tsc to compile files in "src" to the output dirctories eslib.

How to add/modify/delete icons

How to add icons

Make sure that the icon should obey these rules:

  1. The icon should come from Ant Design official library site, or be required from the community and be fitted with the Ant Design icon design rules.

  2. The icon should have viewBox attribute with the value 0 0 1024 1024.

  3. The icon should have a 64px bleed.

Add the icon to a theme-specific fold (one of the filled, outlined, twotone fold) in svg directory.

Run the workflow commands.

# generate ".ts" files into "src" dir
yarn generate

# compile files in "src" dir
yarn build

How to modify/delete icons

Just modify/delete the icons in the svg dir and run the workflow commands.

gulp tasks

Generate icons task

generateIcons(options: GenerateIconsOptions): () => NodeJS.ReadWriteStream

This task will compress all .svg files in specific dir by using svgo, and then convert them into the abstract node.


// gulpfile.ts

  // set the icon theme
  theme: 'filled',

  // sources
  from: ['svg/filled/*.svg'],

  // output dir
  toDir: 'src/asn',

  // config of the plugin SVGO
  svgoConfig: generalConfig,

  // the collection of the transform function. See the following for details
  extraNodeTransformFactories: [
    assignAttrsAtTag('svg', { focusable: 'false' }),

  // the serialization operation of the abstract node before applying templates. See the following for details
  stringify: JSON.stringify,

  // template
  template: iconTemplate,

  // Interpolation mapping in templates
  mapToInterpolate: ({ name, content }) => ({
    identifier: getIdentifier({ name, themeSuffix: 'Filled' }),

  // output filename
  filename: ({ name }) => getIdentifier({ name, themeSuffix: 'Filled' })


It is an array that includes the function that process every abstract node.

interface TransformFactory {
  (options: TransformOptions): (asn: AbstractNode) => AbstractNode;

type TransformOptions = {
  name: string;
  theme: ThemeType;

interface AbstractNode {
  tag: string;
  attrs: {
    [key: string]: string;
  children?: AbstractNode[];

The current config in gulpfile.ts is as follows.

extraNodeTransformFactories: [
  assignAttrsAtTag('svg', { focusable: 'false' }),

assignAttrsAtTag('svg', { focusable: 'false' })

for each svg node(the svg XML tag), it can assign the key-value pairs to the attributes. e.g. focusable="false"


It will adjust the view box of the icons (> antd@3.9) and remove the bleed area. (viewBox="64 64 896 896")

const adjustViewBox: TransformFactory = assignAttrsAtTag('svg', ({ name }) => ({
  viewBox: includes(name, OLD_ICON_NAMES) ? '0 0 1024 1024' : '64 64 896 896'

Note that assignAttrsAtTag is a help function that help to add extra attributes to the nodes.

function assignAttrsAtTag(
  tag: string,
    | Dictionary
    | ((
        options: TransformOptions & { previousAttrs: Dictionary }
      ) => Dictionary)
): TransformFactory;

type Dictionary = Record<string, string>;

Example:Add hello="world" for all path tag

extraNodeTransformFactories: [
  assignAttrsAtTag('path', { hello: 'world'})

the result is as follows

// src/asn/AccountBookFilled.ts

const AccountBookFilled: IconDefinition = {
  icon: {
    tag: 'svg',
    attrs: { viewBox: '0 0 1024 1024' },
    children: [
        tag: 'path',
        attrs: {
            'M880 184H712v-64c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-56c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v64H384v-64c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-56c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v64H144c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v664c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h736c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V216c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32zM648.3 426.8l-87.7 161.1h45.7c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10v21.3c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-63.4v29.7h63.4c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10v21.3c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-63.4V752c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-41.3c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-51.8h-63.1c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-21.3c0-5.5 4.5-10 10-10h63.1v-29.7h-63.1c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-21.3c0-5.5 4.5-10 10-10h45.2l-88-161.1c-2.6-4.8-.9-10.9 4-13.6 1.5-.8 3.1-1.2 4.8-1.2h46c3.8 0 7.2 2.1 8.9 5.5l72.9 144.3 73.2-144.3a10 10 0 018.9-5.5h45c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10 .1 1.7-.3 3.3-1.1 4.8z',
          hello: 'world'
  name: 'account-book',
  theme: 'filled'

Example: have an access to the theme, name and even the previous attributes of the icon

extraNodeTransformFactories: [
  assignAttrsAtTag('path', ({ name, theme, previousAttrs }) => ({
    hello: `${name}-${theme}-${previousAttrs.d}`

the result is as follows

// src/asn/AccountBookFilled.ts

const AccountBookFilled: IconDefinition = {
  icon: {
    tag: 'svg',
    attrs: { viewBox: '0 0 1024 1024' },
    children: [
        tag: 'path',
        attrs: {
            'M880 184H712v-64c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-56c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v64H384v-64c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-56c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v64H144c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v664c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h736c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V216c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32zM648.3 426.8l-87.7 161.1h45.7c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10v21.3c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-63.4v29.7h63.4c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10v21.3c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-63.4V752c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-41.3c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-51.8h-63.1c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-21.3c0-5.5 4.5-10 10-10h63.1v-29.7h-63.1c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-21.3c0-5.5 4.5-10 10-10h45.2l-88-161.1c-2.6-4.8-.9-10.9 4-13.6 1.5-.8 3.1-1.2 4.8-1.2h46c3.8 0 7.2 2.1 8.9 5.5l72.9 144.3 73.2-144.3a10 10 0 018.9-5.5h45c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10 .1 1.7-.3 3.3-1.1 4.8z',
            'account-book-filled-M880 184H712v-64c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-56c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v64H384v-64c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-56c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v64H144c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v664c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h736c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V216c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32zM648.3 426.8l-87.7 161.1h45.7c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10v21.3c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-63.4v29.7h63.4c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10v21.3c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-63.4V752c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-41.3c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-51.8h-63.1c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-21.3c0-5.5 4.5-10 10-10h63.1v-29.7h-63.1c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-21.3c0-5.5 4.5-10 10-10h45.2l-88-161.1c-2.6-4.8-.9-10.9 4-13.6 1.5-.8 3.1-1.2 4.8-1.2h46c3.8 0 7.2 2.1 8.9 5.5l72.9 144.3 73.2-144.3a10 10 0 018.9-5.5h45c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10 .1 1.7-.3 3.3-1.1 4.8z'
  name: 'account-book',
  theme: 'filled'