# Appveyor control file for PlexMediaFixup project.
# For Appveyor CI, see https://appveyor.com


    - TOX_ENV: win64_py27_32
      UNIX_PATH: none
      PYTHON_CMD: python

#    - TOX_ENV: win64_py27_64
#      UNIX_PATH: none
#      PYTHON_CMD: python

#    - TOX_ENV: win64_py35_32
#      UNIX_PATH: none
#      PYTHON_CMD: python

#    - TOX_ENV: win64_py35_64
#      UNIX_PATH: none
#      PYTHON_CMD: python

#    - TOX_ENV: win64_py36_32
#      UNIX_PATH: none
#      PYTHON_CMD: python

#    - TOX_ENV: win64_py36_64
#      UNIX_PATH: none
#      PYTHON_CMD: python

#    - TOX_ENV: win64_py37_32
#      UNIX_PATH: none
#      PYTHON_CMD: python

#    - TOX_ENV: win64_py37_64
#      UNIX_PATH: none
#      PYTHON_CMD: python

#    - TOX_ENV: win64_py38_32
#      UNIX_PATH: none
#      PYTHON_CMD: python

    - TOX_ENV: win64_py38_64
      UNIX_PATH: none
      PYTHON_CMD: python

# TODO: Disabled because python2.7 with cygwin 32-bit fails with:
#       "virtualenv is not compatible with this system or executable"
#    - TOX_ENV: cygwin32_py27
#      UNIX_PATH: C:\cygwin\bin
#      PYTHON_CMD: python2.7
#      PIP_CMD: pip

#    - TOX_ENV: cygwin64_py27
#      UNIX_PATH: C:\cygwin64\bin
#      PYTHON_CMD: python2.7
#      PIP_CMD: pip

#    - TOX_ENV: cygwin32_py36
#      UNIX_PATH: C:\cygwin\bin
#      PYTHON_CMD: python3.6m
#      PIP_CMD: pip

    - TOX_ENV: cygwin64_py36
      UNIX_PATH: C:\cygwin64\bin
      PYTHON_CMD: python3.6m
      PIP_CMD: pip

## TODO: Enable Python 3.7 once available on Appveyor in Cygwin
##    - TOX_ENV: cygwin32_py37
##      UNIX_PATH: C:\cygwin\bin
##      PYTHON_CMD: python3.7m
##      PIP_CMD: pip

## TODO: Enable Python 3.7 once available on Appveyor in Cygwin
##    - TOX_ENV: cygwin64_py37
##      UNIX_PATH: C:\cygwin64\bin
##      PYTHON_CMD: python3.7m
##      PIP_CMD: pip

## TODO: Enable Python 3.8 once available on Appveyor in Cygwin
##    - TOX_ENV: cygwin32_py38
##      UNIX_PATH: C:\cygwin\bin
##      PYTHON_CMD: python3.8m
##      PIP_CMD: pip

## TODO: Enable Python 3.8 once available on Appveyor in Cygwin
##    - TOX_ENV: cygwin64_py38
##      UNIX_PATH: C:\cygwin64\bin
##      PYTHON_CMD: python3.8m
##      PIP_CMD: pip

# These values will become the values of the PACKAGE_LEVEL env.var.
#  - minimum
  - latest


  # Examine the environment
  - ver
  - set
  - dir
  - dir C:\

  - git --version
  - if %APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH%.==manual-ci-run. set _NEED_REBASE=true
  # This Git version requires user configuration in rebase step
  - if %_NEED_REBASE%.==true. git config user.name "dummy"
  - if %_NEED_REBASE%.==true. git config user.email "dummy@dummy"
  - if %_NEED_REBASE%.==true. git fetch origin master
  - if %_NEED_REBASE%.==true. git branch master FETCH_HEAD
  - if %_NEED_REBASE%.==true. git rebase master
  - git branch -av

  - if %APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH%.==manual-ci-run. set _MANUAL_CI_RUN=true
  - if %APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD_REPO_BRANCH%.==manual-ci-run. set _MANUAL_CI_RUN=true

  # Set PACKAGE_LEVEL for make
  - set PACKAGE_LEVEL=%configuration%

  # For UNIX, reduce the PATH to a minimum (to avoid blanks in directory names)
  - if not "%UNIX_PATH%"=="none" set PATH=C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin

  # Add UNIX commands to the path (used for bash)
  - if not "%UNIX_PATH%"=="none" set PATH=%UNIX_PATH%;%PATH%

  # Verify that Chocolatey is available
  - where choco
  - choco --version

  # Install GNU make
  - if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="none" tools\retry choco install -y make
  - if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="none" where make
  - if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="none" make --version

  # Install Python 2.7 on CygWin
  # TODO: Verify whether python2 has again been installed by default
  - if not "%UNIX_PATH%"=="none" ( bash --noprofile --norc -c "which %PYTHON_CMD%; echo which %PYTHON_CMD% returns rc=\$?" )
  - 'if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="C:\cygwin\bin" ( C:\cygwin\setup-x86.exe -qnNdO -R C:/cygwin -P python2 )'
  - 'if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="C:\cygwin64\bin" ( C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe -qnNdO -R C:/cygwin64 -P python2 )'

  # Verify that Python command is available, and fail if not
  - if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="none" ( where %PYTHON_CMD% )
  - if not "%UNIX_PATH%"=="none" ( bash --noprofile --norc -c "which %PYTHON_CMD%" )

  # Install Pip, where needed
  - if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="C:\cygwin\bin" ( bash --noprofile --norc -c "set -e; %PYTHON_CMD% -m ensurepip; %PYTHON_CMD% -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel" )
  - if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="C:\cygwin64\bin" ( bash --noprofile --norc -c "set -e; %PYTHON_CMD% -m ensurepip; %PYTHON_CMD% -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel" )

  # Install Tox
  - if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="none" ( cmd /c "pip install tox & where tox & tox --version" )
  - if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="C:\cygwin\bin" ( bash --noprofile --norc -c "set -e; %PYTHON_CMD% -m pip install tox; which -a tox; tox --version" )
  - if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="C:\cygwin64\bin" ( bash --noprofile --norc -c "set -e; %PYTHON_CMD% -m pip install tox; which -a tox; tox --version" )

  # Initialize CygWin updates (must be done outside of CygWin bash in case it updates cygwin.dll)
  - 'if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="C:\cygwin\bin" ( C:\cygwin\setup-x86.exe --no-shortcuts --quiet-mode )'
  - 'if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="C:\cygwin64\bin" ( C:\cygwin64\setup-x86_64.exe --no-shortcuts --quiet-mode )'

build: false


  - 'if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="none" ( where tox & tox -vv -e %TOX_ENV% & echo appveyor.yml: tox rc=%errorlevel% )'
  - 'if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="C:\cygwin\bin" ( bash -c "which tox && tox -vv -e %TOX_ENV% && echo appveyor.yml: tox rc=$?" )'
  - 'if "%UNIX_PATH%"=="C:\cygwin64\bin" ( bash -c "which tox && tox -vv -e %TOX_ENV% && echo appveyor.yml: tox rc=$?" )'
  - 'echo appveyor.yml: done'