Service layer is an architectural pattern, applied within the service-orientation design paradigm, which aims to organize the services, within a service inventory, into a set of logical layers. Services that are categorized into a particular layer share functionality. This helps to reduce the conceptual overhead related to managing the service inventory, as the services belonging to the same layer address a smaller set of activities.
More details: Wiki
Service Layer is an abstraction over domain logic. It defines application's boundary with a layer of services that establishes a set of available operations and coordinates the application's response in each operation.
Bellow you can see a code snippet of the pattern.
require_once '../../tests/bootstrap.php';
use Application\Converters\EntityConverter;
use Application\Entities\ProductEntity;
use Application\Services\V1\Product\CreateProductService;
use Application\ValueObjects\ProductValueObject;
$container = new Application\Application(APP_ROOT);
$pencilData = file_get_contents(APP_ROOT . '/samples/common/entities/pencil.product.json');
$pencilVo = new ProductValueObject(json_decode($pencilData, true));
$entityConverter = new EntityConverter(ProductEntity::class);
$createService = new CreateProductService($container);
$entity = null;
$result = false;
if ($createService->validate()) {
$result = $createService->execute();
/** @var ProductEntity $entity */
$entity = $createService->getEntity();
if ($result) {
$id = $entity->id;
$uuid = $entity->uuid;
$name = $entity->name;
$description = $entity->description;
print("product created: $id $uuid" . PHP_EOL);
print("product name: $name" . PHP_EOL);
print("product description: $description" . PHP_EOL);
} else {
$exception = $createService->getException();
if ($exception) {
print($exception->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);
Obs: You can run it, executing the project clone.
Example of output:
product created: 1 fecfddd9-7cb8-413b-9de3-ec86de30a888
product name: Common Pencil
product description: Common Pencil description
Bellow you can see a code snippet of the pattern.