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Dot and Configuration Files


curl -o configure
chmod +x configure


  • CONFIGS_ROOT: where the dotfiles and configs will be installed.
  • CONFIGS_BACKUP_DIR: where the previous dotfiles and configs will moved to.
  • CONFIGS_GIT_DIR: name of the directory Git will use to track files.
  • CONFIGS_GIT_BRANCH_NAME: name of the branch for the specific machine's configs.
  • CONFIGS_INSTALL_PACKAGES: whether or not to install native packages.
  • CONFIGS_INSTALL_AUR: whether or not to install AUR packages (for Arch).
  • CONFIGS_INSTALL_CONFIGS: whether or not to install .config directories.
  • CONFIGS_INSTALL_DOT_FILES: whether or not to install .* files.
  • CONFIGS_INSTALL_THEMES: whether or not to install .themes directories.
  • CONFIGS_REMOTE: the remote Git repository to pull from.
    • The repository must have the following structure:
    |  |__...
    |  |__vim/
    |  |  |__...
    |  |__i3/
    |  |  |__...
    |  |__...
    |  |__bashrc
    |  |__profile
    |  |__...
    |  |__theme_1/
    |  |  |__...
    |  |__...


./configure COMMAND [file]
  show      Show the current variables that are used for installation.
  install   Start the installation process.
  file      The script will source this file before running any commands.

To change the variables in bulk, run:

./configure show > myvars.bash

And change the values in that file, then run:

./configure install myvars.bash