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⚠️ Warning: Sadly, I don't have availability in the moment to write these notes. As soon as I have some time, I will write them. If you want to contribute, please make a pull request.


Language Based Security

  1. Introduction to Information Flow Security
  2. Definition of Security Properties
  3. Program Analysis for Security
  4. Static Analysis
  5. Dynamic Analysis
  6. Security Verification and Bug-finding

Vulnerabilities and Secure Software Development

  1. Basic Concepts
  2. Protection in Operating Systems
  3. Race Conditions
  4. Web Vulnerabilities
  5. Database Vulnerabilities
  6. Validation and Encoding
  7. Buffer Overflows
  8. Input Validation and Format String Vulnerabilities
  9. Dynamic Protection

Key Concepts

Language Based Security

Introduction to Information Flow Security

  • Language-based security: techniques based on programming language theory and implementation, including semantics, types, optimization and verification, brought to bear on the security question;
  • Tracking Information Flow
    • Perl's Taint Mode: a mode that marks all data as tainted, and only allows it to be used in certain ways; tainted variables taint variables explicitly calculated from them; tainted data cannot be used in any sensitive operation;
  • Information flow policies: specify how information should be allowed to flow between objects of each security class; we need security labels, can-flow relations between labels, and and operator to combine them: (SC, →, ⊕) where SC is the set of security classes, is the can-flow relation, and is the operator;
    • Confidentiality: prevent unauthorized disclosure of information;
      • Confidentiality classes determine who has the right to read;
      • Information can only flow towards confidentiality classes that are at least as secret;
      • Information that is derived from the combination of two security classes must take a confidentiality class that is at least as secret as each of them: secret AND public = secret- intersection
    • Integrity: prevent unauthorized modification of information;
      • Integrity classes determine who has the right to write;
      • Information can only flow towards integrity classes that are no more trustworthy;
      • Information that is derived from the combination of two integrity classes takes an integrity class that is no more trustworthy than each of them: trusted OR untrusted = untrusted - union
    • Partial orders:
      • Reflexivity: A → A;
      • Transitivity: A → B and B → C implies A → C;
      • Anti-symmetry: A → B and B → A implies A = B;
      • Hasse diagram: a diagram that represents the partial order; can-flow relations are non-directed arrows, implicitly directed upwards;
  • Access Control to Information Flow Control
    • Discretionary Access Control (DAC): the owner of the object defines the access control;
    • Mandatory Access Control (MAC): the system administrator defines the access control;
  • Encoding and exploiting information flows
    • Object: resource that can be accessed by a subject;
    • Security class/label: specifies who can access objects of that class;
    • Security labelling: the process of assigning security labels to objects;
    • xL denotes a variable x with security level L;
    • No illegal flows property: an attacker cannot infer secret input (confidentiality) or affect critical output (integrity) by inserting inputs into the system and observing its outputs.

Definition of Security Properties

  • Noninterference, intuitively: the program is secure if, for any two runs of the program that are given the same low inputs, if the program terminates, it produces the same low outputs;
    • Deterministic Input-Output Noninterference: an attacker is a program that is executed sequentially after the observed program, and has access to low outputs - only sensitive to outputs of terminating computations;
    • Possibilistic Input-Output Noninterference: an attacker is a program that is executed concurrently with the observed program, and has access to low outputs - sensitive to whether the program is capable of terminating and producing certain final outputs;
    • Intermediate-step-sensitive Noninterference: possible low outputs do not depend on yH, but the intermediate steps of the computation do;
    • Temporal Noninterference: the attacker can observe the program's behavior over time, and can distinguish between different low inputs;
    • Probabilistic Noninterference: sensitive to the likelihood of outputs;
    • Noninterference is simple and provides strong security guarantees, but sometimes we need to leak some information to the attacker (e.g. if password is correct or not);
  • Formal semantics
    • We will use two techniques:
      • Denotational semantics for expressions: what is the result of a computation;
      • Operational semantics for instructions/statements: how the computation is done;
    • WHILE language: a simple language with assignment, conditionals and loops:
      • Syntactic categories:
        • c: constants (integers);
        • x: variables;
        • a: arithmetic expressions;
        • t: tests;
        • S: statements;
      • Grammar:
        • op ::= + | - | * | /;
        • a ::= c | x | a op a;
        • cmp ::= = | < | > | ≤ | ≥;
        • t ::= a cmp a;
        • S ::= x := a | S; S | if t then S else S | while t do S;
      • Functions:
        • A: maps pairs of arithmetic expressions and states to integers;
        • B: maps pairs of tests and states to booleans;
        • S: partial function that maps pairs of statement and state to states;
          • We will use big-step transitions to define S: <S, p> → p';
            • Skip rule: <skip, p> → p - does nothing;
            • Assignment rule: <x := a, p> → p[x |-> A(a, p)] - assigns the value of a to x;
            • Sequential composition rule: <S1; S2, p> → p'' if <S1, p> → p' and <S2, p'> → p'';
            • Conditional statement rule: <if t then S1 else S2, p> → p' if <S1, p> and B(t, p) = true, or <S2, p> and B(t, p) = false;
            • While loop rule: <while t do S, p> → p'' if <if t then S; while t do S else skip, p> → p'';
          • Later we will use small-step transitions to define S: <S, p> → <S', p'>;
  • Formalization of noninterference: A program S is secure if for every security level L and for all pairs of memories p1 and p2 such that p1~Lp2 we have that <S, p1> → p1' and <S, p2> → p2' implies p1'~Lp2';

Program Analysis for Security

  • Enforcement mechanism: a mechanism that aims at preventing any given program from performing unwanted behaviors;
    • Program analysis: process of automatically analyzing the behavior of computer programs;
      • Limitations:
        • Scope: designed to look for a finite set of problems;
        • Limited precision: for many properties, a decidable analysis cannot be precise, its either;
          • unsound: too permissive (has false positives);
          • incomplete: too restrictive (has false negatives);
  • Power and limitations of program analysis
    • The halting problem: it is undecidable to determine if a program will halt (terminate) or not;
    • Rice's theorem: it is undecidable to determine if a program has a non-trivial property;
    • Precision:
      • False positives: the analysis reports a problem that does not exist;
      • False negatives: the analysis does not report a problem that exists;
      • Considering S the set of secure programs and A the set of accepted programs, we have:
        • Sound: A ⊆ S - all accepted programs are secure - no false negatives;
        • Complete: S ⊆ A - all secure programs are accepted - no false positives;
        • Precise: A = S - no false positives and no false negatives;
      • Timing:
        • Static analysis: analyzes the program without executing it;
          • Static time overhead;
          • Can defect problems earlier in the development cycle;
          • E.g. control-flow analysis, data-flow analysis, etc;
        • Dynamic analysis: analyzes the program while executing it;
          • May impose a cost on execution efficiency, due to runtime checks;
          • Can take advantage of runtime knowledge; Can find problems that are hard to detect statically;
          • E.g. testing, profiling, etc;
        • Hybrid analysis: combines static and dynamic analysis;
  • Static analysis mechanisms
    • Standard compilation stages:
      • Lexical analysis: breaks the program into tokens;
      • Preprocessing: includes header files, etc;
      • Semantic analysis: builds a syntax tree;
      • Intermediate code generation: generates an intermediate representation of the program;
      • Optimized;
      • Code generation: generates the final code;
    • Analyzers:
      • String matcher: directly on the source code; e.g. grep;
      • Lexical analyzer: runs over the tokens generated by the scanner (does not confuse a variable getshow with a call to gets); e.g. Flawfinder;
      • Semantic analyzer: runs over the syntax tree generated by the parser (does not confuse a variable gets with a call to gets- same name but different meaning);
        • Control fow analysis: performs checks based on the possible paths;
        • Data flow analysis: performs checks based on the possible values;
        • Type checking: verify if the program is type-safe;
    • Interactive analysis:
      • Model checking: checks a model of a program, or the code itself;
        • A model is a description of the system, based on states and possible transitions between them;
        • Check if bad states cannot be reached (safety), or if good states are always reached (liveness);
      • Program verification: formally proves a property about a program;
  • Lattice policies: a class of common information flow policies have some convenient ingredients:
    • Security levels form a partial order;
    • Two security levels can always be combined;
    • There is a highest and a lowest level;
    • Lattice of confidentiality levels: L = (L, ⊑, ⊔, ⊓, ⊤, ⊥);
      • L is the set of security levels;
      • is the partial order relation;
      • is the join operator;
      • is the meet operator;
      • is the top element;
      • is the bottom element;
    • Upper-bound: given a partially ordered set (L, ⊑), an element s is an upper bound of two elements l1 and l2 if l1 ⊑ s and l2 ⊑ s;
    • Lower-bound: given a partially ordered set (L, ⊑), an element s is a lower bound of two elements l1 and l2 if s ⊑ l1 and s ⊑ l2;
    • Join (): the least upper bound of two elements l1 and l2 is an element s such that l1 ⊔ l2 ⊑ s;
    • Meet (): the greatest lower bound of two elements l1 and l2 is an element s such that l1 ⊓ l2 ⊑ s;

Static Analysis

  1. Definition of the language: WHILE language with big-step semantics;
  2. Information flow policy of security levels: a lattice L of security levels;
    1. High-Low policy for confidentiality;
    2. Low-High policy for integrity;
    3. Principal-based policy for confidentiality;
    4. Principal-based policy for integrity;
  3. Classification of objects into security levels: objects are variables that are given security levels by Γ;
  4. Security property of programs: Deterministic Input-Output Noninterference;
  5. Mechanism of selecting secure programs;
  6. Guarantees about the mechanism;
    1. Lemma 1 - Simple Security: if Γ ⊢ a : τ then expression a contains only variables of level τ or lower;
    2. Lemma 2 - Confinement: if Γ ⊢ S : τ cmd then the statement S assigns only to variables of level τ or higher;
    3. Theorem - Type Soundness: if a program S is typable, then S satisfies Deterministic Input-Output Noninterference;
      • If Γ ⊢ S : τ cmd then for every security level l and memories p1 and p2 such that p1~l p2 we have that <S, p1> → p1' and <S, p2> → p2' implies p1'~l p2'**;

Dynamic Analysis

  • Accepting vs. Transforming - mechanisms

    • There are type systems that transform programs into secure programs;
  • Web security and Dynamic Languages

    • Same Origin Policy (SOP): a script loaded from one origin is not allowed to access or modify resources obtained from another origin;
    • Dynamic approaches to control information flow:
      • Lock-step monitor: modify JS engine so that it additionally implements the security monitor - monitor is inlined` into the program;
      • Inlining compiler: inline the monitor into the original program, which has the advantage of being browser-independent.
  • A monitor for Information ow analysis (Dynamic WHILE)

    • Small-step semantics
    • Labelled transitions
    • Lock-step information flow monitor

Security Verification and Bug-finding

  • Program Properties and Noninterference
    • Trace properties vs. Hyper properties
  • Verification and Bug-finding for Noninterference
    • Self-composition + Symbolic Execution

Vulnerabilities and Secure Software Development

Basic Concepts

  • 3 main attributes of security (CIA):
    • Confidentiality: absence of information disclosure to unauthorized parties;
    • Integrity: absence of data modifications by unauthorized parties;
    • Availability: readiness of the system to provide services;
  • Vulnerability: a system defect (SW or HW), that can be exploited by an attacker to subvert security policy.
    • Attack + Vulnerability -> Intrusion
    • 0-day vulnerability: a vulnerability not publicly known:
    • Exploit: a piece of software that takes activates the vulnerability;
    • Types of SW vulnerabilities:
      • Design vulnerabilities: inserted during the design phase;
      • Coding vulnerabilities: inserted during the implementation phase;
      • Operational vulnerabilities: caused by the environment where the SW runs;
  • Attacks:
    • Technical (e.g. buffer overflow) vs Social Engineering (manipulation of people);
    • Directed (specific target) vs Undirected (any target);
    • Manual (e.g. footprinting, scanning, enumeration) vs Automated (e.g. worms, viruses);
      • Drive-by download: a download that happens without the user's consent;
      • Worm: exploits vulnerabilities to steal sensitive information, install backdoors, etc;
      • Virus: similar to a worm, but propagated by physical contact (e.g. USB);
      • Trojan: a malicious program disguised as a legitimate one; user runs an infected program;
      • Backdoor: a hidden entry point to bypass security mechanisms; allows an attacker to access the system;
      • Rootkit: malicious program that hides at low level;
      • Bot or RAT (Remote Access Trojan): listens at a port for commands from a C&C (Command and Control) server;
      • Ransomware: encrypts files and demands a ransom (money) to decrypt them;
      • Cryptojacking: uses the victim's computer to mine cryptocurrencies;
      • Scareware: tricks the user into thinking their computer is infected, making them buy fake antivirus software;
      • Rogueware: fake software that claims to be useful, but is actually malicious;
      • Phishing: a type of social engineering attack that tricks the user into revealing sensitive information;
        • Spear Phishing: a targeted phishing attack;
        • Whaling: a phishing attack targeted at high-profile individuals;
        • Smishing: phishing via SMS;
      • Torpig: a botnet that steals sensitive information;

Protection in Operating Systems

  • There are two aspects of protection to ensure that objects are not accessed by unauthorized subjects:
    • Separation - prevent arbitrary access to objects;
      • Separation in OSes: there are two modes of operation, enforced by the CPU:
        • User mode: restricted access to HW resources; SW needs to call the OS to make privileged operations;
        • Kernel mode: full access to HW resources;
        • In Linux, there is the CPL (Current Privilege Level), which is a field in the CPU that indicates the current mode, using only two bits:
          • 0: kernel mode;
          • 3: user mode;
      • Memory separation:
        • Physical: different processes have different devices;
        • Temporal: different processes have different time slots;
        • Logical: processes operate under the illusion that no other processes exist;
          • Segmentation: program split into segments (code, data, stack); a process can access its own segments by checking its segment translation table; in Linux, segments are stored in the GDT (Global Descriptor Table); each segment has a DPL (Descriptor Privilege Level), which is a field that indicates the privilege level of the segment, and the user has access if CPL <= DPL;
          • Paging: program split into pages; a process can access its own pages by checking its page translation table; each page has read/write flags and user/supervisor flags saying if the page is accessible by the user or only by the kernel;
        • Cryptographic separation: processes use cryptography to conceal their data;
    • Mediation - access control to objects;
      • It must be complete (impossible to bypass), isolation (tamperproof) and verifiable (can be checked);
      • Basic Access Control mechanisms:
        • Access control lists (ACLs): each object has a list of pairs (subject, rights);
          • This is the most similar to the UNIX model, where each file has the permissions for the owner, group and others (9 bits, 3 for each with rwx permissions);
        • Capabilities: each subject has a list of pairs (object, rights);
        • Access Control Matrix: a matrix where rows are subjects and columns are objects; each cell contains the rights of the subject over the object;
      • UNIX Access Control Model:
        • Each user has a UID (User ID) and a GID (Group ID);
        • Objects are accessed by processes, which have an EUID (Effective UID) and an EGID (Effective GID);
        • There are also two more access bits: setuid and setgid: allow access to resources the user cannot access;
      • But who defines the access control?
        • Discretionary Access Control (DAC): the owner of the object defines the access control;
        • Mandatory Access Control (MAC): the system administrator defines the access control;

Least Privilege Principle: a subject should have the minimum set of privileges needed to perform its tasks.

Race Conditions

  • Violation of the assumption of atomicity;
    • Problem of concurrency;
    • Lack of synchronization;
    • The attackers races to break the assumption during the window of opportunity;
  • There are mainly 3 types:
    • Time-of-check to time-of-use (TOCTOU): the attacker changes the object between the check and the use;
      • Typical example: a program checks if the user has the right to access the file, and then opens it; the attacker changes the file between the check and the open, using a symbolic link (changes from a file with permissions to a file without permissions);
      • access syscall is vulnerable to TOCTOU; it checks using the real UID of the process;
      • Usually use a script that tries many times until the window of opportunity is found; or delay the program;
      • lstat function retrieves information about a link/file;
      • Solution: avoid using file names: use file descriptors instead, because if someone changes the link, the file descriptor will still point to the same file;
      • Unsafe: access, stat, lstat, chmod and chown;
      • Safe: fstat, fchmod and fchown;
    • Temporary files
      • Usually in a shared directory (e.g. /tmp);
      • Typical attack: privileged program checks if a file exists in /tmp; attacker races to create a link with the same name, to some file (e.g. /etc/passwd); the privileged program opens the file, thinking it is the temporary file;
      • Unsafe: mktemp, tmpfile, tempnam, tempfile;
      • Safe: mkstemp, mkdtemp: atomically checks for the existence of the file, creates it and opens it;
      • Solutions: use long random names, or use safe calls like fopen;
    • Concurrency and reentrant functions
      • Solutions: locks, mutexes, semaphores, transactions, etc;
      • Problems:
        • Deadlocks: two processes are waiting for each other;
        • Starvation: a process is always waiting for the lock;
        • Race conditions: two processes are trying to access the same resource;
      • Reentrancy: a function that it works correctly even if its thread is interrupted by another thread, that calls the same function;
      • Use signals and servlets (in Java).

Web Vulnerabilities

  • XML Injection: attacker injects XML code into the application;
  • PHP Injection: attacker injects PHP code into the application;
    • eval function is vulnerable to PHP injection, allowing to execute arbitrary code;
  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS): allows an attacker to execute scripts in the victims browser; the victim trusts the website;
    • Reflected XSS (non-persistent): page reflects user supplied data; injected by the server
      • E.g. an application that searches for a product, and the search term is reflected in the page;
      • Could be used to steal cookies (unless they are HTTPOnly, which prevents JavaScript from accessing them);
      • To obfuscate the script, the attacker can use URL encoding;
    • Stored XSS (persistent): hostile data is stored in a database/file/etc and is later sent to the victim's browser;
      • E.g. blog applications, forums, etc;
    • DOM-based XSS: manipulates JavaScript code and attributes instead of HMTL;
      • E.g. document.write function;
    • Scripts do not have to be inside <script> tags; they can be in onload, onerror, onmouseover, etc;
    • CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed) Injection: similar to reflected XSS, but injection is in the response header (in reflected XSS is in the response body)
      • Attacker inserts a CR and a LF in the header, to inject a new header, creating a new header field, or a second response (HTTP response splitting);
      • Similarly to reflected XSS, attacker sends victim a URL of a vulnerable website;
      • Typical on pages that perform redirects, making the browser believe that the second response comes from the redirection;
      • %0D%0A is the URL encoded version of CR and LF;
    • Protection against XSS:
      • Input validation: validate the input data;
      • Output encoding: encode the output data;
      • Content Security Policy (CSP): a header that tells the browser what resources are allowed to be loaded;
        • script-src <source>; allows scripts from <source> and disables inline scripts;
        • script-src unsafe-inline; allows inline scripts;
        • script-src 'nonce-<nonce>'; allows scripts with a specific nonce: <script nonce="<nonce>">;
    • Session hijacking: attacker steals the session cookie and uses it to impersonate the victim;
      • Solution: IDs have to be unpredictable and have an expiration time;
  • Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF): attacker tricks the victim into performing actions on a website without their consent;
    • E.g. victim is logged in a bank website, and the attacker sends a link to a malicious website, with a script that calls the bank website to transfer money; the browser will execute the script automatically;
    • Protection: use CSRF tokens: a token that is sent with the request, and the server checks if the token is valid;
  • Direct Object Reference: attacker manipulates the URL to access unauthorized data;
    • E.g. a URL like allows the attacker to change the id parameter to access other users;
    • Solution: never expose object references;
  • Failure to Restrict URL Access: some pages are "protected" by being inaccessible from the normal web tree, but are still accessible by changing the URL;
    • Solution: use access control.

Database Vulnerabilities

  • SQLi (SQL Injection): attacker injects SQL queries into the application;
    • Caused by concatenation of user input with SQL queries;
    • Tautologies: inject a condition that is always true;
      • E.g. SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'admin' OR 1=1; -- (with a space in the end) will return all users;
    • Union query: injects a UNION query to retrieve data from another table;
      • E.g. SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'admin' UNION SELECT * FROM credit_cards; -- ;
    • Piggy-backed queries: injects a second query after the first one;
      • E.g. SELECT * FROM users; DROP TABLE users; -- ;
    • Stored procedures are also vulnerable to SQLi;
    • To get the names of the user tables, it can use SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U';;
      • sysobjects is a table that contains information about the database objects in MySQL;
  • Inference: for DBs that do not return data, the attacker attempts to infer the data by observing the behavior of the application;
    • Blind injection: information is inferred by asking true/false questions;
    • Timing attacks: information is inferred from the response time of the application;
      • Usually inject a branch with WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5' to delay the response;
  • Injection mechanisms:
    • 1st order: the injected data is used in the same query:
      • GET/POST inputs, cookies, headers, etc;
    • 2nd order: the injected data is stored in the DB and used later:
      • E.g. register a user with a malicious name, and then the name is used in a query;
  • Preventing SQLi:
    • Prepared statements: the query is sent to the DBMS and then the data is sent;
    • Input validation;
    • Input sanitization.

Validation and Encoding

  • Validation: ensure that an input satisfies its:
    • Syntax: the input is well-formed;
    • Length;
    • Type;
  • Where validation should be done:
    • 1st principle - validate whenever data crosses a trust boundary;
    • 2nd principle - there has to be a small set of well defined chokepoints where validation is done;
  • Data validation strategies:
    • Whitelist validation: only allow known good data;
    • Blacklist validation: only block known bad data - not recommended - violated principle of fail-safe defaults (if the blacklist is incomplete, the system is vulnerable);
    • Sanitize: remove or escape dangerous characters;
    • Regular expressions are a good way to validate data;
  • Metacharacter evasion: attacker tries to foul filters by encoding characters;
    • Can be solved by doing canonicalization (convert the input to a standard form);
    • E.g. delete can be encoded as d%65lete, but if the input is canonicalized, it will be converted to delete;
  • Encoding: convert data to a format that is safe to use in a specific context;
    • ASCII encoding: convert characters to their ASCII code; uses 8 bits;
    • UTF-8 encoding: 8-bit encoding of Unicode characters;
    • URL encoding: convert characters to their hexadecimal ASCII code, preceded by %; used in URLs;
    • HTML encoding: convert characters to their HTML entity; used in HTML;
  • What decodings do we need to do for validation?
    • **Do before validation the same decodings the application/interpreter might do after **Validation**;
    • Also, in the same order;
  • Sanitization/Encoding: neutralized the dangerous characters;
    • For example, to prevent XSS, perform input validation (throw away bad data) and output encoding (encode the output data, e.g. add quotes);

Buffer Overflows

  • Buffer Overflow (BO): a condition where a program writes more data to a buffer than it can hold;
  • Protection:
    • Always do bound checking;
    • In C, never use gets;
  • Stack overflows:
    • Stack smashing: attacker overwrites the stack content (local vars, return address, etc);
    • Code injection: attacker injects shell code in the stack;
    • Arc injection (or return-to-libc): attacker injects the address of a function in the stack;
    • Pointer subterfuge: attacker overwrites a pointer to point to a different location;
      • Function-pointer clobbering: modify a function pointer to point to a different function;
      • Data-pointer modification: modify address to assign data;
      • Exception handler hijacking: modify the exception handler to point to a different handler;
      • Virtual pointer smashing;
    • Return-Oriented Programming (ROP):
      • ROP gadgets: small pieces of code that end with a ret instruction;
      • ROP chain: a sequence of ROP gadgets;
      • ROP attack: attacker creates a ROP chain to execute arbitrary code;
  • Integer overflows:
    • Overflow: result of expression exceeds maximum value of the type;
    • Underflow: result of expression is less than the minimum value of the type;
    • Signedness error: when a signed value is treated as unsigned;
    • Truncation: when a value is truncated to fit in a smaller type;
  • Heap overflows: modify the heap data structures.

Input Validation and Format String Vulnerabilities

  • Never trust input;
  • Metadata can be represented:
    • In-band: as part of the data; e.g. strings in C (a string is a sequence of characters followed by a null byte);
      • Use metacharacters to represent metadata;
    • Out-of-band: separated from the data; e.g. length in Java;
    • Typical attacks using metachars:
      • Embedded delimiters: attacker inserts a delimiter to break the data;
        • E.g. ; in SQLi;
      • NUL character injection: inserts a null byte to truncate the data;
        • E.g. in C, strings are null-terminated;
      • Separator injection: inserts a separator to allow command injection;
  • Format string vulnerabilities:
    • Used in C in functions of the families printf, err, syslog, etc;
    • If the format string is user-controlled, the attacker can read/write memory;
    • The solution is to use printf("%s", str) instead of printf(str);
    • By using %x, the attacker can read 4 bytes of the stack;
    • To write to memory, the attacker can use %n, which writes the number of bytes printed so far;
      • We can insert several pairs of address/%n to write to several addresses;
    • %Nx pads bytes printed so far to N bytes;
      • %N$n writes the Nth argument; e.g. %3$n writes to the 3rd argument.

Dynamic Protection

  • Block attacks that may exploit existing vulnerabilities;
  • Canaries: a random value placed before the return address in the stack;
    • If the canary is modified, the program will exit;
    • StackGuard is a compiler that inserts canaries in the stack;
    • Detects stack smashing attacks, but do not detect BO attacks that modify local variables, because they are above the canary;
    • A solution to this is to reorder the stack variables: put the local variables after the buffer - this way the buffer overflow will not overwrite them;
    • Function arguments can also be overwritten by a buffer overflow, and the canary will only detect the BO after the function runs;
      • To protect them, we can copy the arguments to the top of the stack, after the buffer;
  • Non-executable stack and heap:
    • Many BO attacks involve injecting shell code in the stack/heap;
    • Solution: mark these memory pages as non-executable (NX);
  • Randomization and obfuscation:
    • Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR): randomizes the memory layout of the program, in runtime;
      • Does not prevent, but makes it harder to exploit BO vulnerabilities;
      • Not effective for BOs that take advantage of local variables;
    • Instruction set randomization: code injection would be almost impossible if each computer has its own random instruction set;
      • A more practical case: in SQl, an application can add a key to each SQL command and operator to prevent code injection;
    • Function pointer obfuscation: the idea is to XOR the function pointer with a random value (a secret);
  • Integrity verification
    • SEH (Structured Exception Handling): a mechanism in Windows to handle exceptions; when an exception occurs, the OS looks for an exception handler in a list; the attacker can overwrite the list with a malicious handler;
      • SafeSEH: a mechanism that checks if the exception handler is valid;
    • Array bound checking: check if the index is within the bounds of the array;
    • Control-flow integrity: whenever a function is called, the return address is stored in a GlobalRetStack; when the function returns, the return address is checked against the GlobalRetStack;
      • It has a limit of entries;
  • Filtering:
    • WAF (Web Application Firewall): a firewall that filters HTTP requests.