$ python3.10 dragon.py 10
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$ python3.10 dragon.py --help
usage: dragon.py [-h] [--turns-only] [--x-step X_STEP]
[--y-step Y_STEP] [--initial-direction {R,D,L,U}]
Draw a dragon curve.
positional arguments:
DEPTH Depth of the dragon curve to generate
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--turns-only Instead of drawing the curve, output the turns
necessary for cli-draw to draw the curve
(default: False)
--x-step X_STEP, -x X_STEP
The number of columns a single x-axis step
takes. (default: 2)
--y-step Y_STEP, -y Y_STEP
The number of lines a single y-axis step
takes. (default: 1)
--initial-direction {R,D,L,U}, -d {R,D,L,U}
The starting direction of travel. (default: R)