A Virtual Machine Application is also required, tested on Hyper-V and Virtualbox. Supported Applications:
(Commands Required for install for Arch + Ubuntu)
GitBash (Recommended: setting the Use Git and optional Unix Tools from the command Promp).
Visual Studio Code
For VSCode, it is recommended that you set up to use GitBash
Go File -> Preferences -> Settings
Search terminal.intergrated.windows.shell
Put: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe
In “Terminal > Integrated > Shell: Windows”
(Commands Required for install for Arch + Ubuntu)
Clone the git repository:
git clone github.com/andy3471/keyshare.git
Go Into Directory (Or open folder in VS Code, and use terminal -> new terminal):
cd keyshare
If required, switch to the correct branch:
git checkout BRANCHNAME
Install Composer Dependancies:
composer install
Copy .env.example File:
cp .env.example .env
Make Homestead File:
./vendor/bin/homestead make
Edit the newly created Homestead file at Homestead.yaml, add the site map to keyshare.local (recommended name). Set the internal IP.
Edit C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, add (IP is the one from homestead.yaml): tnb.local
Please note, this does not currently work in Hyper-V, you will be given a unique IP at startup, so VB is recommended - Visit the Homestead Documentation for more details.
Make SSH Keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your@email.com"
Create Vagrant Box
vagrant up
SSH into vagrant box:
vagrant ssh
Go into code directory:
cd ./code
Install NPM Dependancies:
npm install
Create Storage link:
php artisan storage:link
Build the database:
php artisan migrate
Generate Key:
php artisan key:generate
Clear Cache:
php artisan config:cache
The site should now be available at keyshare.local in your browser.
To Do:
Add guidance on SMTP
Add Guidance on Steam Auth Key