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File metadata and controls

48 lines (31 loc) · 2.89 KB


STM32 based system for rocket flight data recording and payload UV-sterilization control. Used in UVic Rocketry's custom flight hardware.


This software is written for the STM32 NUCLEO-L053R8. The NUCLEO interfaces with a custom PCB containing sensor, data-logging, and control hardware.

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Peripheral hardware

  • BMP280 temperature + pressure sensor
  • BNO055 low-G accelerometer + orientation fusion sensor
  • ADXL377 high-G accelerometer
  • W25Q128FV flash memory module


The hardware control follows a basic state machine model:


  • [STARTUP] reads the debug jumper pin on power-up, and transitions to [DEBUG] or [IDLE] depending on the reading of the jumper pin [1=DEBUG, 0=IDLE].
  • [DEBUG] is a special power-up mode used to test the external hardware and download the contents of the flash memory to PC via the GUI client (see below). It is not used for flight.
  • [IDLE] polls the external hall effect sensor for a magnetic activation signal. Transitions to [INIT_FLIGHT] on detection of the activation signal.
  • [INIT_FLIGHT] activates the external sensors and clears the data-log memory. Automatically transitions to [PAD].
  • [PAD] polls the sensors for a z-acceleration or altitude change corresponding to launch. Upon detection of launch, activates the UV-sterilization experiment and transitions to [FLIGHT].
  • [FLIGHT] continuously writes sensor readings to the flash memory. Upon detection of landing, transitions to [LANDED]
  • [LANDED] terminates data-logging and UV-sterilization experiment.

Utility software

The custom flight software includes Windows utility programs to debug the sensors and process the post-flight data.

UVR-Firmware-Utility.exe is used to (1) view the flight sensor readings in real-time and (2) download the contents of the flash memory to the PC. The flight hardware must be powered up in [DEBUG] mode. Memory-Parser.exe is used to convert the downloaded flash memory data to CSV.

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Compile .bin from source (GNU ARM - firmware/Makefile). Flash the .bin to the NUCLEO using st-flash (see firmware/ or ST-LINK. Power-up with debug jumper removed for flight-ready mode. Power-up with jumper inserted for debugging or data retrieval using UVR-Firmware-Utility.exe.

Utility software

Compile UVR-Firmware-Utility.exe and Memory-Parser.exe from source (Visual Studio - utility/UVR-Firmware-Utility.sln). Power-up the NUCLEO with the debug jumper inserted and connect the NUCLEO to PC via USB. Start UVR-Firmware-Utility.exe, select the USB COM port from the drop-down menu, and click Connect. Click Start Download to begin downloading the contents of the flash memory module to PC. Use Memory-Parser.exe to convert the generated .mem file to CSV.
