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File metadata and controls

243 lines (205 loc) · 12.3 KB


New in version 0.3.0

Two new widgets: CheckBox and RadioButton.

Two new functions showalert and showprompt (similar to Javascript alert and prompt)

More consistent mechanism for styling using external CSS - see section Styling using CSS stylesheets below.

New in version 0.2.0

There is now a "zero install" option available (see Introduction below). This means the project is no longer dependent on its own external CSS file.

There is also one new widget: a spincontrol (to provide a more consistent interface, since browsers vary greatly in how they handle <input type="number">).


A collection of widgets for including in Brython projects.

For a demo, see this page, which illustrates most of the functionality.

To use, there are two options:

If you don't need to use the file saving/opening or user login features described in the final section below, the "zero install" option is to include a line in the head section of your html file (probably just after the lines which load brython itself):

<script src=""></script>

Or if you do need those features, download the zip, and move the brywidgets and users folders into your own project folder. (If you wish, you can delete the user demo from within the users folder.)

In either case, just include import brywidgets in your brython file and you are ready to use the widgets in your code.
(I use import brywidgets as ws to make references to the widgets shorter.)

Styling using CSS stylesheets

There are three mechanisms for this:

  • All the widgets have a CSS class name which is the same as the Python class name but all lower case - eg for styling affecting all RadioButtons use a CSS selector .radiobutton.
  • All widgets have an optional keyword argument className. This can be used for styling which should apply to some but not all widgets of a certain type.
  • All widgets have an optional keyword argument id. Use this for styling which should just apply to one widget.

Containers for laying out content

Notebook, NotebookPage

A Notebook is a collection of tabbed pages; click on a tab to switch from one page to another.

Notebook(pagelist=[], tabheight="2em", className=None, id=None)  
NotebookPage(title, bgcolour, content=None, tabwidth="10%", className=None, id=None)

Notes on parameters:
pagelist: a list of NotebookPages.
title: title of the page (which appears on its tab).
bgcolour: background colour of the page (and also of its tab).
content: optionally include content on the page at creation time, or else add it later. tabheight, tabwidth The height of the tabs is automatically set to accomodate 1 line of text, but can be adjusted by specifying the parameter tabheight in CSS units.
The width of each tab is automatically set to 10% (so that 10 tabs can be accommodated), but can be adjusted by setting the parameter tabwidth in CSS units, or setting it to None to use external styling (of class notebooktab)


This is just a div with a default border and optional title.

Panel(items=None, border="1px solid white", align=None, title=None, className=None, id=None)

Optional parameters:
items: list of the contents of the panel.
border: border of the panel, in CSS format (use None for no border, or to keep whatever is set in external CSS).
align: text-align, in CSS format.
title: heading at the top of the panel.

RowPanel, ColumnPanel

These organise the elements they contain in either a row or a column (using display: flex internally).

RowPanel(items=None, className=None, id=None)
ColumnPanel(items=None, className=None, id=None)


These organise their contents in a grid of a specified size (using display: grid internally).

GridPanel(columns, rows, items=None, className=None, id=None)

Notes on parameters:
columns, rows: size of the grid.
items: list of the contents of the grid.

Buttons that open a dialog box

ColourPickerButton, ColourPickerImageButton

These open a colour picker dialog. (This might become redundant if all browsers start supporting <input type="color">.)

ColourPickerButton(returnaction, label='', initialcolour=None, className=None, id=None)

This Button takes on the colour which is selected.
Required parameter:
returnaction: function to be called after a colour is selected. This function takes two arguments: the colour selected, and the id of the button (which could be None).
Optional parameters:
label: Text on the button
initialcolour: initial background colour of the button (in rgb(R, G, B) format). If omitted the default colour rgb(242, 241, 240) is used.

ColourPickerImageButton(icon, returnaction, className=None, id=None)

Notes on parameters:
icon: the path to the image on the button.
returnaction: function to be called after a colour is selected. This function takes one argument: the colour selected.


Opens an OverlayPanel containing a png image converted from an SVG image, so that it can be copied or saved by right-clicking.

ImageFromSVGButton(svgimage, className=None, id=None)

Parameter: svgimage: the image to be converted to png.

Other Buttons

Button, ImageButton, ToggleButton, ToggleImageButton

These are fairly self-explanatory; a ToggleButton remains depressed when clicked, until clicked again (or raised elsewhere in code).

Button(text, handler, bgcolour=None, tooltip=None, className=None, id=None)  
ImageButton(icon, handler, bgcolour=None, tooltip=None, className=None, id=None)  
ToggleButton(text, handler, bgcolour=None, tooltip=None, className=None, id=None)  
ToggleImageButton(icon, handler, bgcolour=None, tooltip=None, className=None, id=None)

Notes on parameters:
text: Text of the button (could be empty string).
icon: the path to the image on the button.
handler: Function to be called on click. This function takes the click event as argument.
bgcolour: background colour of the button.
tooltip: text displayed when hovering over the button.

Other Controls

DropDown, ListBox

Choose an option from a list. For a DropDown, only one is visible at first; for a ListBox all are shown unless the size parameter is used, in which case a scroll bar is used.

DropDown(choices, onchange, initialchoice=None, className=None, id=None)  
ListBox(choices, onchange, size=None, initialchoice=None, className=None, id=None)

Required parameters:
choices: a list of options.
onchange: function to be called when the user chooses a different option. Takes the change event as argument.
Optional parameters:
size: number of choices to be displayed (for ListBox).
initialchoice: index (counting from 0) of the initial choice.


One of a group of buttons - selecting one unselects the others.

RadioButton(radiogroup, radioid, label, selected=False, tooltip=None, action=None, className=None, id=None)

Required parameters:
radiogroup: Name of the group to which the button belongs.
radioid: identifies this particular button within the group.
label: text to go next to the button.
Optional parameters:
selected: if set to True, this button will be selected initially.
action: name of a function to be called when the button is clicked. Takes the click event as parameter.
tooltip: text displayed when hovering over the button.


A tickbox - clicking either selects or deselects it.

CheckBox(self, label, objid, selected=False, tooltip=None, action=None, className=None)

Required parameters: label: text to go next to the checkbox.
objid: serves as both the name and the id of the checkbox.
Optional parameters:
selected: if set to True, this button will be selected initially
action: name of a function to be called when the button is clicked. Takes the click event as parameter.
tooltip: text displayed when hovering over the button.


A standard <input>, with a handler for when the Enter key is pressed.

InputBox(enterkeyaction, id=None)

Required parameter:
enterkeyaction: function to be called if the Enter key is pressed. Takes the keypress event as argument.
Optional parameter:
style: dictionary containing any CSS styling required.


Control showning an initial (integer) value, and buttons to increase or decrease it.

SpinControl(initialvalue, minvalue, maxvalue, action, id=None)

Required parameters:
initialvalue: initial value of the control.
minvalue, maxvalue: values beyond which the control cannot be decreased or increased.
action: function to be called when the value is changed. Takes one parameter, the current value of the control.

Functions for opening dialog boxes

showalert(message, title=None)

Similar to javascript alert function.
By default, standard dialog box styling will be used. If the variable Global.alertStyle is set to None, the alert will be styled using CSS styling for the .dialogbox class. If desired, this can be overridden by setting up styling for the id #alertdialog.

showprompt(message, action=None, title=None, default=None)

Similar to javascript prompt function.
action: name of a function which will be called when the dialog is closed by a click or by pressing the Enter key. This function takes one parameter - the text typed in the prompt box.
default: the text which will appear in the prompt box by default.
By default, standard dialog box styling will be used. If the variable Global.promptStyle is set to None, the prompt will be styled using CSS styling for the .dialogbox class. If desired, this can be overridden by setting up styling for the id #promptdialog.

The following widgets are not available with the "zero install" option - see Introduction above

FileOpenButton, FileSaveButton, FileSaveAsButton

These enable saving files on the server. At present the files have to be converted into a string format before saving (eg using pickle).

FileOpenButton(returnaction, extlist=[], initialfolder='.', id=None)

Required parameters:
returnaction: function to be called after the file is opened. This function takes two arguments: the contents and the name of the file which was opened.
Optional parameters:
extlist: a list of file extensions which should be displayed in the dialog. If omitted, all files will be displayed.
initialfolder: the path to the folder initially displayed in the dialog.

FileSaveAsButton(preparefile, returnaction=None, extlist=[], defaultextension=None, initialfolder='.', id=None)

Required parameter:
preparefile: function which returns a string with the contents of the file to be saved. This function takes no arguments.
Optional parameters:
returnaction: function to be called after the file is saved. This function takes one argument: the name of the file which was opened.
defaultextension: extension which will be appended to the filename given if not already present.
initialfolder: the path to the folder initially displayed in the dialog.

FileSaveButton(preparefile, returnaction=None, extlist=[], defaultextension=None, initialfolder='.', id=None)

If the currently open file already has a name, this button re-saves the file with that name. Otherwise it opens a dialog for saving a file.
For parameters, see FileSaveAsButton.

UserFileOpenButton, UserFileSaveButton, UserFileSaveAsButton, LoginButton

These work as above, but require the user to log in before saving or opening a file. The username system is simple: each user has a folder inside a folder called users to save their own files in. Checking whether a username exists is simply a matter of checking whether a folder of that name exists. This will be fine for up to a few thousand users, but won't scale beyond that.

UserFileOpenButton(returnaction, extlist=[], id=None)
UserFileSaveAsButton(preparefile, returnaction=None, extlist=[], defaultextension=None, id=None)
UserFileSaveButton(preparefile, returnaction=None, extlist=[], defaultextension=None, id=None)

For the parameters, see above.
For styling these differently to the "non-user" versions, use class identifier .userfilebutton