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File metadata and controls

190 lines (146 loc) · 7.74 KB

Managing Schema Using the Command Line Interface


java -jar documentdb-jdbc-<version>.jar [-g | -r | -l | -b | -e <[table-name[,...]]> | -i <file-name>]
        -s <host-name> -d <database-name> -u <user-name> [-p <password>] [-t] [-a]
        [-n <schema-name>] [-m <method>] [-x <max-documents>] [-o <file-name>]
        [-h] [--version]

Command Options

The command options specify which function the interface should perform. Exactly one of the command options must be provided.

Option Description
Generates a new schema for the database. This will have the effect of replacing an existing schema of the same name, if it exists.
--export <[table-name[,...]]>
Exports the schema to for SQL tables named [<table-name>[,<table-name>[…]]]. If no <table-name> are given, all table schema will be exported. By default, the schema is written to stdout. Use the -o option to write to a file. The output format is JSON.
--import <file-name>
Imports the schema from <file-name> in your home directory. The schema will be imported using the <schema-name> and a new version will be added - replacing the existing schema. The expected input format is JSON.
Lists the schema names, version and table names available in the schema repository.
Lists the SQL table names in a schema.
Removes the schema from storage for schema given by -n <schema-name>, or for schema _default, if not provided.

Connection Options

The connection options provide the settings needed to connect to your Amazon DocumentDB cluster.

Option Description Default
--server <host-name>
The hostname and optional port number (default: 27017) in the format hostname[:port]. (required)
--database <database-name>
The name of the database for the schema operations. (required)
--user <user-name>
The name of the user performing the schema operations. Note: the user will require readWrite role on the <database-name> where the schema are stored if creating or modifying schema. (required)
--password <password>
The password for the user performing the schema operations. If this option is not provided, the end-user will be prompted to enter the password directly on the command line. (optional)
The indicator of whether to use TLS encryption when connecting to DocumentDB. (optional) false
The indicator of whether to allow invalid hostnames when connecting to DocumentDB. (optional) false

Schema Options

The schema options provide the setting to override default behavior for schema management.

Option Description Default
--schema-name <schema-name>
The name of the schema. (optional) _default
--scan-method <method>
The scan method to sample documents from the collections. One of: random, idForward, idReverse, or all. Used in conjunction with the --generate-new command. (optional) random
--scan-limit <max-documents>
The maximum number of documents to sample in each collection. Used in conjunction with the --generate-new command. (optional) 1000
--output <file-name>
Write the exported schema to <file-name> in your home directory (instead of stdout). This will overwrite any existing file with the same name stdout

Miscellaneous Options

The miscellaneous options provide more information about this interface.

Option Description
Prints the command line syntax. (optional)
--version Prints the version number of the command. (optional)


The examples below are for a user ajones connecting to the database test using version 1.0.0 of the driver (documentdb-jdbc-1.0.0-all.jar) on their local machine with port forwarding on localhost:27017 to a DocumentDB cluster which is TLS-enabled.

Generate Schema using Default Schema Name

> java -jar documentdb-jdbc-1.0.0-all.jar --generate-new \
        --server localhost:27017 --database test -u ajones --tls --tls-allow-invalid-hostnames

New schema '_default', version '1' generated.

Generate Schema using Custom Schema Name

> java -jar documentdb-jdbc-1.0.0-all.jar --generate-new --schema-name=products \
        --server localhost:27017 --database test -u ajones --tls --tls-allow-invalid-hostnames

New schema 'products', version '1' generated.

Removing Custom Schema

> java -jar documentdb-jdbc-1.0.0-all.jar --remove --schema-name=products \
        --server localhost:27017 --database test -u ajones --tls --tls-allow-invalid-hostnames

Removed schema 'products'.

Password as Option

> java -jar documentdb-jdbc-1.0.0-all.jar --generate-new \
        --server localhost:27017 --database test -u ajones -p secret --tls --tls-allow-invalid-hostnames

New schema '_default', version '2' generated.

Listing Schema

> java -jar documentdb-jdbc-1.0.0-all.jar --list-schema \
        --server localhost:27017 --database test -u ajones -p secret --tls --tls-allow-invalid-hostnames

Name=_default, Version=1, SQL Name=test, Modified=2021-06-01T10:35:08-07:00

Listing Table Schema

> java -jar documentdb-jdbc-1.0.0-all.jar --list-tables \
        --server localhost:27017 --database test -u ajones -p secret --tls --tls-allow-invalid-hostnames


Exporting Schema to Stdout

> java -jar documentdb-jdbc-1.0.0-all.jar --export=products,products_for \
        --server localhost:27017 --database test -u ajones -p secret --tls --tls-allow-invalid-hostnames

[ {
  sqlName : products,
  collectionName : products,
  columns : [ {
    fieldPath : _id,
    sqlName : products__id,
    sqlType : varchar,
    dbType : object_id,
    isPrimaryKey : true
  }, {
    fieldPath : fieldDouble,
    sqlName : fieldDouble,
    sqlType : double,
    dbType : double
  }, {
} ]

Exporting Schema to File

> java -jar documentdb-jdbc-1.0.0-all.jar --export=products,products_for -o "sql-schema.json" \
        --server localhost:27017 --database test -u ajones -p secret --tls --tls-allow-invalid-hostnames
> cd ~
> cat sql-schema.json
[ {
  sqlName : products,
  collectionName : products,
  columns : [ {
    fieldPath : _id,
    sqlName : products__id,
    sqlType : varchar,
    dbType : object_id,
    isPrimaryKey : true
  }, {
    fieldPath : fieldDouble,
    sqlName : fieldDouble,
    sqlType : double,
    dbType : double
  }, {
} ]

Importing Schema

> java -jar documentdb-jdbc-1.0.0-all.jar --import=sql-schema.json \
        --server localhost:27017 --database test -u ajones -p secret --tls --tls-allow-invalid-hostnames